The Bills : )

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
2 billion from YouTube per year, 7 years, of course it's the $$$$
offshoredrilling's Avatar
if Jill's bears play....
a song

was going ta post in nothing BUT ...
ben dover's Avatar
Not a fan of the cold, I have ZERO interest in sitting anywhere in zero degrees.
The Drummer's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
they won the deep chill

may next game be warmer
lilylivered's Avatar
Lost my cable and internet. Hate using my phone. Super Bowl : )
offshoredrilling's Avatar
next up for the Jill's
WKRP in Cincinnat
obnoxiousram's Avatar
Another division crown. Now let's have a real reason for a parade.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The Cinncy game will be critical for that 1st round seeding
Dolphins hung their banner.....

lilylivered's Avatar
Game Day!!
Go Bills!!!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
2.5 point spread.
That's one blown play.
lilylivered's Avatar
Prayers for Hamlin...
CryptKicker's Avatar
Prayers for Hamlin... Originally Posted by lilylivered
Ditto. No more football tonight.
buffalomw10's Avatar
Hamlin s uncle has reported that there’s been some slight improvement with his nephew’s medical condition. Let’s hope that trend continues. As the world continues to turn, the Bills had meetings today and plan a walk through practice in their preparation for the Patriots on Sunday.
Will the Bills respond on Sunday with vigor or just show up? If I was to bet on this game, I’d take the Patriots with the points. Having said that,of course I want the Bills to annihilate the Patriots.