Obiecare doesn't apply to anyone that has an existing policy, Congressmen included.. The law is meant to help those that cant afford health insurance. Last time I checked if you work on the Hill not being able to pay for an ins policy isn't a problem
Originally Posted by CJ7
CJ7, you are right that Obamacare does not apply to anyone with an existing policy. However, according to the article in the link, the staffers will not be insured by the by the Federal Government anymore, like they are today. They will have to get their insurance through the exchanges. The staffers are afraid that their out of pocket costs will go up (which it probably will). In paragraph 6 of the link a decision has to be ruled on as to whether or not the Federal Government can still contribute towards the premimum for the staffers. If this is the case then their out of pockets costs won't go up and their issue is pretty much resolved. In the 80's large companies covered their employees 100 per cent. In the 90's companies started to make their employees pay part of the premimum towards their health insurance thru payroll deduction. The staffers will now have to do something similiar. The staffers will not be on the same plan that the congressmen are on starting next year.