"Tea Party" Vs "Occupy Wall Street"

What's ironic is whirlie getting his panties in an uproar over a group protesting financial greed and corruption. Hmmm...hypocrisy or to close to home for him? Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Maybe too close to home for many on this forum..lol
LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe too close to home for many on this forum..lol Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
I thought "many on this forum" were doing their share of sharing.

Did I think wrong?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-11-2011, 09:25 PM
Just shedding some light on them; I actually hope they continue. And I think there is some common ground between the issues of Occupy America and the Tea Party - especially the rage against too big to fail....most Tea Party people were against the Wall Street/Detroit bailouts... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Now you are starting to make some sense.

To Big to fail is the common ground.

Only the people that are connected to the money people are to big to fail, they get laws written that benifit them. Crony Capatalism, Sara Palin had that part right!
TexTushHog's Avatar

Oh and for good measure here is the tea party people attacking an old disabled man (so little compassion and totally disgraceful). http://youtu.be/6ik4f1dRbP8
Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Actually, I don't really associate that sort of behavior with the TeaNuts. I think that's just mainstream Republicanism now. They're heartless, no good pricks. I don't have any values in common with these no good motherfuckers. And frankly, I don't give a shit what happens to them. They could burn them at the stake and as far as I'm concerned, it's too good for the assholes.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Would like to see what went on before that video started. It could be a set up. Not to defend the Tea Party, just to know for sure what I'm seeing. It's too easy to edit out pertinent footage if you are wanting to make a point.

And I don't think the Republicans have a corner on the market of "heartless no good pricks."

Burn them at the stake, eh? Well so much for free speech and due process.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Actually, I don't really associate that sort of behavior with the TeaNuts. I think that's just mainstream Republicanism now. They're heartless, no good pricks. I don't have any values in common with these no good motherfuckers. And frankly, I don't give a shit what happens to them. They could burn them at the stake and as far as I'm concerned, it's too good for the assholes. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Too bad Obamacare doesn't cover mental health.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Talk about "astro-turf" movement; here is the Craig's List advertisement offering to pay protesters to show up to protest in NYC !!!!!!!!

HA !!!

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Cut me some slack and point out what part of this ad proves your lame as usual point. You’ve been proven wrong so many times. Maybe we could chip in to have you go undercover (not for “Revenge of the Wolf Spider”) and get one of these jobs.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The Tea Party showed their appeal in the 2010 electorate blowout............


Keep denying the facts on the ground; it will only lead to a bigger election disaster in 2012 !

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Could you remind me what the teabaggers have done since they were swept into office? Other than not pay child support?
We won’t count telling fabrication after fabrication by Ms Bachmann as an accomplishment since it’s always been her modus operandi.

Quick and dirty, don’t want to hear about democrats or non-teaparty republicans. You have our (at least mine) attention.

What have they proposed? What bills have they helped become law? What positive effect have they brought to the table?
The more important question is WTF has Obama accomplished for America?

The Tea Party stopped the Obama Socialist train; now control the majority of statehouses and governors chairs, revamped the state Pension systems in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio and other states, control re-districting, on and on....

And if you don't know what the Republicans have proposed since they took control of the House; then you have outted yourself as a useful idiot !

Believe it or not, but many Americans think doing-nothing, or stopping Obama implement his socialist takeover is a good thing ! That is why the Republicans are likely to increase their majorities in the House and Senate.......
budman33's Avatar
The more important question is WTF has Obama accomplished for America?

The Tea Party stopped the Obama Socialist train; now control the majority of statehouses and governors chairs, revamped the state Pension systems in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio and other states, control re-districting, on and on....

And if you don't know what the Republicans have proposed since they took control of the House; then you have outted yourself as a useful idiot !

Believe it or not, but many Americans think doing-nothing, or stopping Obama implement his socialist takeover is a good thing ! That is why the Republicans are likely to increase their majorities in the House and Senate....... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

That's where you make your mistake. Doing nothing isn't an answer. Getting super majorities isnt the answer either and never has been.

"a simple same-party majority between the president and Congress does not guarantee that the president will see his recommendations accepted. This would indicate that the ideologies held by American politicians are not simply linked to one party. Cross-party support for a certain issue can and does happen. If it did not happen, then, given the frequency with which presidents have to work with the opposing party in Congress, political gridlock would occur and politics would degenerate into a farce. Congress invariably has to work with the president and vice versa if the system is not going to be held up to ridicule by the voting public and abroad."

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When one is going the wrong way, stopping is the best thing to do. Then turn around. The country said it doesn't want Obama to get his way, therefore, Congress is doing the right thing by doing nothing, and waiting for a more amenable President.
budman33's Avatar
Funny thing is my Garmin never tells me to stop, it tells me to turn but I am still trying to move. All the obstructionism does is sink us deeper and make the public hate ... them all.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Garmin for President!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Breaking it down...
[quote=Whirlaway;1740821]The more important question is WTF has Obama accomplished for America?

Take a moment to read, he has accomplished a hell of lot considering the "gridlock" by republicans whose only agenda's are their special interests groups and their own political pockets!

