this entire thread is about NY'Rs misogynistic attitude....he hates smart mouth hookers, because it affects his manhood......but he's not a big enough man to reverse her ban,,,, ,too bad he had a chance to redeem himself.......oh well........
Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
misogynist attitude? How do you what his attitude towards women are? Do you know him personally to be able to say that of him? Why would he reverse her ban? he did not just up and ban her, he gave her the last points, which accumulated to her banning. If a mod did something that was supposedly beyond his scope, even tho there is not a mod or the mods on a local level, I am sure St.Chris has been contacted and he has not done anything so that should tell you something right there.
We all know that mods do not interpret/moderate the guidelines equally for all members and that is probably why some get upset about a mod pointing one member and not another for doing the same thing. It is a given that they have a particular interest in certain members, and many times, I suspect they are told by non-staff members who to have that interest in, that is just the nature of this site and why the majority of the drama on here is allowed to continue.
At one point a few years ago, we did have a local mod who was an total asshole. I have no idea what he did to others that did not agree with his opinion on everything (at least openly), but I know many who hated him and he especially had a hard on for me. Hopefully, those kinds of mods who have that kind of power trip are not current mods. Do we have have mods who we think make dumb decisions? Of course, and those dumb decisions are usually that mod giving points to us personally or friends.
Then, there is always the members who think that no one can do anything right and just like to bitch and cause drama. Most of those are the ones who have very little to no reviews, especially given their number of posts and time they have been on the board.
Everyone just needs to get over it, and no matter how much you beat this dead horse, nothing will change the points Dorthy received nor her consequence for receiving those points.