But it works I swear!

Jacuzzme's Avatar
No wonder Zuckerberg soured on DEI. He was scammed by it.

https://nypost.com/2024/05/16/us-new...r-stealing-5m/ Originally Posted by lustylad
These middle aged, rich tech guys were never actually on board. They played along to keep the culture mob and government off their asses. Trump liberated them to fill their ranks with 24 year old ungirlfriended Asian kids, 20x better at the job than their current staff.
HDGristle's Avatar
You mean replace them with AI
HDGristle's Avatar

Hmmm, seems some folks might want to switch over to Sam's Club
The article posted about Costco defending their DEI policies is from 1/23/25.

The 19 AGs sent a letter to Costco on 1/27/25 warning that DEI policies are illegal when they discriminate based on race.

Final result is TBD.
HDGristle's Avatar
Guess those 19 AG's will need to catch them discriminating based on race.

Until them, u going to Sam's? Or you smitten with that rotisserie chicken?
I’ve always been a Sam’s guy as the logistics are better.

This is just another reason to not go to Costco.
HDGristle's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar
Yeah, and I'm sure that Black History Month is also racist.

Likewise, MLK day, because it's about a black man, right?

If a black person can't get a job because of some stupid policy, that is racist.

But if a black person can get a job, because of a policy, that isn't racist. That is equity. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Ok Ona here you go, just for you buddy.

1. I admire black history. The problem is either every ethnicity also needs to have their own history month or it all needs merged together. If it’s only Black history month it feels like special treatment. Where’s Latin history month? How about Indian history month?

2. Big fan of MLK. He taught people to be colorblind and believed in equality, not equity. There’s a difference.

3. If a black, brown, white, green, yellow, or red person can’t get a job because of a policy that is racist.

4. If a black, brown, white, green, yellow or red person gets a job because they are best candidate that’s how it should work. If any person gets a job based on a demographic and they are not the best candidate that is racist.
HDGristle's Avatar
Maybe try not to be colorblind as much as respecting the experience of others. Diversity isn't just skin color. It's culture, experience, religion, perspective, tastes, etc.

Not everything is about race and by focusing on racial equality you've missed the forest for the trees. That first is filled with diversity.

As I said, you preach against DEI but you don't display any real understanding of what it's about. Feels more like you got bad training in the 90's. Very light on then I and too much focus on the D. Misunderstanding of the equity vs equality dynamics.
The way you describe it certainly seems racist. You don't seem to grasp it, though. Originally Posted by HDGristle
There’s well written arguments as to why DEI is racist. If you want to split hairs and say DEI isn’t racist but, it can be based on the application then so be it.
HDGristle's Avatar
Think you need to dig deeper rather than just the headline. And look at the facts instead of just an editorial.

If DEI was misapplied, it can absolutely further racism. But you're not really looking to get to the bottom of it as much as it seems like you're fishing for gotchas to further a personal crusade.

There's admittedly some bias and assumptions in that assessment.
“The worst of DEI is that it causes people to question the bona fides of a person who meets DEI’s racial, gender or sexual identity and/or gender criteria. While DEI was supposed to be ‘anti-racist,’ it unfortunately has the opposite effect.

MLK’s goal of a society with equality of opportunity, where people are judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin, is spot on. We should return to his vision for America.”

-Bill Ackman 2/2/25
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Think you need to dig deeper rather than just the headline. And look at the facts instead of just an editorial.

If DEI was misapplied, it can absolutely further racism. But you're not really looking to get to the bottom of it as much as it seems like you're fishing for gotchas to further a personal crusade.

There's admittedly some bias and assumptions in that assessment. Originally Posted by HDGristle

DEI is racist by it's very application. just like affirmative action was. because nothing says racism more than quotas based on race.