Do you have Trump Derangement Syndrome? Why?

winn dixie's Avatar
There's tds and there's trumpfs kool-aid. One can easily distinguish by the regurgitated rhetoric by magas and whataboutisms
There's tds and there's trumpfs kool-aid. One can easily distinguish by the regurgitated rhetoric by magas and whataboutisms Originally Posted by winn dixie
Lots of generalizations WD, but no specifics or substance. Kind of like a daily horoscope.

I think The View or Morning Joe is getting ready to start.
HDGristle's Avatar
Not much substance to this argument to begin with. We can use this logic in any number of ways for the left and right and it comes down to, dismissing other people's opinions because we don't like them and want to have a dick measuring contest on the internet backed up by pretending our own irrationality is rational.
There’s a difference between generalizations and giving specific examples of substance. The latter leads to a more meaningful discussion.

Get out the measuring tape.
HDGristle's Avatar
Seems like we have some TDSS afoot
All jokes aside I suspect those with TDS will have lesser mental health over the next 4 years.
There's tds and there's trumpfs kool-aid. One can easily distinguish by the regurgitated rhetoric by magas and whataboutisms Originally Posted by winn dixie
Yep. They all the same shit, using all the same talking points, at the same time. Cult behavior. Suddenly, they're all experts in the same field, and their field expertise changes to meet each new outrage.

The latest example is how they're all experts in wildfire prevention now. Buncha regular Smokey Bears out there. Lol. Lemmimgs.
winn dixie's Avatar
Yep. They all the same shit, using all the same talking points, at the same time. Cult behavior. Suddenly, they're all experts in the same field, and their field expertise changes to meet each new outrage.

The latest example is how they're all experts in wildfire prevention now. Buncha regular Smokey Bears out there. Lol. Lemmimgs. Originally Posted by tommy156
lustylad's Avatar
Suddenly, they're all experts in the same field, and their field expertise changes to meet each new outrage.

The latest example is how they're all experts in wildfire prevention now. Buncha regular Smokey Bears out there. Lol. Lemmimgs. Originally Posted by tommy156
Don't need to be an expert to know Governor Gruesome and Mayor Bassmouth were collossal failures.

That's obvious from the other thread. The topic of this thread is - why do you suffer from TDS?
The topic of this thread is - why do you suffer from TDS? Originally Posted by lustylad
No, the topic is asking IF you have it. And if so, why?

Calling trump and his voters out on their bullshit isn't tDS. It's the truth. And, as WD pointed out, it's rather easily distinguishable.
lustylad's Avatar
No, the topic is asking IF you have it. And if so, why? Originally Posted by tommy156
Do you? The first step to a cure is recognizing your symptoms.

Trump trolls. You react like Pavlov's dog.

HDGristle's Avatar
You're starting to feel the edges of the puzzle pieces. Delightful.
lustylad's Avatar
Great! So you and tommy are finally ready to stop "pretending (your) own irrationality is rational", as you put it?

Glad to hear that. You're on the road to recovery.
HDGristle's Avatar
No, it's you're approaching self-awareness with the Pavlov's dog reference.

You'll see the TDSS for what it really is if you get down 2 more layers. This is exciting.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You seem to believe you’ve got the wisdom of Job on a variety of topics, yet are, at best, hesitant to impart such wisdom on mere mortals. It’s kinda weird and creepy, with a splash of narcissism.