They voted Dem, now they support Trump

HedonistForever's Avatar
One of the most elementary and simple minded analysis I've ever read. Hahaha and you got there idiots here cheering you on. Hahahaha Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

And he tells me my writing is elementary.

I'm thinking you need analysis.

Let me guess what set you off and inspired your little tantrum. Could it have been this comment by me?

Democrats are hell bent on adding millions more un-skilled workers in an age when manual labor is going the way of the horse and buggy
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And he tells me my writing is elementary.

I'm thinking you need analysis.

Let me guess what set you off and inspired your little tantrum. Could it have been this comment by me?

Democrats are hell bent on adding millions more un-skilled workers in an age when manual labor is going the way of the horse and buggy Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I have to disagree with your statement highlighted in blue. Certainly there is a shortage for skilled workers in this country but also for unskilled workers. Yes, jobs requiring manual labor are decreasing but jobs for unskilled workers are still plentiful with very few to fill them.

"The US is experiencing a widespread worker shortage. Here’s why."

The Department of Labor estimates that half of the jobs created in the next five years will require no more than a high school education.

In 1960 half of all American men dropped out of high school to look for unskilled work. Today only 10% do.
50% of all the new jobs created in the last decade were filled by foreign-born workers.

A Pew Study highlights the crisis:

Annual need for unskilled foreign workers: 500,000.
Visas issued annually to year-round unskilled workers: 5,000.
Losing immigrant labor would be devastating for the U.S. economy – for American businesses and the Americans who work for them.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I have to disagree with your statement highlighted in blue. Certainly there is a shortage for skilled workers in this country but also for unskilled workers. Yes, jobs requiring manual labor are decreasing but jobs for unskilled workers are still plentiful with very few to fill them.

"The US is experiencing a widespread worker shortage. Here’s why."

The Department of Labor estimates that half of the jobs created in the next five years will require no more than a high school education.

In 1960 half of all American men dropped out of high school to look for unskilled work. Today only 10% do.
50% of all the new jobs created in the last decade were filled by foreign-born workers.

A Pew Study highlights the crisis:

Annual need for unskilled foreign workers: 500,000.
Visas issued annually to year-round unskilled workers: 5,000.
Losing immigrant labor would be devastating for the U.S. economy – for American businesses and the Americans who work for them. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

First lets draw a line between legal and illegal immigration. I have no problem with a more robust guest worker program and I think if Democrats and Republicans weren't so locked into their respective corners, this could be easily worked out. With a guest worker program in place we could set the number of entrees to the number needed instead of needing 100,000 in total and getting that every single month at the border.

Border Patrol officers encountered more than 144,000 undocumented immigrants at the southwest border in May

May marked the third month in a row that more than 100,000 immigrants were taken into custody at the border amid a surge of migrants heading north in large groups from the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

So if we only needed 100,000 and got 300,000 is that the solution to have 200,000 people in the parking lot of Home Depot looking for day labor? I read that the average level of education is about 6th grade.

The Department of Labor estimates that half of the jobs created in the next five years will require no more than a high school education.

So, what if they don't have a high school education and can't handle these jobs requiring a high school education? And what happens in 10 to 20 years when literally everybody will need specialized training and just having a high school education won't cut it? Have you been in a Burger King or other fast food restaurant lately? A high school education much less a 6th grade education won't help much getting a counter job to take orders when you are met when entering with a computer kiosk to place your order and machines in the make are making the orders.

47% of jobs will vanish in the next 25 years, say Oxford University researchers

“No government is prepared,” The Economist reports.

But instead of a pro-job growth future, economists across the board predict further losses as AI, robotics, and other technologies continue to be ushered in.

Not only is the entire concept of employment about to change in a dramatic fashion, the trend is irreversible.

By 2034, just a few decades, mid-level jobs will be by and large obsolete.

So what will all these millions of people be doing after the 5 years your article talks about? That's what I'm talking about. We must start working on a plan to only allow those necessary and for only a time necessary.

Losing immigrant labor would be devastating for the U.S. economy

And the opposite could also be true that having to many immigrant laborers un-equipped for the future jobs market could be devastating to our economy.

