Dallas Police Officer goes home to the wrong apartment, kills man inside !!

At this point I think we need to consider diversity and inclusion for everyone who could possibly get upset as a result of Guyger’s actions. A good portion of the black folks are upset at the white folks. Some white people are upset at black folks. Now the atheist and those wanting separation of church and state are upset but we have not heard anything from the Latino community. Surely they are upset that Guyger rode a married Latino cock.
And what about the traditionalist like myself who like keys vs those damn fobs. Surely this is an opportunity to resurrect old fashioned keys. And I’m surprised we have not heard from the folks that want safer guns and bullets. And the gay people should be upset too because to date no one has represented them in this shit show.
Of course, how dumb of me. I have had similar conversations with providers who have been offered government sponsored vacations. Everything from dick to fresh brewed coffee is a negotiable commodity.

I suspect the CO's will make full use of their night sticks as well as their dicks. And we have not even touched on the Lesbo possibilities.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
And the gay people should be upset too because to date no one has represented them in this shit show. Originally Posted by FunMonday
My guess is that the gays will be represented in a "Law and Order SVU" episode with this case. Don't feel too bad for them yet.

That episode will have the victim found with a dildo up his ass and everyone is confused, but Benson actually did it.
TheOracle's Avatar
It was a disgusting display. We've always done this type of shit in the name of religion. Check out my commentary in Houston sandbox. I go hard because its warranted.. and will challenge anyone on any of their bullshit views that are contrary to mine. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
The problem is really lack of knowledge. I've found that most people claiming to be christian don't even really understand the bible. Brandt Jean is another misguided kid who is probably getting his values and principles from his mother (like so many black males do unfortunately) who probably doesn't really know the bible herself as well as money chasing pastors. He doesn't understand that forgiveness and "turning your life over to Christ" has nothing to do with Guyger not going to jail and receiving her punishment. The bible is full of stories of SEVERE consequences and punishment being issued for transgressions.
Chung Tran's Avatar
He doesn't understand that forgiveness and "turning your life over to Christ" has nothing to do with Guyger not going to jail and receiving her punishment. The bible is full of stories of SEVERE consequences and punishment being issued for transgressions. Originally Posted by TheOracle
to be fair, we don't know that the Bible inspired that line from Brandt.. it could be he thinks Amber has, and will suffer greatly without a prison sentence, and that is just punishment. he may feel like it was a total accident that she should not be jailed for.

and the Tooth fairy might be real

I kid. we don't really know, but you may be right.. but if he is misguided on that one item, doesn't mean the rest of his heart and mind isn't fully biblical.

Chung, that 18 year old kid has his faith and his beliefs. I could not forgive someone so quickly if that person killed one of my brothers. I admire him for that. That comes from his faith. A faith that I admit that I don't have. More people should learn from that kid and stop being fucking stupid. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
totally agree.. none of us really knows if our faith would hold, if something similar happened in our lives. I doubt mine would forgive quickly, too, if at all.. but intellectually I know it is proper, so I can freely call those naysayers "fucking stupid".

There are way too many emotions involved and look at the victim's family. They are as nice and sympathetic as they come. They are a plaintiff attorney's dream and a defense attorney's nightmare. None of these lawsuits will go to trial because they will be settled before it gets to that point... time will tell if I'm right. I am. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I hope the family rejects the idea of payment for Botham Jean's death.. but realistically they won't, for the reasons you cite. they have already been through Hell, it's time Hell paid them back a little.

if the Family sues, Brandt Jean better stay the fuck out of it. if he thinks he's getting slammed left and right now, just wait until the word "hypocrite" is applied, along with more choice adjectives.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
totally agree.. none of us really knows if our faith would hold, if something similar happened in our lives. I doubt mine would forgive quickly, too, if at all.. but intellectually I know it is proper, so I can freely call those naysayers "fucking stupid". Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I know you speak in jest, but there is nothing intellectual about calling people "fucking stupid" like I did. But there is nothing intellectual about this case in my opinion. This is quite the fucked up case... a judge hugging the defendant and giving her a bible after her sentence. The brother wanting to hug his brother's killer. An idiot female cop who kills an innocent man in his own apartment because she is on the wrong floor and thinks it's her apartment. Hollywood couldn't make this shit up even if they wanted to do so... it's all just so fucked up all the way around to me. If I saw all of this shit in a movie, I wouldn't even think it was remotely realistic.
Tushhog makes a good point. She was off the clock when this incident occurred. But as a white ultra conservative white man who generally dislikes litigation I am in favor of a lawsuit against DPD because of their sloppy hiring standards, failure to enforce their own policies and failure to use common sense as a punitive measure to clean up their act. When they have to get their checkbook out they might make a legitimate effort to stop the bad cops from screwing people over.
texassapper's Avatar
The problem is really lack of knowledge. I've found that most people claiming to be christian don't even really understand the bible. Brandt Jean is another misguided kid who is probably getting his values and principles from his mother (like so many black males do unfortunately) who probably doesn't really know the bible herself as well as money chasing pastors. He doesn't understand that forgiveness and "turning your life over to Christ" has nothing to do with Guyger not going to jail and receiving her punishment. The bible is full of stories of SEVERE consequences and punishment being issued for transgressions. Originally Posted by TheOracle
You sound like you could use some schoolin on the Good Book yourself. The bible may be full of sever consequences and punishment, but you won't find them in the New Testament(NT). The NT is specifically about forgiveness and turning the other cheek... that is the entirety of the lesson of Christs death on the cross... to absolve us of our sins.

