NCNS Encounter - Miss Macey Jewel

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MJewel's Avatar
MJewel's Avatar
This is insane!! This scam artist is telling me they have an offer for me? That they will give me $50 a day without any work!! After I text I AM THE REAL MACEY JEWEL! I am sorry ArkyLegend my Tryst was recently hacked and I had to get help for the 2 factor authentication. Which I now have. I am so sick to my stomach right now....
Hot Summer's Avatar
I'm so sorry you're dealing with this!
Hopefully it can all be taken care of and yes this platform is the roughest for genuine ladies!
It usually runs them off .
So just hang in there beautiful!
We are here to support you no matter what ❤
MJewel's Avatar
Thank you Hot Summer!!
CatMan4u's Avatar
Macey hot summer is right please hang in there
All of us clients aren't
f--- Ken jerks. At least I am not
I think the key is, for anyone that wants to see Macey, don’t pay a deposit and you are good to go.
CatMan4u's Avatar
I've been burnt by some very reputable providers when they decided to quit so I do NOT EVER ADVANCE money
  • AgFox
  • 08-22-2021, 09:20 AM
I saw Macey a while back. Had no problems and it was a great time. Im sorry this happened.
TimeToPlayDr's Avatar
I have been communicating with Macey and am fully convinced that what happened to ArkyLegend was purely the result of Macey's account getting hacked. She is the same dependable and above-board provider (who provides a fantastic experience, btw) she has always been.

Unfortunately both she and ArkyLegend were the victims of someone who was seeking to sabotage Macey, and I'm glad ArkyLegend was able to get his money back

When this was first reported it didn't make sense to me that a provider with a stellar reputation like Macey would scam anyone, knowing it would ruin her reputation and destroy her business - all for a measly $100. Now that I've had an extended conversation with her re' what happened I'm 100% certain it was not her, so I can say with confidence you can book with her and not get scammed.

Two things to note that she reconfirmed to me:
  • She never has and never will ask for a deposit (except in the case of an overnight encounter).
  • She prefers booking via email ( ), so use that method instead of texting.
I was fortunate enough to see Macey Jewel about 3 weeks ago, screening went smoothly and I can assure you that she is a very genuine, very caring, sincere provider that truly goes out of her way to make you feel comfortable. It was a very positive experience for
me and I am looking forward to seeing Macey Jewel again soon. Macey Jewel is a top notch provider, in MHO.
Looking forward to reading the review Tropical.
Here's the bottom line that we all need to learn from this encounter (plus a couple of other lessons that need to be shared).

1. If a provider asks for a deposit, automatically assume it's a scam, even though they might have an impeccable review history. Move on to the next provider.
2. If a provider asks for personal info for screening (personal info is anything you are not comfortable giving out), move on. A big part of this hobby is confidentiality / anonymity. They aren't giving you their personal info, you don't need to provide yours. Too often personal info and real world identity has been leaked.

I'm sure there is lots more, but these will be the first two commandments. Originally Posted by arealone
I'm a newb to the hobby - this quote really hit me. I'm totally clueless as to how much personal info is enough. I gotta say, I'm really uncomfortable sharing it.

I tried booking an appointment this summer - and I had to provide pictures of my driver's license and a list of information. Then she asked me a series of personal questions - the kind of information that insurance companies, banks and big tech firms ask. She asked one question and I just couldn't bring myself to answer it; but I felt like I already gave too much.

Now, I'm pretty confident that she was a legit provider. She had p411, Tryst and her own website and was traveling out of Kansas City. I"m not here to slander anyone. But that seems like a lot of information.

Luckily, I happily landed with Jennifer in Fort Smith. Happy Endings and all. But I would like to know as a noob - where is the line? What info is acceptable? Can I blur ID#s out?

PS I'll never give a deposit. Ever. Way too paranoid for that shit.
Most of the lady’s here are honest but little nervous on first visit. Their are a few that are crooked and dishonest. And they don’t last long. I my opinion you never give personal information to anyone. Driver license., pictures and never never give a deposit . Again the vast majority of providers are ok . But just takes one to really create havoc for you. Just approach them with caution. Study and research ,ask will known clients questions . Good luck.
Alexa9292's Avatar
Sorry Arkylegend this happened to you , I have had a similar experience with her that cost me a good client due to the same issue . Hope you have a wonderful weekend