Who do you miss?

I still have one of her coffee mugs. Unique business model. Her theory was they couldn’t bust her because she was selling art and she wasn’t nude because she always wore a tie. Originally Posted by Mr Willy
Pretty sure she was kidding about not being nude because of the tie. Besides, wouldn’t have mattered bc I believe her incall was her own apartment. Also, she was probably right about the art keeping her from being busted. And also, if I’m not mistaken, she never got busted.
I miss her she got married would love to see her again Lia
I miss Itsvelvet I hit it twice only. And Stellamia only once since schedules didn't align after that.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
I miss ....2009
bigwill832's Avatar
WildFlower79 and SexyCassandra
bigwill832's Avatar
Kassandra from the Latina spas. Right this minute, PeachySexy. Originally Posted by Little Guy

Oh Peachysexy. She was awesome. She managed to pull three shots out of me in less than 45 minutes, two by bj. Didn't think it was possible. She did it.
290 sandy (blonde milf)

With you brother. Miss 290 Sandy big time. Hung out with her many years. An incredible woman in numerous ways. A true courtesan. For the most part, I lost interest in the hobby once she retired.
Bianca Page
PRS...Puerto Rican Sandra
notanewbie's Avatar
Pretty sure she was kidding about not being nude because of the tie. Besides, wouldn’t have mattered bc I believe her incall was her own apartment. Also, she was probably right about the art keeping her from being busted. And also, if I’m not mistaken, she never got busted. Originally Posted by MidgeXXX

she flew on a different wind...if your kite was lucky enough to get up there it was a great place to take a ride.
  • pxmcc
  • 06-03-2022, 09:14 PM
Who do I miss? Well many hotties. Butt, more particularly..

Premier Desires (DFW). ok so if you go to the Boobs thread on mh2 and look for the best i posted and best in the thread, there u go. i never knew where to start with her lovely lady lumps..
  • pxmcc
  • 06-03-2022, 09:19 PM
but i didn't post this for her. Nicollette with her benji and a harriet tubman fbsm session was why i posted this. she made it into my top 10 all-time list including civvies.

if in jest my calling her a whore and a madam had anything anything to do with her going utr, may the hobby gods vaporize me with a hobby-worthy thunderbolt.

btw, i'm still not back. so go fuck urself LL, u sorry ass cyber-stalker.
TryWeakly's Avatar
wow... someone big mad UiTB ....


Kinda reminds me of that one throat-punchin hooker that had a ginormous clit.
governmentguru's Avatar
Salad sisters... that ought to take some you back a long way