Due to a lack of African American Violence, Biden directing FDA to ban Menthol Cigarettes and Flavored Cigars

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Check your PMs, bud. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you might find this interesting that i did get a friendly missive from the mod squad today but it had nothing to do with the post that apparently so offended you

Waco Kid will post a lot of links. He just doesn't read what's in them. Originally Posted by adav8s28

the title says it all. it's "racist" to ban menthol cigs because the majority of people who smoke them are black. every link i posted said the same thing.

Biden is a racist!

bambino's Avatar
you might this this interesting that i did get a friendly missive from the mod squad today but it had nothing to do with the post that apparently so offended you

the title says it all. it's "racist" to ban menthol cigs because the majority of people who smoke them are black. every link i posted said the same thing.

Biden is a racist!

BAHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yssup is using “rude and insulting” a lot lately. I wonder why?
adav8s28's Avatar

the title says it all. it's "racist" to ban menthol cigs because the majority of people who smoke them are black. every link i posted said the same thing.

Biden is a racist!

BAHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
From your own link in post #38, a charity funded by Michael Bloomberg started the petition to the FDA to ban menthol cigs. It was NOT Joe Biden.

You should try to keep up with your own links.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yssup is using “rude and insulting” a lot lately. I wonder why? Originally Posted by bambino

generic terms and catchphrases overused become cliches
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
From your own link in post #38, a charity funded by Michael Bloomberg started the petition to the FDA to ban menthol cigs. It was NOT Joe Biden.

You should try to keep up with your own links. Originally Posted by adav8s28
is .. or is not ... Joe Biden .. advocating to ban menthol cigs?


Biden Administration Seeks Ban on Menthol Cigarettes


thank you valued poster
matchingmole's Avatar
This is not nearly as important as Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head....lol
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is not nearly as important as Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head....lol Originally Posted by matchingmole

if you say so
This is not nearly as important as Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head....lol Originally Posted by matchingmole
That's what makes Biden so stupid. Trump eliminated ISIS a Terrorist threat. Biden eliminated Dr. Seuss a book of fictional characters and Mr. Potato Head a plastic toy. Biden is the most useless incompetent President in History. The 80 million idiots that voted for this fool own all the stupid things he has done recently and in the future of his lame presidency.
adav8s28's Avatar
That's what makes Biden so stupid. Trump eliminated ISIS a Terrorist threat. Biden eliminated Dr. Seuss a book of fictional characters and Mr. Potato Head a plastic toy. Biden is the most useless incompetent President in History. The 80 million idiots that voted for this fool own all the stupid things he has done recently and in the future of his lame presidency. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Five of the six largest cities that the coalition forces captured from ISIS, happened under Obama. Most of the work to kick ISIS out was already done. You lie. If your other two heroes Bush43 and Dick Cheney had not invaded IRAQ, ISIS would not have gained control of any of their land. When ISIS invaded the Kurds, the Kurds kicked their butt and ISIS had to retreat. The other sects were divided because of the war with the USA and too weak to defend themselves against ISIS.
adav8s28's Avatar


Dissatisfied with the lack of rioting after the Chauvin verdict, the Biden Admin is now directing the FDA to ban menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars and cigarillos. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Your title is incorrect. The petition by a charity funded by Mike Bloomberg (former Mayor of NYC) asked the FDA to look into banning menthol CIGS before Biden was even elected. The FDA did their research and recommended that menthols be banned because it is harder to break the dependence. This did not come from Biden. See post #38. https://www.eccie.net/newreply.php?d...y&p=1062444192

Thank you valued poster.
Five of the six largest cities that the coalition forces captured from ISIS, happened under Obama. Most of the work to kick ISIS out was already done. You lie. If your other two heroes Bush43 and Dick Cheney had not invaded IRAQ, ISIS would not have gained control of any of their land. When ISIS invaded the Kurds, the Kurds kicked their butt and ISIS had to retreat. The other sects were divided because of the war with the USA and too weak to defend themselves against ISIS. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Oh fuck Obama. Under Trump ISIS seized to exist.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Check your PMs, bubs.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Oh fuck Obama. Under Trump ISIS seized to exist. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You lie! and it's spelled "ceased". Completely different words, and meanings.

Have a nice evening!