NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Cleveland has quite "the situation" taking place this season, don't they? Hoyer's been up and down but the coaching staff has stuck with him and it's paid off so far.

Looking ahead, what if Hoyer leads the Browns to a playoff slot? (or.....they win their division outright?)
What if he leads them to a playoff victory (or two)? wow....

Do the Browns simply let him go away (free agency) or do they tender him a new contract? If so, what do they do with back up rookie, J Manziel? If they let Hoyer walk, they'd damned well best know for certain that JM is ready to take the reins or the fan base will go ape shit next year.

If the Texans do get slotted at number 12 (draft) who's on your Wish List? Btw, Mariotta and Winston are off the board by that time...we all know tht so don't waste your time thinking they'll slide. So are you so certain that either is "the answer" that you'd (trade picks) in order to move up in the draft?

Answer: you do if either is the next Andrew don't if both are the next RG3.

Answer: allow wisdom to prevail; you take a page out of the Cowboy's blueprint and you begin rebuilding that'll take a little time but the payoff can be rich. You can wait on your next franchise qb (especially since you've never had one in your 13 year history)....time to build from the inside-out this time.

SR610 is reporting that Mallet is done for the season.
Time to see what Savage has so we can start working on a plan for off season and the draft.
BTW Brian Hoyer is a FA after this year and maybe the only one worth a shit.
We will probably end up with the 10th to 15th pick in the draft. If the season ended today we would be at 12 I think. Originally Posted by boardman
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-24-2014, 01:23 PM
Very good analysis CB.

I wish we would play Savage to see what he has, but I'm thinking they will go back to the Bearded Wonder.

Daddio, I understand what you are saying about Mallett. But looking at it from a different perspective, it depends on what the extent of the injury was and how much was known about it before the game. Consider this:

I feel it is more up to the coaching staff to make the call and decide he could not play. Players are gonna play if they can. Especially someone like Mallett who is in a contract year and trying to get his first big contract. He knows if he doesn't play, that's maybe his last chance and he's done. I much rather have that, than someone like The Clown, who won't play if he breaks a fingernail and sits on the sideline Instagramming hoes instead of paying attention to the game.

The College Coach is clearly frustrated and out of his league. We have a lot of good pieces but we also have more problems than answers. I don't see them making the playoffs so I would like to see what Savage can do so they can make decisions about the draft.
boardman's Avatar
Cleveland has quite "the situation" taking place this season, don't they? Hoyer's been up and down but the coaching staff has stuck with him and it's paid off so far.

Looking ahead, what if Hoyer leads the Browns to a playoff slot? (or.....they win their division outright?)
What if he leads them to a playoff victory (or two)? wow....

Do the Browns simply let him go away (free agency) or do they tender him a new contract? If so, what do they do with back up rookie, J Manziel? If they let Hoyer walk, they'd damned well best know for certain that JM is ready to take the reins or the fan base will go ape shit next year.

If the Texans do get slotted at number 12 (draft) who's on your Wish List? Btw, Mariotta and Winston are off the board by that time...we all know tht so don't waste your time thinking they'll slide. So are you so certain that either is "the answer" that you'd (trade picks) in order to move up in the draft?

Answer: you do if either is the next Andrew don't if both are the next RG3.

Answer: allow wisdom to prevail; you take a page out of the Cowboy's blueprint and you begin rebuilding that'll take a little time but the payoff can be rich. You can wait on your next franchise qb (especially since you've never had one in your 13 year history)....time to build from the inside-out this time. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
I don't think you give up the farm for Winston or Mariotta. As a fan I want to see wins now but being realistic I don't think either of those guys are Andrew Luck.
I agree for them to play Savage if they think he has a chance. What I don't want to see is an even more boring playbook to dumb it down for the rookie. Either let him sling it and see if he can play or not. Also we are not mathematically eliminated yet from the playoffs, realistically we are out but not officially out.

Yes Satin and I respect Mallet for trying to gut it out but if you have a torn peck and are a QB and try to play, WTF??? And the coaches and trainers should have known about it, so WTF were they doing??? Supposedly it happened or was known about before the game right? Somebody bench his ass, maybe the beard would've have made 1 throw, that's all we needed was one damn play. Fuck Mallet, we at least know he is no Clown however!!! Fuck the Clown and most importantly Fuck Rick Smith!!! I also agree with CB, draft a whole new OLine. The safety was pathetic but why the FUCK did we try to run to the right side behind the biggest matadors in the Ole Oline, Newton and Brooks!!! Sneak it out, give it to him straight up the gut or go behind Duane Brwon, but to the right???? SMMFH!!!!

Free tickets for Blowjobs the rest of the season!!! NO BigTex, sorry you can't get the tickets from me you cocksucker!!! Hot chicks only are eligible for the tickets!!
boardman's Avatar

The College Coach is clearly frustrated and out of his league. We have a lot of good pieces but we also have more problems than answers. I don't see them making the playoffs so I would like to see what Savage can do so they can make decisions about the draft. Originally Posted by Satin
I waiver back and forth on BoB. He definitely got outcoached yesterday. His system is apparently incredibly complicated. With that said, Mallet looked way more comfortable in it than Fitz ever did. Crennel was the one who looked baffled yesterday. I'm wondering if his defensive scheme has been too much too soon for these guys to learn.
BigLouie's Avatar
BoB is acting as if he is back in New England. Everyone is reporting a torn pec on Mallett and BoB is saying that he is still being evaluated and a starting QB not named. WTF.

This puts everyone in a tight spot. Mallett can kiss that big contract good-bye. And the Texans are in a spot. Do they draft a QB or try to sign Mallett based on one good game and one bad game.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 11-24-2014, 06:26 PM
Well never fear boys, we're in the fucking Super Bowl now. We just signed Thaddeus Lewis as our new QB!!! Whoohoo!!!
BigLouie's Avatar
I have to wonder if he starts our Tom Savage starts.
TheDon's Avatar
Shit I'd be pumped if THAD LEWIS was our guy. Have we ever had a black QB? That would be refreshing. We know he's athletic, we've seen nothing but pocket sloths the last few years
boardman's Avatar
Shit I'd be pumped if THAD LEWIS was our guy. Have we ever had a black QB? That would be refreshing. We know he's athletic, we've seen nothing but pocket sloths the last few years Originally Posted by TheDon
Well Hell, we should have signed Jamarcus Russell then...

Tony Banks started a few games one season.
jstone420's Avatar
6 an 10 get ready for it
boardman's Avatar
6 an 10 get ready for it Originally Posted by jstone420
That's 3x better than last year.

Why don't we just let JJ play QB?
Wakeup's Avatar
Answer: you take a page out of the Cowboy's blueprint... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
kerwil62's Avatar
Well never fear boys, we're in the fucking Super Bowl now. We just signed Thaddeus Lewis as our new QB!!! Whoohoo!!! Originally Posted by Satin
Damn who did he use to play for??
allow wisdom to prevail; you take a page out of the Cowboy's blueprint and you begin rebuilding that'll take a little time but the payoff can be rich. You can wait on your next franchise qb (especially since you've never had one in your 13 year history)....time to build from the inside-out this time. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

Laugh all you want.....however, referencing what Dallas did these last 4-5 drafts to get themselves back on track looks pretty solid now, doesn't it? Did you see that O-line perform Sunday evening in New York?

Of course, if you'd prefer, Texans' ownership / management could simply go down the same path as before and make the "sexxy" draft pick that makes headlines......and go for the shiny, new QB. Just like Charley Casserly did in 2002 when he took David the absolute delight of the Carolina Panthers who selected Julius Peppers next.