Seditious Conspiracy

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Our friends across the aisle are trying to Trump each other.
YR you know a lot about horse've been shoving it to the tune of almost 54K posts!!
You're a PRO
Most likely YR being a psychic will respond to this post...
The checks I receive were "stimulated" by working diligently, effectively, and productively. There are some around who may need some definitions for those "foreign" terms. Especially the ones who obsess about Trump actually believing that those who voted for him were "infatuated" with him like they are .... ad nauseam. With their dictator hovering around 30% and NO ONE TO REPLACE HIM you'd think they would .... err..... WAKE UP! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah YR and VM are in COMPLETE meltdown over the reality of the situation this country is in because of the results of implementation of this FAILED ideology...LIBERLASM
Denial is not a river in Egypt!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Yeah YR and VM are in COMPLETE meltdown over the reality of the situation this country is in because of the results of implementation of this FAILED ideology...LIBERLASM
Denial is not a river in Egypt!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I got an emailed fund raising request from a want-a-be U.S. rep candidate FOR TEXAS who began her pitch about "our democracy is at risk...." blah, blah, blah. Your use of the word "reality" caused me to think about the emails .... I've gotten more than one from her.

She says in her request that she's a "Democrat"!

So far this year aka 2022 I haven't seen or heard any Pro-Bitten/Kumola supporters who even had a clue as to what the "reality" actually is or perhaps like one of those old 78 records they are stuck in a groove and can't escape on their own.

Here's my take on the 33% results in the recent polling: A good percentage of that 33% just said Bitten, because they really don't want to hear the allegations of insults and threats of indictment if they said "No" to thinking Bitten is doing a good job!

"Liberalism" didn't really "fail," but those lunatics who snuck into the playground using the label and pretending to be a "Liberal" defrocked themselves as being true CommunistSocialistNaziLoudmout hs who want to live THEIR lives normally while forcing the rest of the country into isolation, imprisonment, fake prosecutions, joblessness, and hiding their identity while sticking worthless substances in their arms ..... like the Germans did the Jewish and the Japanese did the Chinese pre-WWII ... and until they got the shit kicked out of them.

As for that "campaign contribution" I am going to invest it wisely: some pricey pussy. She needs it!
... Yeah! .... So there!

Dont do melt-downs, Yssup... It makes the other mates blue!

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No melt down here, Salty.

But it certainly seems one of your pals has been melting down for weeks now.

You gonna get him some help or will we have to read about him in the metro section after he goes postal.