America says let's move on!

Is Joe Bloehard doing a StupidOldFart style "cut and run" or did he not see my kind and generous offer for him to put his money where his mouth is? Time will tell! Originally Posted by bigtex
If it wasn't apparent before, it is now. The Bloehard has let his oversized mouth overload his undersized pocketbook and decided that cutting and running was the best way to escape!
Give me a break. The only people wanting to "move on" are the idiots that supported this travesty they jokingly call a "law". A couple of polls (by obscure pollsters) that show less opposition to the law are meaningless. The fact remains that more people oppose this moronic law than support it, and it never should have passed in the first place. What America IS saying, however, is that based on the court's latest move, let's work on something else that's also important and the REPEAL this pile of monkey shit once Obama is returned to organize his community on the South Side.
We're going to find out if this country can go on living or not. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I'm willing to bet Joe Bloe $100 that "this country" will "go on living" another 4 years, if Obama is re-elected. Originally Posted by bigtex
Still no word from Joe Bloehard? Geez, what's taking him so long?

I wonder why Mr. Bloehard is so hesitant to make a friendly wager in order to defend the statement he previously made?