Does supply and demand apply to pricing?

LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Simply not true. No two women are the same reguardless of rate and services. Yes, the younger gal may get responses quicker, youth alone does not make her better to many guys by any means. Are there year 59 olds I would sleep with? Not many but not excluded. Heck, I had a over 50 provider for my excluse regular for about a year awhile back and she was VERY highly reguarded on the board. Skill and all the other positive things that come with age are important to many guys. Thats why these gals still make a living in the business. Some guys only care about age and thats OK. Their preference. And most likely they would not appricate the subleties of what experience can add to a session.

Maybe your attatude is part of why you get so many subpar sessions. Quit trying to tell everyone, especialy the providers, the "way it is" according the WEC. Feel free to state your openion as such but quit being the Know It All. You will get a lot less heat, I promise

"The only way that you can get a provider to go down on her rates is by not seeing her or anybody else see her. She will have to do something or do something else"
then why would she drop
The problem with your argument is if she is making money at her rate p it just because someone like you does not like it? In fact, there are plenty of guys who are happy people like you cannot afford what they like. I just don't get it. Why waste time and engergy complaining about rates instead of going and finding someone at a rate you like. Though that should not be an issue for you as you tell us all the time you have a bunch of great providers still charging you very low rates. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
Very well said .. I say 50Y plus have no issues making bank at any rate she may charge higher or lower rates
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-27-2023, 05:54 PM
Very well said .. I say 50Y plus have no issues making bank at any rate she may charge higher or lower rates Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
You've been 54 since 15 years ago in your Backpage days, you gonna ever let your clients know your real age? I estimate about 65 years OLD. Props for finding fools
Audrey Astor's Avatar
Hell even $$ is too much for an hour (I don’t make that) for a product that has no cost or a low cost to maintain. (Soap, feminine products and the occasional waxing). Originally Posted by Big b.o.b.1
Lol good thing you’re not a hooker. 😂
Pangolier's Avatar
The unfortunate thing is that people WILL pay for the higher rates, so that's the problem (for us hobbyists).

It's just how it goes I guess. Hobbyists are sad because we have to hobby less, and providers are happy because they get to provide less. Don't think anyone can really blame either side for this.

Luckily I do L1 or L2 only, so I usually enjoy some better pricing. Somehow a blowjob is deemed easier and less work than L3 to providers, and I'm ok with that. I don't understand it, but I'm enjoying it Originally Posted by NCooper

You might have missed some of my prior posts, not only in this thread, but elsewhere on ECCIE where this topic has been brought up.

It's not about paying a higher price, it's about the identity of the person making the payment. If the guy in question has a 7 figure a year salary, or 8 figures in assets, he just doesn't care if the same SW he saw a couple of years ago now runs 800 instead of 400. When you look at the change in percentage that is costing the person in comparison to what they make or have, it's not significant to them. The people that care or are effected by rate increases are the ones make 60K a year, not the ones making 900K a year.

I probably won't post more follow up replies on this thread, as there are already multiple threads on this site covering the topic. Best advice I can give is bite the bullet, or find another strategy. Generally speaking I've found the USA is one of the worst places in the world to get a good value on SW. It's a great place if you are a harder worker and want to open a business, but it tends to be a horrible place for men's sex life...