Review: DANGER! Stole new iPAD w/help, Felony warrants too.

Jules Jaguar's Avatar
As the Hookers Turn
All My Hookers
Jersey Whore

Lord have mercy this is sounding more like a soap than anything. If you dont care then why keep posting new stuff? Now because u dont have ur ipad u are canceling your vacation?

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
One fry short of a happy meal
One hump short of an orgasm...

Next you will post pics of your ribs because u havent the desire to eat
Pics of your grass... because who can mow when depression over a missing ipad takes over
Pics of the insde of ur toilet because the extreme stress has caused catastrophic intestinal explosions...

Google tubgirl.. its a happy video that will brighten your day. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy


on another note u mean to tell me this guy canceled a vacation all because some hooker allegedly stole his ipad? Now that is funny!

This guy sounds like that other obsessed guy that accused another hooker of stealing from him, why dont u let the popo handle it? Yeah cuz im sure they will be happy to after your threats of physical harm to a woman on a public website!!
cubsoxbull's Avatar
If anyone wants to volunteer to check where the serial number might be, all the best to you, but I'm not going there.
Sleepy363's Avatar
That day you said..."this is never going to work if you dont trust me" and I put my keys and wallet on the table right after I came out of the bathroom. Make all that mean something....not for the people on this forum... just for me...and our friendship.
Originally Posted by manoflamanchi

That was so touching.

You had me at hello. You had me at hello.

Can we pitch this as a movie? I see Kevin Costner playing you. Although if you go and start tasing people we may have to re-cast your role to Steven Seagal.

"Get my pies out of the oven!"

Both I and the officer have called Tara and if you cant believe my account of what happened then call him and find out yourself. Anyways I will get this woman and take out justice myself if it comes to that. Is this not a threat?

One last thing, Apple stores every hardware ID and links it to serial number. From the two they generate a tracking ID that works with "Find My Ipad"....shows location of all my Apple devices tracked on Now Tara was smart...she immediately used WIPE to remove tracking. Apple in order to maintain its privacy stance says the iPad is no longer trackable. BUT any software consultant like myself knows this is just a matter of doing a SQL join of the hardware ID against its new tracking ID. I have some friends in the Bay Area and a few that still work for Apple... I will try to see if they can covert locate her. <~~Feeling very stalkerish now... trying to locate her and then with threat above...i think u have been added to many DNS lists.

She isnt super smart so one other detail....she used Skype on the iPad and dialed this phone number before wiping it: 972-922-7519. I dont know what that number is. Maybe the direct number of her cell phone (not going thru the google voice phone number). Thats the last clue I have.

I will get you Tara....or the law. Think jail for a long time on your other felony warrants if it is the law. You will get her? Another threat?

See you around.

You cant cheat hard working people ALL the time. <~ cant be working too hard if u have all this free time to continue to try to prove to hundreds of horny people that you got 'robbed'

FYI... those are pictures of her from the Dallas Sheraton on 4801 lbj freeway AND she did twice that day pick up my room key from the front desk. They have her on the camera and they even told me once she picked up the key and was just waiting in the lobby for 45 mins or longer. I guess that was how she worked it all out. A hotel randomly gave a stranger a key twice to your room? And they admit it along with camera proof? So now the staff is a few fries short of a happy meal too?

Look what you tried to do was just SLOPPY, SLOPPY, and remotely OPPORTUNISTIC and you made so many mistakes. Cant be too much of a mistake with all the free advertising she is getting and the self alert youre doing on yourself (see threats above)

Do be a good person as I always have to you and return my iPAD.... if you want the $250 you can do it yourself...or thru a friend. Just please do the right thing. You made me always trust you and I did.... you went further that evening and made a play on my well-being. I always believed many girls who did this were ultimately borderline criminals and too badly messes up to ever get back to normal. You take the cake despite convincing me otherwise.

Do yourself a favor and vindicate my trust in you and just return my iPad...I will give you money as I always have offered before even when you turned it down. You should never trust a stranger.. just like she shouldnt trust bringing u something AFTER you made threats?

