NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-07-2014, 05:04 PM
Fucking hilarious!!! Let me know if he replies back man. Wow!!!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-08-2014, 12:59 AM
Lmfao, fucking hilarious Daddio. Did he answer back yet?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I'm at the point where I'm hoping:
A) Rick Smiths is gone this year
B) Top 5 draft pick
C) We get to see the full offense O'Brien envisioned, not necessarily this year
No response from McNuttless!!! Figures, how could he argue???? It's true, he better fire that chump!!
BigLouie's Avatar
IMHO the whole organization from McNair on down plays it safe. Taking the safe pick, going the safe route, never taking a chance until things totally blew up in their face. Fritz is just who everyone in the NFL thought he was but the team went with him instead of taking a chance on anyone else. Now they are stuck with no real QB and no way to get a stud QB. It will be interesting to see how they try to get out of this. I do see BoB going to McNair and demand that Rick be fire
boardman's Avatar
We all knew what we had with Fitz. Go back through the thread and I think you'll see that. Taking a chance on him and drafting Clowney was the safe move no doubt. But where would we be if we had taken Manziel, Bortles or Bridgewater? Most likely the same place and we wouldn't have Clowney, bad knee and all.
Fitz is a mediocre QB. I think the staff was hoping he had enough talent around him to make him a little better and that the defense could win a couple games. JJ sure has tried but he can't do it all just like AJ.
There is so much riding on Mallett's success. It's a lot of pressure on everyone from BoB on down. Do they limit the playbook, his ability to audible and play it safe or do they turn him loose and let him run with it do or die? I don't think BoB made this decision lightly but he's got to let Mallett play not treat him like Kubiak treated Shaub.

Fucking Jameis Winston is a stud. 6'6" 230#, great arm and athletic ability. Even with all the off field stuff he has managed to keep that team his. Some teams will pass on him next year because of the off field stuff. If he's there when our pick comes up and we don't take him I may just fire off a strongly worded email to McNair myself. LOL
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-10-2014, 11:46 AM
BM, man please do it, we beg you. It's always "all about you" so I think McNutless will listen to you. He still hasn't replied back to Daddio. Not sure why. Do it man.
Don't be delusional, cat-man.....Winston won't be there when it's the Texans' turn (y'all are headed for 7-9, maybe 8-8; so figure that record to position the team around the middle of the draft order).

The Jets need a qb (Geno Smith....Mike Vick? lol)....the Bucs need one (McCown? Gleanon? lol, don't think so) do the Titans.....the Rams do, too (Bradford's health history makes his future iffy there; he's not the answer....)
Sorry....regardless what Mel Kiper or any of the other draft gurus say today, but he'll be long gone before Houston has a shot at him. And the Oregon Duck kid will be gone, too.
boardman's Avatar
Yeah, It's wishful thinking.
My prediction is what I've feared all along. With nothing really available in FA If Mallett has a decent finish, not good but decent as in middle of the pack then we will win both games against the Jaqs maybe beat Tennessee again and possibly steal one other one along the way putting us at 8-8. Too high to get a shot at Winston or Mariota, we end up signing Mallett to a contract with the hope that he can be our starter for several years and lead the team to the Super Bowl only to watch him go down the same road as all the rest of our mediocre QBs. I hope Mallett is the answer. as I said before there is some upside with the guy. I'm just pretty skeptical.
No fucking way the pussy Texans take a chance on JizzStain Winston!! I don't really want him either as I think he is mildly retarded. I see him flaming out like VY. Now Mariota I like.
BigLouie's Avatar
We all knew what we had with Fitz. Go back through the thread and I think you'll see that. Taking a chance on him and drafting Clowney was the safe move no doubt. But where would we be if we had taken Manziel, Bortles or Bridgewater? Most likely the same place and we wouldn't have Clowney, bad knee and all. Originally Posted by boardman
Where would we be? We would have HOPE. Bortles, Bridgewater and Carr all have shown they are more than capable. Each has played well. If we had any of them we would have hope for the future. Right now we have no hope. Clowney is turning into a China Doll, our second round pick MIGHT be good in 2-3 YEARS. Nix appears to be a bust. The Texans needs a QB of the future and they did nothing to secure one and there is no hope now that they can draft one next year because all the teams that are worse need one. So the Texans are stuck with Mallett who has not seen live action on a consistent basis for 4 YEARS and as backup Savage who went 1,000 days without playing. Oh yea we're set. Meanwhile Jacksonville has Bortles, who although the team has not won, he has shown that with a year under his belt and another good draft the Jags will be in a LOT better situation than the Texans. So by playing it safe the Texans are looking at a number of years at 7-9 or 8-8 and a lot of great talent going to waste.
As for first pick I still like Khalil Mack. He had as many sacks against Ohio State as Cliwney did all year. He flat out beat up their tackle Mewhort who will be a NFL starting tackle Originally Posted by BigLouie
Where would we be? We would have HOPE. Bortles, Bridgewater and Carr all have shown they are more than capable. Each has played well. Originally Posted by BigLouie
During the week of the 2014 NFL Draft you said the Texans should use the #1 pick on K. Mack, not Bortles, Bridgewater or Carr.

Do you plan to change your mind again next week?
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 11-10-2014, 09:20 PM
No fucking way the pussy Texans take a chance on JizzStain Winston!! I don't really want him either as I think he is mildly retarded. I see him flaming out like VY. Now Mariota I like. Originally Posted by Daddio
Not sure about that but that is fuckin' hilarious! I must say I went from being an FSU fan and loving Winston to despising his dumb ass! I hope they lose every game the rest of the year...
boardman's Avatar
Where would we be? We would have HOPE. Bortles, Bridgewater and Carr all have shown they are more than capable. Each has played well. Originally Posted by BigLouie
No, they're not. I gave you the stats last week. They were all behind Fitz,
BigLouie's Avatar
During the week of the 2014 NFL Draft you said the Texans should use the #1 pick on K. Mack, not Bortles, Bridgewater or Carr. Originally Posted by bigtex
And that still stands. K. Mack has shown he is the real deal and a stud. Carr and JimmyG were still there at the start of the second round and we could have traded up to get Bridgewater if they had the balls. The Texans could have had the stud defensive guy and the QB of the future but they blew it and are now stuck with someone who can't get on the field and someone who they will have to wait 2-3 years to see if he can play. Meanwhile no QB.