Now Shut Up and Listen to Rudy

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  • WTF
  • 11-15-2019, 07:11 PM
Rudy and John Solomon are already working on the story. Do you want them to get to the bottom of it? Yes or no?

And once again you're missing the bigger point. Hunter got the Burisma job solely because his dad was the Veep. Ukraine was buying access and influence. Why else would they hire a recovering cocaine addict who was dishonorably discharged from the US Navy and knows nothing about energy or Ukraine?

If you still want to defend this arrangement and argue it's NOT a scandal, then you should be just as comfy letting little donny and eric and ivanka trot around the globe snatching up board memberships with every firm that offers them a seat at the table! I'm sure there are plenty of foreign companies interested in adding a Presidential kiddie to their roster! Pays well, no experience necessary!

But stick to your double standard. Without it, you would have no standards at all lol.

For dim-retards, it's nothing wrong, nothing to see here, move along folks. For Republicans, it's omg what a fucking scandal any time those trump kids earn a dime it's because they're cashing in on their daddy being President even if they merely run the same businesses they started up years ago! Originally Posted by lustylad
While I think it should be against the unfortunately is not.

What you have failed to show is where Joe helped Hunters company for personal gain.

Trump asked for another country to basically help his 2020 election.

Trump released the transcript of his April call and nary a word about the Bidens or corruption. Joe had not entered the race yet.

However by July Joe was leading Trump by huge margins and lo and behold the next call with Ukraine in July Trump has put a hold on arms and wants the Bidens investigated.


Please go do some research on this subject matter....please note the timelines. Stay away from any research coming from Area 51
bambino's Avatar
While I think it should be against the unfortunately is not.

What you have failed to show is where Joe helped Hunters company for personal gain.

Trump asked for another country to basically help his 2020 election.

Trump released the transcript of his April call and nary a word about the Bidens or corruption. Joe had not entered the race yet.

However by July Joe was leading Trump by huge margins and lo and behold the next call with Ukraine in July Trump has put a hold on arms and wants the Bidens investigated.


Please go do some research on this subject matter....please note the timelines. Stay away from any research coming from Area 51 Originally Posted by WTF
What you fail to realize is Hunter wouldn’t have got the gig if his name wasn’t Biden. Even he admitted it on national TV!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
What you fail to realize .... Originally Posted by bambino
WTF doesn't "fail" he intentionally ignores reality.

Contained in the 2017 act are discretionary provisions AUTHORIZING the administration to conditionally provide foreign aid/military assistance. Dealings with the Ukraine or any other foreign country is a function of the POTUS. Ambassadors and other State Department employees do not set foreign policy. The POTUS does. Withholding authorized funds conditioned on compliance with requests to clean up corruption is hardly "bribery" .... and if it is .... Obaminable on back had better start lawyering up.

(September 3, 2019)
In a letter sent Tuesday to acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, the leaders of the Senate’s bipartisan Ukraine Caucus expressed “deep concerns” as the Trump administration evaluates the aid package.

Vice President Mike Pence, a day earlier in Warsaw, Poland, voiced U.S. support for Ukraine and condemned Russia’s “illegal occupation of Crimea and Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine.” But Pence also expressed concerns about Ukraine’s corruption problems and seemed to confirm that President Donald Trump asked that the aid package be reviewed.

“I mean, to invest additional taxpayer in Ukraine, the president wants to be assured that those resources are truly making their way to the kind of investments that will contribute to security and stability in Ukraine,” Pence told reporters. “And that’s an expectation the American people have and the president has expressed very clearly.”

Pence said that when he and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met in Warsaw, they discussed America’s support for Ukraine and “the upcoming decision the president will make on the latest tranche of financial support, in great detail.”
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Funny how fast the "Nazis " come up Originally Posted by rexdutchman

and its a slur word.
  • oeb11
  • 11-16-2019, 08:22 AM
liar, , nazi, ydkys - typical when the DPDT's themselves realize their arguments won't hold water.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Liar is usually something that can be proved. If I use the term I provide proof.

Both rudi and solomon are questionable sources.

"Vindman Burns Trump Booster John Solomon: ‘All the Key Elements’ of His Reporting ‘Were False’"

"Impeachment witness transcripts released Friday revealed that right-wing journalist John Solomon’s outsized role in jumpstarting Trumpworld’s Ukraine narrative was based on lies and false information."

The key here is this taken from sworn testimony. rudi won't be testifying. Wonder if they will call solomon?

liar, , nazi, ydkys - typical when the DPDT's themselves realize their arguments won't hold water. Originally Posted by oeb11
I B Hankering's Avatar
Liar is usually something that can be proved. If I use the term I provide proof.

Both rudi and solomon are questionable sources.

