Still don't believe he's a muslim?

  • shanm
  • 03-01-2015, 07:55 PM
Classic appeal to ignorance. You normally see it when a stubborn idiot is defeated and has nowhere left to run.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Classic appeal to ignorance. You normally see it when a stubborn idiot is defeated and has nowhere left to run. Originally Posted by shanm
It's obvious your stupid ass didn't read the survey, shamman, because the survey clearly substantiates how the bombs shortened the war, shamman.

(Pacific War)

1 JULY 1946

Early in May 1945, the Supreme War Direction Council began active discussion of ways and means to end the war, and talks were initiated with Soviet Russia seeking her intercession as mediator.

The talks by the Japanese ambassador in Moscow and with the Soviet ambassador in Tokyo did not make progress. On 20 June the Emperor, on his own initiative, called the six members of the Supreme War Direction Council to a conference and said it was necessary to have a plan to close the war at once, as well as a plan to defend the home islands. The timing of the Potsdam Conference interfered with a plan to send Prince Konoye to Moscow as a special emissary with instructions from the cabinet to negotiate for peace on terms less than unconditional surrender, but with private instructions from the Emperor to secure peace at any price. Although the Supreme War Direction Council, in its deliberations on the Potsdam Declaration, was agreed on the advisability of ending the war, three of its members, the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister and the Navy Minister, were prepared to accept unconditional surrender, while the other three, the Army Minister, and the Chiefs of Staff of both services, favored continued resistance unless certain mitigating conditions were obtained.

On 6 August the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, and on 9 August Russia entered the war. In the succeeding meetings of the Supreme War Direction Council, the differences of opinion previously existing as to the Potsdam terms persisted exactly as before. By using the urgency brought about through fear of further atomic bombing attacks, the Prime Minister found it possible to bring the Emperor directly into the discussions of the Potsdam terms. Hirohito, acting as arbiter, resolved the conflict in favor of unconditional surrender.
You lack any grasp of nuance or ambiguity in complex thought. If I'm FOR one thing, you automatically assume I'm against the position that occupies the place 180 degrees opposite. I know exactly how the world is. People like you remind me everyday. You didn't answer my question; isn't it terrible that it came down to those two choices? Drop the anger and the libtard bullshit and talk to me like a human being. The world is rarely black and white, right and wrong, good or evil. That's simplistic. It doesn't mean there aren't situations where it's clear cut, but it's not always like that. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

This sounds like a computer generated response, from a OzombieBot... The human handler will soon take over.
  • shanm
  • 03-01-2015, 08:16 PM
It's obvious your stupid ass didn't read the survey, shamman, because the survey clearly substantiates how the bombs shortened the war, shamman. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Is that supposed to mean anything? I am not nearly motivated enough or desparate enough ( like you) to go and nitpick sentences from a report with a clear and concise conclusion. They studied the war and CONCLUDED that the war was won without the help of two unnecessary atomic bombs AND the Russian invasion ( your supposed ground invasion). Now you can either blabber on and on like a fucktard or you can shut up and sit quietly. Either way, go fuck yourself.
Is that supposed to mean anything? I am not nearly motivated enough or desparate enough ( like you) to go and nitpick sentences from a report with a clear and concise conclusion. They studied the war and CONCLUDED that the war was won without the help of two unnecessary atomic bombs AND the Russian invasion ( your supposed ground invasion). Now you can either blabber on and on like a fucktard or you can shut up and sit quietly. Either way, go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by shanm
God Damn you are STUPID... LOL!<-941!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Is that supposed to mean anything? I am not nearly motivated enough or desparate enough ( like you) to go and nitpick sentences from a report with a clear and concise conclusion. They studied the war and CONCLUDED that the war was won without the help of two unnecessary atomic bombs AND the Russian invasion ( your supposed ground invasion). Now you can either blabber on and on like a fucktard or you can shut up and sit quietly. Either way, go fuck yourself. Originally Posted by shanm
You're the dumb fuck that can go screw yourself, shamman, because you stupidly argued that Truman's rationale was unfounded, shamman.

"Having found the bomb we have used it... We have used it in order to shorten the agony of war, in order to save the lives of thousands and thousands of young Americans." -- President Harry S Truman, 1945.
You're the dumb fuck who did screw yourself when you didn't actually read the survey you cited -- the survey which actually substantiated Truman's rationale, shamman. The survey pointedly outlines how the bombs enabled Hirohito to bring an end to -- AKA "shorten" -- the war, shamman.
  • shanm
  • 03-01-2015, 08:37 PM
God Damn you are STUPID... LOL!<-941!!! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Awww whats the problem IIFuckface? No one paying you any attention tonight? Although, ill say, I dont expect much from some one who got his username by smashing his head into the keyboard. Go fuck yourself
  • shanm
  • 03-01-2015, 08:44 PM
You're the dumb fuck that can go screw yourself, shamman, because you stupidly argued that Truman's rationale was unfounded, shamman.