It comes down to this, how many immigrants is to many? Anybody have an answer to that or is the number un-limited? That we can absorb any number of people that show up at the border. Surely you don't believe that to be true and yet we have near universal agreement among Democrats that everybody that shows up is welcome and they will get free health care, a free education and a guaranteed job even if the job isn't necessary because after all, everybody needs a pay check right?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
First lets draw a line between legal and illegal immigration. I have no problem with a more robust guest worker program and I think if Democrats and Republicans weren't so locked into their respective corners, this could be easily worked out. With a guest worker program in place we could set the number of entrees to the number needed instead of needing 100,000 in total and getting that every single month at the border.

So if we only needed 100,000 and got 300,000 is that the solution to have 200,000 people in the parking lot of Home Depot looking for day labor? I read that the average level of education is about 6th grade.

The Department of Labor estimates that half of the jobs created in the next five years will require no more than a high school education.

So, what if they don't have a high school education and can't handle these jobs requiring a high school education? And what happens in 10 to 20 years when literally everybody will need specialized training and just having a high school education won't cut it? Have you been in a Burger King or other fast food restaurant lately? A high school education much less a 6th grade education won't help much getting a counter job to take orders when you are met when entering with a computer kiosk to place your order and machines in the make are making the orders.

47% of jobs will vanish in the next 25 years, say Oxford University researchers

“No government is prepared,” The Economist reports.

But instead of a pro-job growth future, economists across the board predict further losses as AI, robotics, and other technologies continue to be ushered in.

Not only is the entire concept of employment about to change in a dramatic fashion, the trend is irreversible.

By 2034, just a few decades, mid-level jobs will be by and large obsolete.

So what will all these millions of people be doing after the 5 years your article talks about? That's what I'm talking about. We must start working on a plan to only allow those necessary and for only a time necessary.

Losing immigrant labor would be devastating for the U.S. economy

And the opposite could also be true that having to many immigrant laborers un-equipped for the future jobs market could be devastating to our economy.

It comes down to this, how many immigrants is to many? Anybody have an answer to that or is the number un-limited? That we can absorb any number of people that show up at the border. Surely you don't believe that to be true and yet we have near universal agreement among Democrats that everybody that shows up is welcome and they will get free health care, a free education and a guaranteed job even if the job isn't necessary because after all, everybody needs a pay check right?

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I am talking about LEGAL immigrants.

There will always be a need for unskilled labor. I belong to Gold's Gym and they can't find people to clean the place. I see help wanted signs in hotels, restaurants, Sam's Club, etc. begging for unskilled laborers. We currently have a drastic need for workers in the building trades. Easily learned skills. Yes, some jobs that are now being done by unskilled labor will be replaced but there will always be a need for unskilled labor.

You are predicting a future that will not exist -- one where there is no need for unskilled labor. When I post a link stating that "The Department of Labor estimates that half of the jobs created in the next five years will require no more than a high school education." you want to speculate on what the people filling those jobs tomorrow be doing after those 5 years. They will still be cleaning the gym, changing sheets in hotels, busing tables in restaurants, doing physical labor in home improvement stores, building homes, etc.

No, we should not allow everyone into this country that wants to enter do so. But we should also not bar everyone who is not educated, does not speak English, and does not have white collar job skills. The strength of our country has always been built by such immigrants.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-29-2019, 09:39 AM
I'll remind folks that the election is 11 months out and it is really stupid to speculate how the swing state voters will vote....

  • oeb11
  • 11-29-2019, 01:52 PM
Typical - everyone who speculates or debates the election issues is called "Stupid".

Usual DPST name-calling -try contributing something libertarian for a chamge.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I am talking about LEGAL immigrants.

I'm all for legal immigration when the numbers can be controlled. Controlling the numbers is my point.

There will always be a need for unskilled labor. I belong to Gold's Gym and they can't find people to clean the place. I see help wanted signs in hotels, restaurants, Sam's Club, etc. begging for unskilled laborers. We currently have a drastic need for workers in the building trades. Easily learned skills. Yes, some jobs that are now being done by unskilled labor will be replaced but there will always be a need for unskilled labor.

