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A flat tax system using a percentage means that everyone pays the same percentage of their income, so yes the rich will pay more, but the percentage is the same for everyone. The system you guys on the left want is we pay 3 percent (random figure) and they pay 15 percent. This is what I dont see as fair, the rational I get from most of you guys is they can afford the hit better. Would you like it if McDonalds used that rational and charged you $10.00 for your value meal, and charged the guy in the Taurus $5.00, you can better afford it right. From your answers you seem to think that conservatives feel as if the rich should not pay taxes. Your wrong, and if a flat tax means they pay more than so be it, but we are all equal citizens in this country and we should all pay an equal percentage of our income in taxes. I would not be supportive of a tax break for the wealthy, but I am also not supportive of a punitive tax for them also, this mentality that "aw you make more so while we pay 20% of our income in taxes but your going to pay 30%" is not one I find fair. I never said that the rich should not pay more dollar wise than the poor, because even with all the perceived breaks you liberals claim they get they still pay more than us. By the way I would also support a waiver from taxes for those who fall below a determine income level. I also support waiving taxes for every american who has reached retirement age, most of whom are living on fixed incomes.

"DD, I answered your question with a nearly identical question so that you might realize that your fixed percentage tax taxes the rich more too. Yes, YOU TOO are in favor of taxing the rich more than everyone else."

If you make more you should pay more, but you should not have to pay a higher percentage than another citizen who gets the same services as you. The rich are always going to pay more in actual money. You guys just want to throw that little bonus tax on them. Come on now even you can't think that conservatives think that the rich should pay the same dollar figure wise as the poor.

Implementation of a flat percentage rate tax system would elminate tax breaks and the need to file taxes every year as you taxes are directly withheld from your check. There would only be a need for those in special circumstances such as self employed to file. We could reduce the size of the IRS. It would reduce or possibly eliminate tax fraud, reduce the strain on the prison system by about 2000 inmates a year. And more importantly for you on the left it would increase the revenue totals which will allow you a lot more money to squander LOL sorry had to throw that in there.

In a nut shell, I support a flat % system because it simplifys a system with far to many loopholes and credits etc. This whole industry that has sprung up just to take advantage of the fact most americans cannot fill out a tax form. This whole principle that you give the government a sum of money and then try to get as much of it back as possible through loop holes, credits and in some cases fraud is stupid. Its not a fair system, I.E. why do you get a tax break just because your married? Its stupid and unfair.