You're the dumb fuck who did screw yourself when you didn't actually read the survey you citeud -- the survey which actually substantiated Truman's rationale, shamman. The survey pointedly outlines how the bombs enabled Hirohito to bring an end to the war, shamman.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Ohhhh is that what it "substantiated" to you is it?

Tell you what, ill do you the courtesy of telling you before hand. From now on, I will not respond to your comments, I will not read your comments and I certainly wont give your pathetic existence even an afterthought. You have proven yourself to be overwhelmingly stupid and stubborn, a dangerous combination, but in the end will only hurt you and no one else. Now that I have told you this, lets count how many times you reply, knowing full well no attention is being paid to your stupid fucking comments. Good bye.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ohhhh is that what it "substantiated" to you is it?

Tell you what, ill do you the courtesy of telling you before hand. From now on, I will not respond to your comments, I will not read your comments and I certainly wont give your pathetic existence even an afterthought. You have proven yourself to be overwhelmingly stupid and stubborn, a dangerous combination, but in the end will only hurt you and no one else. Now that I have told you this, lets count how many times you reply, knowing full well no attention is being paid to your stupid fucking comments. Good bye.
Originally Posted by shanm
As clear as day that's exactly what it said, shamman, and you're the lib-retarded jackass with your head stuck in the sand refusing to see the evidence which knocks your lame-ass POV on its ass, shamman. BTW, shamman, regardless of what you intend to read or not read, expect to have your BS nonsense disputed at every turn. Unlike your willfully stupid ass, shammann, there are people who want know and learn from the facts.
lustylad's Avatar
This sounds like a computer generated response, from a OzombieBot... The human handler will soon take over. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Damn, iffy! I think you're on to something! We're arguing with bots! That would explain the non-stop circular reasoning and slightly askew out-of-context insults.... how do we throw a monkey wrench out there and make these automated idiot machines blow themselves up?
lustylad's Avatar
Tell you what, ill do you the courtesy of telling you before hand. From now on, I will not respond to your comments, I will not read your comments and I certainly wont give your pathetic existence even an afterthought. You have proven yourself to be overwhelmingly stupid and stubborn, a dangerous combination, but in the end will only hurt you and no one else. Now that I have told you this, lets count how many times you reply, knowing full well no attention is being paid to your stupid fucking comments. Good bye. Originally Posted by shanm

Whoa... that is definitely an off-the-shelf generic bot response. Plus notice how shammybot is heading for the exits as soon as we started exposing his botness. I don't use smilies very often but this one seems apropos - shammybot returning to the mother ship...

  • shanm
  • 03-01-2015, 09:25 PM
Whoa... that is definitely an off-the-shelf generic bot response. Plus notice how shammybot is heading for the exits as soon as we started exposing his botness. I don't use smilies very often but this one seems apropos - shammybot returning to the mother ship...

Originally Posted by lustylad


I never said I'd stop replying to you LustyFAG.

I actually think you're quite brilliant. I also know that you're a liberal. A brilliant liberal and a master in satire. Like a Colbert, only a 1000 times smarter. Because you ACTUALLY have us all fooled that you are a good-for-nothing, backward-minded, retarded, dick-turd, toolbag conservative shithead Republican, with opinions that aren't worth a penny, when actually, you are not.

I bow before you master, teach me

lustylad's Avatar


I never said I'd stop replying to you LustyFAG.

I actually think you're quite brilliant. I also know that you're a liberal. A brilliant liberal and a master in satire. Like a Colbert, only a 1000 times smarter. Because you ACTUALLY have us all fooled that you are a good-for-nothing, backward-minded, retarded, dick-turd, toolbag conservative shithead Republican, with opinions that aren't worth a penny, when actually, you are not.

I bow before you master, teach me

Originally Posted by shanm
I can hear you shammybot, turn it down... I am happy to 'fess up - I am a liberal. A John Stuart Mill liberal who believes as firmly in the liberal credo of open markets and individual liberty as you cling tenaciously to the tenets of nanny state bolshevism at home and pusillanimity overseas. Like the editor of the Economist who stepped down a month ago, I believe that in the end, free markets and free minds will win. So call me a liberal if you want to. Just define it properly to mean the opposite of retarded misfits like yourself.
  • shanm
  • 03-01-2015, 10:52 PM
I can hear you shammybot, turn it down... I am happy to 'fess up - I am a liberal. A John Stuart Mill liberal who believes as firmly in the liberal credo of open markets and individual liberty as you cling tenaciously to the tenets of nanny state bolshevism at home and pusillanimity overseas. Like the editor of the Economist who stepped down a month ago, I believe that in the end, free markets and free minds will win. So call me a liberal if you want to. Just define it properly to mean the opposite of retarded misfits like yourself. Originally Posted by lustylad
I knew that Jon Stewart was a personal idol of yours. You and Colbert both got it from him I bet. Bloody brilliant, if you ask me.
lustylad's Avatar
I knew that Jon Stewart was a personal idol of yours. You and Colbert both got it from him I bet. Bloody brilliant, if you ask me. Originally Posted by shanm

Did the bot-tard take over again? Is that where the affected British accent comes from? You are clearly not the product of a liberal education.