Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

bambino's Avatar
Because the Freedom caucus is filled with Russian sympathizing cock suckers and they can’t be trusted to abide by the rules they set themselves in 2015.

Keep your filthy panties on. You’ll see more than you want to soon. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
I’m still waiting on article two of the Mueller report to deep six him!!!
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2019, 08:42 AM
Hatred runs deep in j666
Such a waste.
matchingmole's Avatar
Hatred runs deep in j666
Such a waste. Originally Posted by oeb11
I guess the Anti-Trumpers don’t realize that most conservative minded people can read. As in read the transcript.
Jaxson66's Avatar
I’m still waiting on article two of the Mueller report to deep six him!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Have you read the resolution being voted on?

I’m no lawyer but one paragraph seems to state that all four Committees who have been attempting oversight will be authorized to begin handing out subpoenas. If that is fact then the judiciary committee can subpoena McGahn, McDonald, Comey, Sessions and fat lying bastard Jr. to name just a few. If they choose to obstruct then they face Contempt.

But, first things first. The coming hearings will be about the Ukraine shakedown, if the fat lying bastard dodges that bullet he will have many other questions awaiting him. All through his 2020 campaign. Can you say Benghazi?
Chung Tran's Avatar
I guess the Anti-Trumpers don’t realize that most conservative minded people can read. As in read the transcript. Originally Posted by Jackie S
if the transcript is so beautiful, why are you guys so worried? you will come out of this smelling like the proverbial rose, and sweep in 2020.

and by the way, what were those ellipses' in that beautiful transcript?
Jaxson66's Avatar
I guess the Anti-Trumpers don’t realize that most conservative minded people can read. As in read the transcript. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If that were true you would have read the Disclaimer on the front page. It states the document is a summary not a transcript.
bambino's Avatar
Have you read the resolution being voted on?

I’m no lawyer but one paragraph seems to state that all four Committees who have been attempting oversight will be authorized to begin handing out subpoenas. If that is fact then the judiciary committee can subpoena McGahn, McDonald, Comey, Sessions and fat lying bastard Jr. to name just a few. If they choose to obstruct then they face Contempt.

But, first things first. The coming hearings will be about the Ukraine shakedown, if the fat lying bastard dodges that bullet he will have many other questions awaiting him. All through his 2020 campaign. Can you say Benghazi? Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You’re pretty stupid. First off, Pelosi and Hoyer stated their “new” resolution ISNT an impeachment inquiry. If a witness ignores their subpoena the Dems will have to go to court. Which takes time. And, the Dems might lose. But just be patient Jax, the Horowitz report will be out soon. That’s where the real criminal activity will be exposed. That will put a real damper on Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and YOU!
lustylad's Avatar
Per Vindman's (leaked) opening statement yesterday:

"I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained."

In other words, Democrats are demanding that Ukraine NOT investigate their own national gas company for corruption - and they have linked that demand (i.e., made it a quid pro quo) to the continuation of their "bipartisan support" of Ukraine's government.

It seems every time I turn around I see more quid pro quos! Like Vice President Biden threatening to withdraw U.S. loan guarantees unless a Ukraine special prosecutor is fired. Or U.S. dim-retard Senators sending a letter to Kiev threatening to cut off U.S. aid unless Ukraine fabricates dirt on trumpy and gives it to Robert Mueller.

Oh dear! This is madness! So many accusers doing exactly what they accuse the POTUS of doing!!

What's a fair-minded person to make of this dim-retard mess?
Jaxson66's Avatar

What's a fair-minded person to make of this dim-retard mess? Originally Posted by lustylad
Be careful Krusty, party members aren’t allowed freedom of thought. You’ll be ostracized from the cult.
Jaxson66's Avatar
You’re pretty stupid. First off, Pelosi and Hoyer stated their “new” resolution ISNT an impeachment inquiry. If a witness ignores their subpoena the Dems will have to go to court. Which takes time. And, the Dems might lose. But just be patient Jax, the Horowitz report will be out soon. That’s where the real criminal activity will be exposed. That will put a real damper on Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and YOU! Originally Posted by bambino
Sure it will
bambino's Avatar
Sure it will Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Oh, it will. Durham will finish the job. Stay tuned dummy. We’ll explain it to you.
lustylad's Avatar
Be careful Krusty, party members aren’t allowed freedom of thought. You’ll be ostracized from the cult. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Evidently my post went right over your head.

Glass houses... let he who is without sin... the emperor has no clothes, etc.

Dim-retards like you are totally lacking in self-awareness.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Evidently my post went right over your head.

Glass houses... let he who is without sin... the emperor has no clothes, etc.

Dim-retards like you are totally lacking in self-awareness. Originally Posted by lustylad
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, life for a life, that’s my motto Trumptard.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Oh, it will. Durham will finish the job. Stay tuned dummy. We’ll explain it to you. Originally Posted by bambino
Sure you will