I would bet that the young man understands the Bible a good deal better than you and not just in the superficial meaning but in what his faith means to him.

How many among us have faith strong enough to forgive the sinner regardless of the personal cost? You have to understand, that if he really is that strong in his faith that he also believes that his brother is now in heaven and that this was Gods plan.

You think he's misguided, but in fact, it is you, I, and everyone else, that should be following his example.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You sound like you could use some schoolin on the Good Book yourself. The bible may be full of sever consequences and punishment, but you won't find them in the New Testament(NT). The NT is specifically about forgiveness and turning the other cheek... that is the entirety of the lesson of Christs death on the cross... to absolve us of our sins.

I would bet that the young man understands the Bible a good deal better than you and not just in the superficial meaning but in what his faith means to him.

How many among us have faith strong enough to forgive the sinner regardless of the personal cost? You have to understand, that if he really is that strong in his faith that he also believes that his brother is now in heaven and that this was Gods plan.

You think he's misguided, but in fact, it is you, I, and everyone else, that should be following his example. Originally Posted by texassapper

Miss me with that turn the other cheek shit. That's the same religious non sense that taught slavery was rightoues and that the slaves be obedient to their masters as they savaged them, raped and killed them.
texassapper's Avatar
Tushhog makes a good point. ..... When they have to get their checkbook out they might make a legitimate effort to stop the bad cops from screwing people over. Originally Posted by FunMonday
You realize when you say they have to get their checkbooks out, it's the residents of Dallas whose bank account those checks are written on? No govt. organization ever learns their lesson because they don't pay personally. There is no punishment for the organization. They don't disband it. They don't fire everyone and hire new. They usually don't even decrease the size of their budget.

I say we bring back the Roman concept of decimation to govt. agencies like this. Fuck up and 1 in 10 randomly get taken out back and whacked. Imagine applying that concept to Congress. ... what's the French saying? To encourage the others....
texassapper's Avatar
Miss me with that turn the other cheek shit. That's the same religious non sense that taught slavery was rightoues and that the slaves be obedient to their masters as they savaged them, raped and killed them. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I have neither the time nor inclination to educate you on the differences between Religion as practiced by man and Christs example. Based on what you've written you're probably not equipped to understand it anyway. Suffice it to say that men used the same book to both justify slavery and to justify ending it.
  • oeb11
  • 10-04-2019, 03:27 PM
The Axis of socialism espouses their own form of slavery - socialist totalitarianism - with the A of S in Stalin, Mao,and Kim's position - at the top with all people enslaved to them.

It is not about the existence of slavery to SC - just the position he wants - to be a slave Owner!!!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I have neither the time nor inclination to educate you on the differences between Religion as practiced by man and Christs example. Based on what you've written you're probably not equipped to understand it anyway. Suffice it to say that men used the same book to both justify slavery and to justify ending it. Originally Posted by texassapper
Don't waste your time responding to SC. She's just a lame drama queen starving for some attention that she's not getting in Houston.
CG2014's Avatar
Don't waste your time responding to SC. She's just a lame drama queen starving for some attention that she's not getting in Houston. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

She is a she?

I think he is another hobbyist?
CG2014's Avatar


(audio a bit low, you will need to turn it up)


These 2 Jurors, especially the lady, have spoken more sense about this entire case than the media has,

than all the folks who wanted Guyger to get life has,

even than any of us here who have been discussing this case

for nearly the last year and 1 month and 40 pages and 599 posts have.

These 2 jurors and their 10 other fellow jurors had a tough job to do:

they had to make an unanimous difficult decision

without personal reservations and personal bias

based on the evidence that was presented to them.

A decision that will affect the fate of a fellow human being

and that's how they saw her:

a human being who made a mistake,

a mistake that caused the death of a young man in the prime of his life

who had a whole life ahead of him.

They didn't see her as another White Police Officer gunning down a Black man.

They saw her as a human being.

Anyone of us could had made that mistake she made.

How many times have we heard of a homeowner who was awaken in the middle of the night by noises in their home,

thinking there is a burglar in their home,

they grab their firearm and went to investigate

and in their adrenaline and fear charged demeanor,

they ended up shooting and killing a family member?

These 12 jurors made that decision and no matter what everyone else says,

the media, social justice warriors, community activists, BLM, African American community,

they made the best decision they felt they could with the evidence presented to them.