You are predicting a future that will not exist -- one where there is no need for unskilled labor. When I post a link stating that "The Department of Labor estimates that half of the jobs created in the next five years will require no more than a high school education." you want to speculate on what the people filling those jobs tomorrow be doing after those 5 years. They will still be cleaning the gym, changing sheets in hotels, busing tables in restaurants, doing physical labor in home improvement stores, building homes, etc.

No, we should not allow everyone into this country that wants to enter do so. But we should also not bar everyone who is not educated, does not speak English, and does not have white collar job skills. The strength of our country has always been built by such immigrants. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I never said there will never be a need for un-skilled labor merely a time very soon when that number will be less than it is today and again to my point, what happens when we need 500,000 un-skilled workers and we have a million a year show up at the border and Democrats like Warren and others say all are welcome and in Warren's case, she want's transgender illegals to go to the head of the line and they get free surgery. Wow! give the illegals another reason to claim asylum "I feel like a female, can I come in".

No, we should not allow everyone into this country that wants to enter do so.
So you won't be voting Democrat in 2020?

Again, we should have a good guest worker program but Democrats are adamantly against it. If we need workers, we should select them from a list of qualified people. Hell, let's put an employment office in Guatemala, Honduras etc. Let them apply for jobs, bring them in, sign a contract saying if you are no longer needed, your contract is up and you must return to the country of your birth. Americans lose their jobs all the time, why should it be any different for guest workers?

Again, here is what I would like you to address. If we need 500,000 guest workers, what do we do with the millions coming to our border that we don't need?
I've been saying since the election in 2016 that the 2020 election will most certainly come down to those 6 states. The Democratic candidate has to win Florida and one of the other 5 states or win 3 states other than Florida in order to win the electoral vote.

Impossible at this point in time to make any solid projections in my opinion. Polls are not any help at right now. Trump's approval ratings have gone up in the last couple of weeks but are still quite un a bit underwater in most of the battleground states.

Here are some views on the election. No clear winner in any of the projections. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You did start a thread about the unpopular Kentucky governor losing and the reflection on Trump in his appeal to the people and voting in general.
Now this information is being explained away by you as always.
You can't have it both ways that is unless you're...SPEED!!!

P.S. Still trying to figure out your political leanings...
HoeHummer's Avatar
Didn’t Trump openly support the loser? Hasn’t he had similar effect on other local levels elections? Just think how much better off your so-called society would be if half of yous weren’t always trying to make excuses for your poor choices? Yous lot sound like a bunch of whore mongers whom gots caught by their wife!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-30-2019, 09:07 AM
Typical - everyone who speculates or debates the election issues is called "Stupid".

Usual DPST name-calling -try contributing something libertarian for a chamge. Originally Posted by oeb11
It is stupid....

You are stupid....

Do you understand the difference.

It is stupid to speculate about an event that is 11 months out and one party hasn't even nominated a candidate.

Smart people can speculate about stupid things....and in your case stupid people can speculate about stupid things.

  • oeb11
  • 11-30-2019, 11:42 AM
Combining "Stupid" with hitler

The DPST wtf feels like it is on a roll. And makes it clear he is with the DPST ranks in their Anti-Semitic racism - joining TM and others. How does it "feel" to be so insecure as to require that "racism" to make one feel better about oneself. ????
Hmmmm - Racist!

laughable and pathetic
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-30-2019, 11:55 AM
Combining "Stupid" with hitler

The DPST wtf feels like it is on a roll. And makes it clear he is with the DPST ranks in their Anti-Semitic racism - joining TM and others. How does it "feel" to be so insecure as to require that "racism" to make one feel better about oneself. ????
Hmmmm - Racist!

laughable and pathetic Originally Posted by oeb11
Thank you valued poster
  • oeb11
  • 11-30-2019, 12:36 PM
Racist wtf!
You know what they call the second best military in the world? The loser. We spend more than the next ten nations because they are cowards. How much more evidence do you need to understand that.

If we don't have a better military than China, America can kiss it preeminence in the world goodby and we'll see how your kids if you have any appreciate that. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
That's all the justification one needs to keep behaving like imperialist war criminals.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That's all the justification one needs to keep behaving like imperialist war criminals. Originally Posted by andymarksman

if you say so, Nazi poster.