Enough is Enough

Wakeup's Avatar
.............................. I made it back to Peaches' mental masturbation by a link. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
And then you posted...
mrbman's Avatar
I wonder what is on the backside of the Moon since we never get to see the dark side. Would like to hear what you think is out there.
Wakeup's Avatar
blowpop's Avatar
I let him validate everything I said. No need to continue. Not only has he become a joke, but he's a predictable one. Originally Posted by surcher
Completely predictable. He says the same stuff over and over. "____ is fat." "Val is my wife, and is hot." "Heh". Some variation of "Look how smart I am, and how dumb someone else is."

Eccie could replace him with a bot, but that would take at least an hour to program. No need, since he's willing to dance for the organ grinder for free. Seemingly forever.
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm pretty sure BP doesn't know how the Ignore function is supposed to work...
Completely predictable. He says the same stuff over and over. "____ is fat." "Val is my wife, and is hot." "Heh". Some variation of "Look how smart I am, and how dumb someone else is." Originally Posted by blowpop
Just for grins, what would you have Wakeup do? Try to sell Top Ten Listings for free sex with second stringers?

Old Dingus
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... he's willing to dance for the organ grinder for free. Seemingly forever. Originally Posted by blowpop
... Try to sell Top Ten Listings for free sex with second stringers? Originally Posted by Old Dingus
I can't decide which one is funnier. The organ grinder's monkey is a beautiful metaphor, but "second stringers" was truly inspired.

Well done, fellas.

What the hell seems to be the problem here? Your post yesterday afternoon did not have this image, but my notice of your post did. Now I put up with a lot of shit from silly hooktards, but this is beyond my capacity to tolerate.

I need you to be sure you do not omit anything else like this because I need the pic to be able to point out that despite all the choices, when you wanted it to look tough and fierce, you chose a WHITE bear!

I will schedule with you and discipline you properly.


Old Dingus

surcher's Avatar
So are you going to arrive at a point sometimes soon? How EXACTLY am I a bully surcher? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Ask me again.

I'm pretty sure BP doesn't know how the Ignore function is supposed to work... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
The ignore function works just fine. He can't see what you say unless it's quoted by someone. This may be hard for you to comprehend, like the comments in this, thread, but he was replying to me.
Wakeup's Avatar
So, you going to get to a point soon?


I think you're misunderstanding how the Ignore is supposed to work too...the Ignore function is what pussies use to block out words from someone who they get frustrated dealing with...it allows them to calm down, think rationally, and forget about the person who makes them look ignorant all the time...

Mentioning me...all on his own...without him being able to see anything I post...isn't Ignoring me...it's letting me inside his skull even more...

THAT'S what's hilarious...schools out gramps...
Lol @ old dingus damn that's a big bear!
That's one stance to take, and it's perhaps one I would take if I were in the impossible position of having the responsibility of moderate a board but not given the authority to dispatch the handful of assholes who live to fuck with the community.

(Come to think of it, that's the reason I stepped down from moderating another hobby board. I don't have a lot of patience with assholes.)

But don't discount the personalities involved here. On one hand, you've got guys of moderate intelligence who are desperate to be thought of as the smartest guys in the room, and they earn points with their bros by appearing to outsmart a provider. If she gets backed into a corner and says something, she gets penalized. He "wins".

On the other hand, you've got providers here that are advertising their businesses. And in any sort of social media, if you're a business, you've got different constraints than the customers do. Respond to an attack the wrong way, and it will cost you customers.

For the guys, it's all fun and games. For the women, it's their livelihood. Thus the guys can do whatever the hell they please without repercussion, but if a woman responds and puts him down like the little bitch that he his, she's now branded as a ballbuster, and her business could suffer.

It's a no-win situation for providers. They either suck up to these losers (hi, Val!) and become their favorites, or they risk being the object of attack, an attack that they cannot respond to without risking business.

Many choose simply not to participate, and in the current climate, that's probably the smart move for their livelihood. Don't participate, just post your ads, and keep your head down.

In short: "Know your place, woman." Is that what you really want to be seen as leading?

Bullies shouldn't be tolerated. Here they're encouraged. And this is the result. Originally Posted by blowpop
You think I suck up to WU? Lmao

Quite the contrary...

Edit- And while I'm at it, why does my name keep getting dragged into this abortion of a thread? I rarely even post anymore, fuck off.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Girl why do you even care if your name gets dragged into it. At least include a pic of your titties or something
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
You think I suck up to WU? Lmao

Quite the contrary...

Edit- And while I'm at it, why does my name keep getting dragged into this abortion of a thread? I rarely even post anymore, fuck off. Originally Posted by Valerie
Maybe it's your fault you and honey boo hoo are 'connected'. Perhaps you should take 'wakeups fuck slut' off your avatar picture. You and him come off as being joined at the hip, so if you want to distance yourself from him, then do it.