Sting in Shreveport

tabbitha's Avatar
I'm sorry I meant to say they think they have something on me but there's no way possible that they do
tabbitha's Avatar
A bond that no bail bondsman with touch paid out of pocket over a grand and sat there for days and days while they treated me so horribly in the mental ward for taking Zoloft that's absurd
DallasRain's Avatar
It is scarey times.

I used to give ref checks out..and If i hadnt seen them in over a year I would let the gal know that it had been over a year and that when he saw me he was cool..but that it HAD been over a she might wanna get more recent ref.

I will now only be giving ref checks out on gents I have been in very frequent contact and see regularlrly..or gents I have seen withen last 6 monthes.

Im glad I didnt come to shreveport then!
I would just like to add I know Tabbitha and she can be trusted. She is a good provider and would not turn on anyone. I suspect that is why they treated her so unprofessional.
I wish I had known in time to warn everyone but just did not happen.
They tried to get a fairly new provider that I happened to be visiting at the time but she did not go for it. I try to give help when I can as if you cannot confirm them within a few days or weeks stay away.
DallasRain's Avatar
Tabitha is reputable..tabitha. im so sorry that happened to you
tabbitha's Avatar
I don't know what i was thinking. I was not thinking. I knew better...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I don't know what i was thinking. I was not thinking. I knew better... Originally Posted by tabbitha
Don't be so hard on yourself.

We have all had unsettling things happen to us. Those that say otherwise are generally not being truthful, whether an arrest or worse.

Sounds like they were just horrible to you. So sorry that happened.

Even though I'm not a Shreveport person, I've had an interest in Shreveport for years and it's always had a bad reputation for arresting sex workers.

No harm in just saying it. Times are getting tougher and more ... strained for us.

DallasRain's Avatar
Yea miss T...i am truely are a reputable gal and just happened to get caught up in a tricky situation.
Most of us have been in same happens..we just dust out shoes off and carry on best we can...hugs to you!
cooler62's Avatar
Sorry you couldn't cum to Shreveport, Dallas Rain. The scenario we had planned would've rocked! You were my first true intro into this world many years ago and so grateful it was you. Much Love, Wild Woman!!
Also with all this going on and then you have certain men Threatening to out me because I won’t see him because I was told that he was part of the sting I won’t give him information of another woman he met me with all the way down to going through my Facebook and convince that one girl on my Facebook is the girl that he’s met which isn’t true at all! Not to mention any names!. Bragging about how easy it was to find me and what a shame it would be to out me to all my friends on Facebook! However can’t report things like this unless it is in a PM so how does that help keep any of us safe? So therefore you won’t catch me anywhere considering one of the compromised accounts and By compromised I mean accounts turned over to the law by a guy who ratted and I’ve seen for months and months and months! It’s just it’s hard for us to trust men that we thought we developed a bond and a trustworthy relationship with as it is for you guys to trust us!’ I don’t know how there could be a safe way to Hobby in this area anymore?
Damnitahell! Just DAMNITAHELL! Sounds to me like some dipshit fucktard dickhead has done fucked ME! And I ain’t no damn queer! Or no provider either.
I been trying for a damn year to get my infrequent window open when Blair is about. And now it sure sounds like she is gone under and rightfully so. What andipshit. I hope you get what’s comin to ya whoever you are!
Good job prickface.
That’s because they were luring women in from across state lines to charge Felonise
Dont forget about the new wire tapping law that was passed in Dec 2018 aimed at escorts and johns.... Everyone also can say Thank You to the Hunt sisters Swanee and Helen Hunt for alot of the war against sex industry.
ETG...I beleive you are more right than wrong. Providers can roll over, but in actuality hobbiest's have way more to lose and I believe do it more often than we'd like to admit.
Just my 0.02
MM Originally Posted by MuffinMan
I remember someone told me at a seminar that sometimes the best client can become the worse client. He even said that sometimes the guy that has never been arrested are the ones that will fold faster then anyone else. A guy that gets arrested maybe facing losing his 410k, second home, wife, career etc so what will he do but make a deal. Yes ladies have alot to lose also but just the thought of a guy not having his living hood and everything he worked for and his life can make him fold.
sloop3's Avatar
well shit, if I wasn’t paranoid before than I sure as hell am now.