After Putin Finishes With Ukraine, Are The Baltic States Next?

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
putin has nowhere to turn but press on
he has made a huge mistake, though he might not understand it given his megalomania
can he back off given his pride and the shame doing so would cause him to swallow?
i doubt he can stop against ukraine and he will likely escalate his attacks with thermobaric weapons and then who knows
maybe attacking neighboring nato nations aiding ukraine Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Hmmm... My thinking is Putin has a narrow objective in mind. I just don't see where he would think he has a clear path to World or even EU domination. Not seeing world domination rhetoric or vilifying of some larger boogeyman man that is typical of madmen/women bent on world domination.

Show of hands: Who thinks the Ukraine government, their Oligarchs and people from other countries doing business with them are as clean and pure as the new driven snow?

That said, he is taking a crazy chance. But I just don't see the guy entering the endeavor without a clear objective and end strategy in mind. That's not to say bad things won't happen. My biggest concern is that China and Russia and to a lesser extend North Korea become dedicated butt-buddies. That looks to be the case already, but I see it becoming more persistent here.
LexusLover's Avatar
Hmmm... My thinking is ...

Show of hands: Who thinks the Ukraine government, their Oligarchs and people from other countries doing business with them are as clean and pure as the new driven snow?


My biggest concern is that China and Russia and to a lesser extend North Korea become dedicated butt-buddies. That looks to be the case already, but I see it becoming more persistent here. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I hope that no one on here pretending to be "informed" is concerned about Russia being "butt-buddies" with anyone. Prior to WWII they had a "treaty" with Nazis Germany.

As for the first remark regarding "clean and pure," you must have a country or two on your mind as standards for cleanliness and purity for the rest of the World to follow as examples.

Do you mind sharing at least two?

You must realize that the second question will be:

"How do you know?"
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Do you mind sharing at least two?... Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'll raise you two

Your call
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I hope that no one on here pretending to be "informed" is concerned about Russia being "butt-buddies" with anyone. Prior to WWII they had a "treaty" with Nazis Germany... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well.. therein lies the rub. Putin is smart enough to know that if he waltzes in, massively fucks up some shit, he will have to rebuild it. Wouldn't it be nice to have a backing financier for that phase? Dunno. NK is just a 50 cent carnival side show, mainly for Xi to rabble rouse ol' Puddin' Head. The main counter to that is; I just don't see him wanting to take bottom bunk to Xi.

Putin would have to have calculated that the whole world would NOT be congratulating him for sacking and taking Ukraine, causing billions of dollars in kickback-paychecks to corrupt Ukraine Oligarch cronies to be missed, just for sport because his Olympic teams didn't fair so well this year or some vanity thing - unless he has gone mad bananas, but his current dialog doesn't point to that yet - IMHO..

Alls I'm say'n is; historically he has shown himself to be pretty cool, calculating and a bit savvy, unlike our Babbling Cabbage in Chief.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I think right now, XI is coming to the conclusion that Putin is done so there is no sense in getting any further into bed with Putin. Why go down with a sinking ship? That would be my guess.

Putin has literally rallied the world to Ukraine's cause. Countries we never thought would have anything to do with this crisis, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland and Turkey helping to destroy Russian aircraft after buying Russia's latest air defense system.

This is the kind of stuff nobody could have imagined and it is bringing NATO allies closer together, not cracking them. Germany just said that in the future, they will absolutely spend the 2% on NATO that they promised but never fulfilled. NATO, stronger than ever.
LexusLover's Avatar

This is the kind of stuff nobody could have imagined and it is bringing NATO allies closer together, not cracking them. Germany just said that in the future, they will absolutely spend the 2% on NATO that they promised but never fulfilled. NATO, stronger than ever. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Trump stirred them up about "Team-Work" and mutual financial contribution to the cause and a horrendously week POTUS has compelled them to step out in front to discourage Putin and give him pause. The citizens of those countries are now stepping up and raising their voices, which encourages their respective leaders to be more aggressive. It is a "ground-swell" movement.

The U.S. D.C. swamp rats from the POTUS on down had better go to school on what's happening in Europe, which includes Eastern Europe and most particularly Ukraine. Goofball Bitten will try to take credit for the upswing in Ukraine, but he's done that too often since 2020 and got caught LYING! His demented mind only rivals that of Putin and I don't believe thoughtful folks pay any attention to him anymore ... and he doesn't realize it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Bitten will try to take credit for the upswing in Ukraine, but he's done that too often since 2020 and got caught LYING! His demented mind only rivals that of Putin and I don't believe thoughtful folks pay any attention to him anymore ... and he doesn't realize it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I do not believe we are at a stage to declare victor on anything just yet. We dwell within bubbles of manipulated bubbles, sold to us through theatrical ballyhoo. Tons of magician's tricks like: Look here, not there. Look a squirrel. Hey, is that Haley's Comet?

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  • 03-01-2022, 01:30 PM
Trump stirred them up about "Team-Work" and mutual financial contribution to the cause and a horrendously week POTUS has compelled them to step out in front to discourage Putin and give him pause. The citizens of those countries are now stepping up and raising their voices, which encourages their respective leaders to be more aggressive. It is a "ground-swell" movement.

The U.S. D.C. swamp rats from the POTUS on down had better go to school on what's happening in Europe, which includes Eastern Europe and most particularly Ukraine. Goofball Bitten will try to take credit for the upswing in Ukraine, but he's done that too often since 2020 and got caught LYING! His demented mind only rivals that of Putin and I don't believe thoughtful folks pay any attention to him anymore ... and he doesn't realize it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
When did you get off the Putin bandwagon?
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  • 03-01-2022, 01:32 PM
I love how all these Trump/Putin lovers are now miraculous anti Putin.

Same mother fuckers who hrope about all the weapons left in Afganistam....are upset with Biden for not arming Ukraine with more arms
Trump supporter = Putin supporter is what the democrats came up with. It is called a fallacy
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... It is called a fallacy Originally Posted by DesWad
Don't use that word. Chimps have less evolved hearing canals and simp-lex hearing and to them it sounds too much like phallus. What they hear is phallus-y. It can put them into a trace that could last for days whilest ruining whole bunches of bananas. Have some sensitivity and humanity.