Thank you

-=ManOfLaManchi=- Originally Posted by manoflamanchi
Thanks for making my DNS list longer and making screening easier for the ladies
Fuck all the drama, I'm more surprised that is costs so little to fly directly to Columbia.
manoflamanchi's Avatar
I've got over a 100+ PM's telling me bravo for sticking up for myself. I really don't care what a handful of pimps and providers/hookers that engage in herd replies of attacking me for speaking up. Maybe ECCIE is run by them and we the reviewers are just throw away members of this board.....but I dont engage in such conspiracies.

The girls who do this...cant make $200 or $300 or even... $30/hr in any real world job. I have run businesses and had a long and successful consulting business where I would say $75-$120/hr has been my price range in terms of income. There are reviewers undoubtedly make significantly more and many that do less. To each his own.

Getting ripped for almost $1200 + $400 (stolen grooming bag with 3 new colognes, electic razor & toothbrush and other not so cheap artifacts--some sentimental too) is hard for anyone to swallow. Sorry for speaking up.

I think Tara will come around and do the right thing. Bash away, as it is called was never my thing. I will leave that to those who have better luck at it. I was just being a decent person. I guess my understanding from all this is that the criminal & mainstream elements of life mostly clash except in that one hour of exchange of services for financial instruments. There is no ending with white picket fences for most of the girls who do this. Sorry for my naivety.

-= Peace =-

P.S Tara can keep the iPad or return it for $250 reward from me (by proxy) if she pleases. The rantings on this board shall never cease on this subject. I am not obsessed about one silly iPad.... its just one of those enough is enough mishaps. I think I will stay clear of the sex business even for occasional doesn't suit me well. Yes i suck at it. But not at life. Ciao.
Sleepy363's Avatar
Fuck all the drama, I'm more surprised that is costs so little to fly directly to Columbia. Originally Posted by Vitruvian
It's $400 to get there, and $100,000 ransom to get back.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
You know me... I am 100% good guy type.
I am pretty sure 100% good guys don't threaten to torture women if the cops don't get to them first.
What a fucking loose cannon. Why post pics of a new iPad? Lacy this guys sounds like a
shlub's Avatar
  • shlub
  • 04-14-2012, 12:00 PM
OP, I noticed that you did not address the one issue that your post demonstrates:

"I will get this woman and take out justice myself if it comes to that."

All bullshit aside, you seem like someone chicks, providers or not, should steer clear of...
manoflamanchi's Avatar
Hey we all say things out of anger. BUT what humors me is how sycophantic you guys who are paying these soul-less holes who have been selling their wares since 14 and have irreparable psychological dmg.... are fawning yourselves as protectors over their "virgin" beauty and delicacy (LMFAO). Wrong...they are hardened criminals yes the ones with tats too...who don't give a fuck about ur bbbj or w/e you tools drool over about their actions. They are stealing ur belongings to often feed their drug habits or just engage in self deception that they live the good life. And those with pimps are so desperate to have a pretend bf while they shag everybody else. Pimping is just the bitch game in reverse....or better yet the laziest of black men's game in forward gear: yes I am lowlife that doesn't work and will accept wealth transference at any cost including running game on a very low self esteem girl to support them while peddling them the how life is so unfair shit. no offense to regular black American men.....but that's not what we call these guys....and yes every culture has a word for them.

Hope I offended everybody.....LE has given me the info to get the [staff edit:RW information removed] and Tara...later champions.

-sooner or later
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
LMAO...that is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Thanks for the laugh OP.
Holy crap! How many times is this guy going to be allowed to threaten? Dude ur creditbility is that she has a good reputation and ur brand spanking new....u have to earn trust here because too many hurt feelings tards post fake alerts.

Your actions on here is why the men are coming out swinging. You dont threaten a lady. I can understand being mad in the heat of the moment.. but youre still threatening!!

And now ur posting her private info?!! And i can bet LE hasnt given you jacK on her because that would be putting her inharms way of an obvious threat! Please..dont go all batshit, i think im the law, Zimmerman!!
I feel real sorry for this gal.. real worried for her own safety too....
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
(stolen grooming bag with 3 new colognes) Originally Posted by manoflamanchi
who wants to guess what 3 fabulous colognes Mr Wonderful had in his grooming bag? do they still sell Hai Karate?
I cant stop picturing the OP as Judge Dredd. "I am the law!"