"Vindman Burns Trump Booster John Solomon: ‘All the Key Elements’ of His Reporting ‘Were False’"

"Impeachment witness transcripts released Friday revealed that right-wing journalist John Solomon’s outsized role in jumpstarting Trumpworld’s Ukraine narrative was based on lies and false information."

The key here is this taken from sworn testimony. rudi won't be testifying. Wonder if they will call solomon?

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Your liar is Vindman who lyingly claimed Odumbo gave Ukraine lethal weapons. Your sources suck like you.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-16-2019, 09:27 AM
What you fail to realize is Hunter wouldn’t have got the gig if his name wasn’t Biden. Even he admitted it on national TV!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
You think Melania would have married Donald if his name wasn't Trump $$$$$

What fist you been hiding under?

That is how the world works.

Trump threw the Kurds to Turkey because of his Towers in Turkey.

You think lusty would have gotten a on at the Glory Holes without your influence?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-16-2019, 09:32 AM
. The POTUS does. Withholding authorized funds conditioned on compliance with requests to clean up corruption is hardly "bribery" ....

/ Originally Posted by LexusLover
You lying Russian 'comrade'.....The President can not with hold funds to get another country to make up lies about his political opponent.

That is what Trump tried to do....and when he got caught....he released the funds immediately.

  • oeb11
  • 11-16-2019, 09:43 AM
Still hung up on Russian collusion - and ignores Obama and Biden and their corruption!!!
Typical DPST!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-16-2019, 09:49 AM
Still hung up on Russian collusion - and ignores Obama and Biden and their corruption!!!
Typical DPST!
lol Originally Posted by oeb11
Your witty banter is amazingly bland.

lustylad's Avatar
Liar is usually something that can be proved. If I use the term I provide proof.

Both rudi and solomon are questionable sources.

"Vindman Burns Trump Booster John Solomon: ‘All the Key Elements’ of His Reporting ‘Were False’"

"Impeachment witness transcripts released Friday revealed that right-wing journalist John Solomon’s outsized role in jumpstarting Trumpworld’s Ukraine narrative was based on lies and false information."

The key here is this taken from sworn testimony. rudi won't be testifying. Wonder if they will call solomon?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Get real. You lie all the time. Then you run and hide behind verbose WaPo propaganda pieces and call it "proof". You call opinions facts and facts opinions. You call someone a liar if you don't like his spin and a factual truth-teller if you like his bias. Up is down and down is up with you. Unlike Alice, you didn't fall down the rabbit hole, you were born in it.

John Solomon is a REAL journalist who knows the diff between facts and smears and how to choose his words carefully. Unlike you, he knows what "proof" means.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-16-2019, 12:26 PM

John Solomon is a REAL journalist who knows the diff between facts and smears and how to choose his words carefully. Unlike you, he knows what "proof" means.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Solomon got this story wrong....

  • oeb11
  • 11-16-2019, 01:40 PM
Get an audiogram and get the hearing fixed - but cannot change what goes on behind the eyes and between the ears.

such a waste, DPST's
Munchmasterman's Avatar
And as usual, no examples.

If I lied all the time, even someone such as yourself could provide examples or "proof" of their bullshit. But you're unable to. You're a yap dog.
I really like your non-reading self's claim I'm hiding behind the links I include that show where the information I used comes from. You've bitched numerous times the articles are too long. If you want the cliff notes to these stories then get them yourself. Just because trump's thoughts can be put in a tweet or two.....oh that's right. trump hates to read too.

As usual, you run your mouth and come up empty. Rudi is all over the place and he won't testify under oath. My link shows that in sworn testimony your buttboy was called a liar. You can't refute that or show anything that contradicts that testimony.
So you get mad.

If you ever read outside your laughable scope, you would see many of his former coworkers are pissed at him for various reasons.

So now you stomp your foot, stick out that huge lower lip, and prove me wrong by.......projecting your actions at me?
Maybe if you could ever show proof, examples, or whatever term is acceptable to you today we could discuss it. But that would prove you wrong.

As one of the leading ad hominem posters on this site (this post towards me is a good example), you should understand why I include links. But you don't. You see me posting as a personal attack on you if I disagree with you. But you know I don't give a flying fuck if it hurts your feelings or not.

So squeegee off your monitor and prove your idiotic rant is something other than a rant.

Face the fact trump will be impeached. If you don't like what I say then ignore me.

PS I've noticed the fact you don't call out anybody who continually posts debunked storylines. Like wacko and double pull double throw man do. A good indicator of your character.
Get real. You lie all the time. Then you run and hide behind verbose WaPo propaganda pieces and call it "proof". You call opinions facts and facts opinions. You call someone a liar if you don't like his spin and a factual truth-teller if you like his bias. Up is down and down is up with you. Unlike Alice, you didn't fall down the rabbit hole, you were born in it.

John Solomon is a REAL journalist who knows the diff between facts and smears and how to choose his words carefully. Unlike you, he knows what "proof" means.
Originally Posted by lustylad