Ms sexy hollywood

I may be a puss. It's just that I don't have one on me. Originally Posted by Carl unintended emasculating experience. My bad!

I meant that you are one cool cat! I like your avatar, too.

Miss Casey and her sweet little wienie (meaning my dog, lol)
Guest062010's Avatar
Uh....ok! All i know is $ Talks!! Originally Posted by Venom
This particular drama laden old tired saggy POA just recently hung up twice on your talking $.

Either way, you were a bad bad boy. So take it like a man.

Lastly, there is a rule prohibiting me from actually posting your PM's to me so I can't. Or I would. Perhaps now you'll cease trying to convince me we are indeed a good match. (when a working girl answers your appt. request with this - "I'm sorry, I just don't think we'd be a good match." - she's trying to politely tell you that access has been DENIED". So your $ theory isn't going to hold water. Unless you take your $ somewhere they don't know ya that is.

Just know that I'm retired and have way too much time on my hands.
  • Logic
  • 03-29-2010, 11:42 PM
If some humans were any slower they'd have to be watered once a week.

EDIT: Strike dog took over my keyboard when I stepped out of the room. Bad girl!
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Ms.Hollywood is a very sweet lady. She is a good person and alot of guys in Dallas love her........ So what if shes a little thick!!

If you don't like her then find someone else that you would like to play with. I promise there are other guys out there who love her thickness.

Leave the poor girl alone!!