NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

kerwil62's Avatar
Congrats on the W yesterday; well done, H-town. Considering the game Cleveland had a couple weeks ago (dismantling the Bengals at home), this was a really good win for Houston and, without question, much needed. Perhaps Mallett and Blue is the ticket, huh?

That said (and, oh, by the way....someone tell the don to fuckin' chill, k? Yesterday's game was a nice win but hardly qualifies as "a blowout". What the Pack did to the Iggles last night.....yeah, that's the definition of a complete and total blow out).....anyways, now that Houston has drawn the record even (5-5), I'll state the obvious: best bet in making this year's playoffs is to win the AFC South outright......

.....because getting in as a Wild Card is going to require climbing past six to eight total teams at this date.

....looking at everyone's records, there's waaaaay too many teams in the AFC that (currently) have a one - two game win / loss edge on Houston AND with six games remaining, Houston will (A) need to go on a 5-1 run ('cause even with a very respectable 4-2 finish, a 9-7 record is likely going to get you a comfy seat at home come January).....or (B) have a lotta teams ahead of them start tanking. And considering many of them play "one another" in a round-robin like fashion, somebody's going to get another W in the process.

The obvious solution is to simply win out and you're in (ie: the "you control your own destiny" mantra). Not impossible but considering the upcoming schedule, odds are not great in going 6 and Oh.

The potential flip-game (at Indy; Dec 14) looms....maybe by then someone will figure out how to cover Hilton or at least slow him down a tad. If y'all are able to pull that one off (ie: come out of Indianapolis with a win) chances are Houston will become huge Dallas Cowboy fans the following week, huh?
Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
VERY good points CB!
Yah to make playoffs they pretty much have to beat Indy. Beat the other division guys then hope that somehow the titans or jags can pull out a win against indy. Not bloody likely.
BigLouie's Avatar
Texans can beat Jags twice and Titans so what happens against Bengals, Colts, Ravens tells the tale. They would need to beat Colts for sure.
boardman's Avatar
Mallett did some of the things he needed to do to impress me.
He drove the team the length of the field not on the opening drive but on the second.
He looked comfortable and in command of the offense. He was running the team, seemed to know where everyone was and where they were supposed to be. There was no indecisiveness or confusion like I have seen from Fitz.

1 game doesn't make a QB. Let's see how he does in the coming weeks when the opponents have game film. I need to see a repeat of yesterday along with his command from behind and bouncing back after a bad game. Right now I am hoping for success but expecting disappointment. That can change.

The O-line looked so much better. Was that because of the QB? Maybe. The up tempo helped and that may have had more to do with Mallett being able to run the offense than anything. What I did see was Mallett recognizing the blitz, knowing where to go with the ball and doing it quickly. At that point accuracy is everything. It's really what separates the elites from the rest. Mallett could have been a little more accurate on the blitzes. With that arm, I have no idea why his first pass to AJ came up short. I was like WTF?

Blue reminds me so much of Foster in his style of running. It took him a few rushes to get going but once he did he turned it on. He's not Foster but a damned good backup.

Cushing looked way better. How he recovers from yesterday is going to tell the tale.

Clowney got in the backfield a couple of times. Again, how he recovers is going to be major. Hopefully he woke up this morning with no issues.

Mike Mohamed continues to impress me. He's one of those LB's that doesn't have the best physical skills but just has a nose for the ball.

The secondary still seemed a little confused at times as a unit. Individual play was pretty good at times. J JO and Bouye both made some good plays. They gave up some also but that's the life of a NFL corner. I like Swearinger's heart but he needs to play smarter. I sometimes wonder if he is on the same page or even running the same defense as Romeo. He also needs to make sure he has his man wrapped up or plenty of help around him before going for the ball. I saw him try to strip it several times yesterday when he needed to be wrapping up. It's gonna bite him in the ass.
Damn, I had to cut my pussy smashing short cause I was getting called out by you boys!!!

Now Now Satin, I said I like Blue also, and that he is not the gamebreaker PhilosoFoster is. I stand by that but Blue(who is on my FF Team by the way) looked real fucking good yesterday. He does look like Foster in the way he falls forward for the extra yard or two as he finishes his runs.

Now the real question is, where the fuck did our real OLine go? That was not the same OLine we have seen all season, they actually made some holes for Blue yesterday or at least got a little push most of the time. Bravo motherfuckers Bravo!!

Mallet looked like and improvement as well, he did get rid of the ball quickly unlike Fitzsnatchface was doing. I am still concerned about our WR not being able to get open. Andre Johnson is really struggling to get open. A few back shoulder type throws is all we can do sometimes. Hopkins is now the man at WR for us. It was good to see a TE sighting also.

