cumalot's Avatar
Just my 2 cents, of all the words to choose from it's down to these two words Hooker and Hooktard when other words like tick turd, dumb ass, ass wipe, ass hole, dip wad, dip stick, dip shit, and fuck face to name a few are out there to choose from.....yea both those words suck and are offensive, degrading, and have no room in the English language...
bojulay's Avatar
We're all a bunch of hobbietards.

Or how bout eccietards.
]As for the quip about tricks. Like it or not, every guy who has bought a piece of ass, whether off ECCIE or Airline Drive, is a "trick". The fact that you do not like it does not alter my truth. Originally Posted by Jackie S
fixed that for ya. low expectations and poor regulation of one's behavior says that if you can make it acceptable in your mind, it should be acceptable in others. sometimes that's just not so. I've met a lot of beautiful men in this hobby, some more-so than others, but I have met very few that I would refer to as 'tricks' in random conversation.
Poor regulation of one's behavior? Need I remind you that we are all engaging in what is an illegal activity.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Human beings, to include me, will use words to justify and rationalize unacceptable behavior. We all do it, whatever word we put on the title does not change the fact that we do it. If a woman calls herself an escort instead of a whore, the fact that she sells her body does not change. If a woman sells her body only to rich men, and calls herself a courtesan instead of a hooker, does not change the fact that she sells her body.

We tend to use these words to console our inner being, it is a self defense mechanism that we all possess. We do this to justify our behavior, it is okay for me to pay for services as long as I see escorts and courtesans and not hookers or whores. Yea, right, that is a big lie I would tell to myself so I can convince myself I am not a "trick." Define "trick" one who pays for sex, simple. I have been a "trick" simple.

The question comes down to this in my mind: Do I allow society or any one of you to dictate to me what is moral or wrong? In this instance I do not, but I do allow it when traffics lights turn red, I do not want a ticket. Although I may think it is not wrong to cross an intersection when I can plainly see no cars coming from any direction. So, at times I do what society dictates and at other times I am selfish I see a lady, but that's okay to me. I am comfortable with who I am and the actions I have performed, do I make mistakes? every day, just ask my ex-wife. But I try to learn from my mistakes and move on. Is it a mistake to pay for services? Sometimes it is and I learn to never see her again, sometimes it is not and we enjoy ourselves. Just my .02.

Words can never harm me, I am too confident in who I am and I could care less what others think, whether they think I am a "trick", john, scumbag or gentleman, not my concern. I know who I am.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-15-2012, 07:12 PM
Hi Ava,

I don't doubt your sincerity, and i'm not trying to start a fuss, but I'm finding it difficult to reconcile this comment...

Don't really care, I think both of them are funny. IFFFFF I had to pick one that might be 'more offensive' it would be hooktard, implying all us hookers are dumb. But some of us are LOL...so, nah. Don't care either way. Originally Posted by alluringava
...with this one:

My point was that the very first thing these people I disagreed with was to immediately start calling names in terms of what I did for a living. There wasn't any need for that shit. Originally Posted by alluringava
Seems inconsistent based on whether the terms are directed at you or someone else. I hope i'm wrong.
Hi Ava,

I don't doubt your sincerity, and i'm not trying to start a fuss, but I'm finding it difficult to reconcile this comment...

...with this one:

Seems inconsistent based on whether the terms are directed at you or someone else. I hope i'm wrong. Originally Posted by Doove

On me being called a whore by someone who has absolutely no right to be calling me names is like a black person being called the N word by a non African American person or a gay person being called a faggot or queer by a homophobe. I can use words to describe myself because it isn't an insulting term to call myself something within a context of humor.
Well, ya see, about that....

I once used "hooker" several times in a post (to make a specific point of coming to the defense of providers). I was informed that some girls found it disrespectful, in spite of the fact i was, again, coming to their defense, and so ultimately i apologized for having used the term.
. Originally Posted by Doove
what a narcisist..LOL!

these chicks are strong, they dont need your "words" or to "come to their defense".....your words are just self serving
how bout making an appointment with them?

wash and shave your SAC
brush your teeth
bring the proper donation and dont haggle

Personally, I say it's not what people call you but what you answer to.

But some may still be offended. How, on a hooker board I will never know though.
. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne
I like this chick
thats fucking funny
ForumPoster's Avatar
If the person calling ladies here "hooktards" does not mind being called "fucktard" .. all good

pyramider's Avatar
All of the fucktards are male, myself included.
I Dont mind either as long as they remember they both start with hook...and we all know what that means.
When I first saw the terms "hobbyist" and "provider" I killed over.
Why can't we just say tricks and hoes? Why does it have to be sugarcoated and made "proper"?

Oh.......hooktard is very offensive. I don't like people who use the suffix -tard at all. It ain't funny.

Oh.......hooktard is very offensive. I don't like people who use the suffix -tard at all. It ain't funny. Originally Posted by BlackMistress
Correct. There is no possible civilized explanation for it.

Thanks, BM.
  • 69
  • 05-21-2012, 12:30 PM
When I was in high school I used to do a lot of volunteer work with the Special Olympics and work with mentally handicapped kids at our school. Thus, I formed an opinion of the word "tard" very early. I find the term "tard" to be very offensive. Its a way of degrading people. Its name calling. I find name calling to be very cheap/easy and loathe name calling. Originally Posted by Stick1969
I also did in high school and still do volunteer work today with developmentally challenged teens and adults. While some may consider me to be a little "rough around the edges", I do find any form of the word "tard" to be very offensive.