Daughter of Random Thoughts

Laurenspencer's Avatar
To an extent.

Some are embarrassed when there are honest comments made of an event or person and they or the other vested parties quickly get offended rather than being rational adults.

Some are purposely (so it appears) to try and cause a state of events to intentionally cause conflict.

It's like we have reverted back to our Jr. High days

-A Originally Posted by aloysius.x
There has been quite some junior high behavior . I’m happy to see the board calm and posters getting along .
tuckahoe's Avatar
what is South Park? Some tv show?
Well fair and balanced happened around Valentine's Day on the board. You know who you are and thanks.
A cold kiss is better than no kiss.

Sorry bout your luck!!
WMJ4657's Avatar
Frank you might want to reconsider that statement, if you still of same opinion there is a pic floating around that I bet will change your mind.
I even heard a fellow monger bitching about it appearing on his phone in bad/good timing 😂😂
Well deserved I'm sure lol
WMJ4657's Avatar
Been long time since anyone in Hogland had a thought 🤷♂️
Well the minions are in hibernation
DallasRain's Avatar
hello my friends n lovers!!!!!!!

how ya liking the weather??????
its almost warm enough for some skinny dippin lol!!!
WMJ4657's Avatar
Ok Arky players I only visit occasionally and many of you have much more intimate knowledge than I so talk amongst yourselves and figure out who the manager of the house who is really not wanting known is manager of the house so has a front person who stands out front with the word but yes if you Checkout the volleyball you on the right track.
That's all I know so quit inquiring of me.
Ok Arky players I only visit occasionally and many of you have much more intimate knowledge than I so talk amongst yourselves and figure out who the manager of the house who is really not wanting known is manager of the house so has a front person who stands out front with the word but yes if you Checkout the volleyball you on the right track.
That's all I know so quit inquiring of me. Originally Posted by WMJ4657
That's a mystery question to say the least. It's been known for some time but the individual is pretty shy. He's not very boastful like previous managers. I believe there's another mouthpiece that does his talking.
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
Dime a dozen. Who said that? Don't get fooled again!
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Been long time since anyone in Hogland had a thought 🤷♂️ Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Hogland has lots of thoughts they just chose not to share … Are you guys board without all of us on here yet ??

Happy Memorial weekend WMJ hope your enjoying the lake or sum yummy food
Hogland has lots of thoughts they just chose not to share … Are you guys board without all of us on here yet ??

Happy Memorial weekend WMJ hope your enjoying the lake or sum yummy food Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
I must admit I don't miss some of the non participating ones of late.Some shouldn't share what they're doing. Usually that means the pr team doesn't have participating guys to fabricate reviews for them.
WMJ4657's Avatar
Hello Lauren I am doing well for an old fucker 😂 wether people want to participate or not really has no effect on me, granted some good riddance.

I tend to look at Memorial weekend as time of remembrance and solemness of those who paid the price so we can be here openly sharing our thoughts.

Hope life is good for you. Don't be a stranger on the board everyone should express themselves. We all adults no reason to have thin skin as some do.