He tricked me to turn the water and ran out

notanewbie's Avatar
I will see you just because this happened..(well and you look bangable).
  • iquit
  • 04-08-2013, 08:36 PM
You're kidding me right? He will pay her in 2 weeks? Gtfo how many times have we heard that shit in the hobby?

If he were serious this would have been settled immediately.....I understand people find Jesus on Sunday but i call bullshit on this one! Originally Posted by mojojo213
Actually, thinking about it, you are right, he did it intentionally and gave all bros a bad name, my bad but i did not read that part about the 2 weeks, i thought he had plans of making it right that same day it was a misunderstanding, i need to read through threads but sometimes i just skim. The 2 weeks plus sneaking out without saying the typical goodbye, the kind of character that does that should be called out like he was. oh well, i did cut him some slack and now am taking it all back.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Sorry that happen to you JJ, Kharma is a biatch! You will receive what he took times 10!
Can I just say OP- You are certainly handling this situation a lot better than I would have done. At this point screw the money, it's the principal. I would track that fucker down and have my people sort his arse right out.
Babe, at least he left you one benji! Consider yourself lucky, as he could have left you nothing after the service provided.

It goes both ways, in an amp I usually paid $6 for 1/2 hr and this avg girl was asking $$ as the fee after I already gave her the common donation. I did not like it and ask her for my money back and she refused cuz she already had jerked willy. I ended getting .6 back after talking to mama san, never putting my feet in that place ever again.
Super Head 713's Avatar
Sorry this happened to you