Don't need fresher crumbs, Waco. His named has been linked to these types of discussions since he was extradited to the U.S. from Greece. Those facts are easily found, except by you apparently.
Minimizing Vinnik does the Kremlin's job for them and encourages grabbing folks like Fogel to trade for bad hombres.
Bad deal is bad. You don't have to convince me that Griner for Bout was bad. Fogel for Vinnik is also bad.
Originally Posted by HDGristle
i am minimizing Vinnik because he's just another hacker. the world is full of hackers. he just happens to be a Russian hacker. not surprised and neither should you he was implicated in the Mt. GOX hack which at the time put a serious blackeye on the crypto market. as did Sammy Bank Fraud more recently.
by your logic all deals are bad therefore no deals should be made. now be sure you are sitting down because TWK generally agrees that bad deals shouldn't be made especially for dumbass American tourists like Fogel and to a lessor extent Griner (she was there to play pro Russia league basketball) who didn't even bother apparently to research Russian law on "contraband" then got themselves into trouble over it.
if these people go to Russia and get 10 years in a gulag for what would barely be a misdemeanor in the US why should we make a trade to get them back?
Russia targets US and other citizens to get these deals and today without any cold war spy trades to make perhaps the US should tell these people "go to Russia at your own risk" and let them rot in a gulag.