Encounter: Outlaw Oasis Spa

TinMan's Avatar
Say it in the open if you've got something to say. It's pretty simple. Originally Posted by ihump@amps
Yeah, now that I dipped my toe back into the AMP waters I’ve begun to get some of those private messages myself (not from the OP).

AMP guys are a funny breed.
Probably about the same point as you sending me a private message blaming me for them making their Snapchat private. I didn't post their ID and they popped up as a friend suggestion. So I'm pretty sure they got inundated with a ton of new requests. Originally Posted by ihump@amps
Bingo. Same way I found them. A random friend request was sent to me by them.

And saw yesterday on their Snap story they said that someone allegedly was sharing pics of their Snapchat here on eccie . So they had to make it private.
ihump@amps's Avatar
Bingo. Same way I found them. A random friend request was sent to me by them.

And saw yesterday on their Snap story they said that someone allegedly was sharing pics of their Snapchat here on eccie . So they had to make it private. Originally Posted by dfw_sinner
I saw on their snap today that any screenshots will get you blocked. That's normal with anyone on Snap. All I know is I don't like getting random BS pms from some Monger at 6:30 in the morning. Especially when nearly all of their posts as a member are on this particular review
Someone mentioned they are a reincarnation... from whom? Originally Posted by cage196

chances are ive seen them if they were someone else. I have a suspicion of who they are. And whoever leaked info to them that they blocked me on IG, Ive got a few burner accounts
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