Age differences

+1 The over 30 ladies seen to know how to accept the pleasure an older gent can provide and not run away after an "O". The young can not seen to take it!
DirtySecrets's Avatar
I just turned 60 as well and I have to say that I enjoy the variety the hobby makes possible. While my initial preference was for more mature ladies (including a few in their mid-60s), I have also sampled some as young as 18 or 19. There are good and bad aspects to everyone. A taut young body is a marvelous thing, but a woman who's had plenty of experience is likely to deliver a more satisfying session. As long as she likes to kiss and exhibits a likable, sexy personality, I can have a wonderful time.
MLisaRIP's Avatar
hmm My thoughts: Being 50+ and living in the shadows I really don't have a dog in this race, but what the hell.
Overall, I am "to each their own" but I do admit to some mixed feelings when I see a fella out with an obviously much younger companion. And part of that is I simply cannot imagine myself with someone younger than my own youngest
mmm yup some dark fantasies I just can't do real-time...
Anyway, on the other hand - I hope - the older is taking the time to teach the younger and the younger is taking the time to learn AND to learn to voice their own likes and preferences. (Yup deliberately avoided gender in that statement)
Myself, looking back to when I was younger, I wish I'd had more experience with those of the older persuasion. (no hits against ex-SO, not his fault we were both young)
So enjoy, live life to its fullest, whether you prefer em young to love em older. Its all about enjoying, living and loving all the amazing things life has to offer us.
What you don't grab hold of and run with is no ones' fault but your own. (of course within the societal norms)(oh yeah we don't need no f*king societal norms around here, hehe )
Check our Lea Madison not sure where you are located bur she travels all over the U.S. Not sure where you are located but she travels all over the U.S She has a very extensive menu, and at her age she Squirts! This Page
I just turned 60 as well and I have to say that I enjoy the variety the hobby makes possible. While my initial preference was for more mature ladies (including a few in their mid-60s), I have also sampled some as young as 18 or 19. There are good and bad aspects to everyone. A taut young body is a marvelous thing, but a woman who's had plenty of experience is likely to deliver a more satisfying session. As long as she likes to kiss ve it toexhibits a likable, sexy personality, I can have a wonderful time. Originally Posted by DirtySecrets
Well Said I agree! The younger tight bodies are great BUT it looks to me that the more mature women understand our needs and are more comfortable with there sexuality, and they know what we want and how to give it to us.
My 2cents
  • Sandy
  • 02-23-2014, 12:00 AM
First of all, Thank you for this post Sexsenior~

As an older provider that just turned 50, I am still going strong and having fun with the friends I meet outside my home State (Arkansas).
Here they make me think I should just retire..
But I can't, because I get request every day from my fans from other State's to come see them again., Sometimes they fly (or drive) in to see me here.

Age to me is just a number, and meeting like minded people is what it is all about~
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I am 66, and I don't look at the age, I look at the girl. I had a SB that was 19. This is fucking FantasyLand, and I don't give a flying shit what the prudes say. I am seen a lot with young women. The 19 year old could have passed for 16, she is beautiful, and she was all over me. I just don't give a fuck about other peoples opinions. I have a great time going to dinner with my 49 year old provider, my 34 year old beach bunny, my 27 year old super sexy redhead or my now 20 year old brunette.
kitmouser's Avatar
Just like it would not be right to show up for a session drunk or dirty, it just would not be fair to impose my old self on a 21 year old. Originally Posted by PFCffff
I'm with you here, but every one of us decides what works.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I have what I call a 20-20 vision. I want to be fucking 20 year olds 20 years from now.
I'm probably not the youngest hobbyist on this site, though I'm pretty young considering how old the members are. I'm in my 20's and it bothers me when providers say "May I see your ID?" That's only happened once, but it was a bit embarrassing. I look young for my age. I've noticed quite a few providers prefer older men like 40+. To me it seems like women prefer older clients and clients prefer younger women. I guess it's just preference.