The D played real well, but the Browns are a good matchup for us. They have no WR's that can burn us deep and the run D has really improved since Pickett has come in. 99 was a fucking monster again. He had Hoyer shitting himself with pressure several times and the Browns OL is pretty good. Cush, Dent, Mohammed, and even the Clown showed up briefly. The secondary is still confused especially Swearinger, smart move by starting Manning over Swearinger yesterday. The Rick Smith draft of Swearinger is about par for the course when you can bring in a guy(Manning) that was cut by other teams to start over our 2nd round pick.

But will all that said, I must yell this for my boy Satin,
"YOUR MY BOY BLUE"!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to smashing pussy and punishing latina tonsils!!!
Now the real question is, where the fuck did our real OLine go? That was not the same OLine we have seen all season, Originally Posted by Daddio
Actually they have been blocking for the run pretty well all season. The reason they looked so much better in the passing game is because Mallett did not hold on to the ball for a million years the way Snatchy did.

He has a quick and decisive release. that is all the difference in the world
My concern is the WR's will not be open and this will force the QB to hold onto the ball. Then the true OL will be evident again. We got lucky a time or two on passes that could've gone either way 50/50 balls. Mallet did look a lot better than Fitzsnatchface however.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-17-2014, 10:45 PM
Daddio, I'm glad you could take a break from smashing pussy to join the conversation. Now I know what you said about Blue, but come on Daddio, the dude is just a rookie, he has to learn how to be a back in the NFL. You can't compare him to an ALL Pro like BabyMaker already now, can you?

But I didn't want to do this, but here goes some facts for you and all the others who like BabyMaker:

2015 Cap Number- $9 million
28 years old
Pastime includes getting skank hoes pregnant and antagonizing media
Constant injury problems (back, groin)

Alfred Blue
2015 Cap Number - $539,483
23 years old
Pastime includes studying film and being a model teammate
Healthy and strong

Do you see what I'm trying to tell you Daddio?
kerwil62's Avatar
Blue is young and hungry right now. He also needs to pay strict attention of the amount of pussy being thrown at him right now by these skank hoes. Also he needs to stay his ass out of strip clubs like VLive and Dreams! LOL!!!
jstone420's Avatar
Remember it's one game let see if they can do it again
9 Million in cap money can go a long way at Chicas!!! Somebody needs to tell McNuttles!!

I Like Blue even more now Satin. He will eventually be even better once B'OB gets his power running game OLine up to snuff. I don't think he will be a home run threat tho. Babymakers home run threat days are vanishing before our eyes. Back, knee, hammy, groin, Noggin and wiener injuries take there toll on a deep thinking Babymaker you know. Word on the street is that BT gave Babymaker a Rusty Trombone and that's how he injured his groinal region!! Fucking BT!!

Can you believe Tate and Bllount pulled the same shit? I knew the Steelers wouldn't put up with that shit, the Browns too. Good for them. I hope Andre Johnson takes note of this.

You're My Boy Blue!!!!
TheDon's Avatar
Daddio, I'm glad you could take a break from smashing pussy to join the conversation. Now I know what you said about Blue, but come on Daddio, the dude is just a rookie, he has to learn how to be a back in the NFL. You can't compare him to an ALL Pro like BabyMaker already now, can you?

But I didn't want to do this, but here goes some facts for you and all the others who like BabyMaker:

2015 Cap Number- $9 million
28 years old
Pastime includes getting skank hoes pregnant and antagonizing media
Constant injury problems (back, groin)

Alfred Blue
2015 Cap Number - $539,483
23 years old
Pastime includes studying film and being a model teammate
Healthy and strong

Do you see what I'm trying to tell you Daddio? Originally Posted by Satin
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
Word on the street is that BT gave Babymaker a Rusty Trombone and that's how he injured his groinal region!! Fucking BT! Originally Posted by Daddio
Word on the other side of the street is that Faggy Dude Daddio tried to measure Babymaker's cock with his tongue and he accidentally bit down on it. That's how Babymaker injured his gronial region!! Fucking Faggy Dude!
I love the Dalilama's thread that remembers Black Tuesday, especially the picture of Einstein writing "Big Tex Sucks" on the Chalkboard, the asshole mural of Bigtex and others in the art gallery, and another reference to BigTex being a Fudge Packer.

BigTex had and still has quite a reputation!! He is such a Pussyfart!!! And he is now a Rusty Trombone player too!!!
Wakeup's Avatar
You guys need to realize this isn't the Political Forum...take that personal insult shit elsewhere...