NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

boardman's Avatar
Kubes did pussy out like always. The Ravens were gashing the Pats with the run. So of course Kubes decides to throw it too much. So glad we got rid of his sorry ass. I feel sorry for the next team that hires him.

Dallas got totatally fucked by the refs today. Dez made a great catch. He had completed the catch and was completing the stretch. His elbow was down also. Would have set up a great finish and forced a gimpy Rodgers to win it, but the refs fucked us all. Fuck the nfl bullshit officiating!!! Originally Posted by Daddio

Dallas did get fucked but they shouldn't have been there in the first place.
If that's how replay is going to go then I say get rid of it.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar
Peyton need to retire he will never play in a super bowl again Originally Posted by jstone420
If that's the case, then the entire Dallas Cowboy organization should retire...
TheDon's Avatar
Kubs to Denver sounds too fitting.
Kubs to Denver sounds too fitting. Originally Posted by TheDon
Kubes has a long history with Elway and the Bronco's franchise. If he goes, I wish him well!

On another front, the Texans have a new Director of Player Personnel:
Elway always liked the way Kubes blew him, hire him to see if he could still gobble like the good old days!! Broncos are fucked!! This means Peyton is retiring I suspect. I don't think Peyton would let the idiot Kubes coach him.
Elway always liked the way Kubes blew him, hire him to see if he could still gobble like the good old days!! Broncos are fucked!! This means Peyton is retiring I suspect. I don't think Peyton would let the idiot Kubes coach him. Originally Posted by Daddio
I'm sure Dopey Dude Faggio knows much more about professional football than John Elway!

Said only one person ever!
DarthMaul's Avatar
Elway always liked the way Kubes blew him, hire him to see if he could still gobble like the good old days!! Broncos are fucked!! This means Peyton is retiring I suspect. I don't think Peyton would let the idiot Kubes coach him. Originally Posted by Daddio
That is my question! Will Peyton be using the offense he always run...(Which I think Seattle figured out last year) or will he learn a new offense from Kubes?
BigLouie's Avatar
Peyton ran his offense at Denver, Kubiak wants the QB to run his offense with no audibles. Something has to give.
Peyton ran his offense at Denver, Kubiak wants the QB to run his offense with no audibles. Something has to give. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Given the fact that Elway and Kubes have a very long history together that includes a long-lasting friendship and 2 Super Bowl Championships. And Kubes was sought out by Elway to be the anointed one as the final piece of the puzzle.

I would put my money on Kubes not being the one doing the giving! At least at this point in time!

Given the fact that Kubes had a pretty good situation in B'more, I seriously doubt that he would have agreed to return to Denver if there was any doubt in his mind that he currently has the best hole card.

I wish Kubes well against every team other than the Texans!
kerwil62's Avatar
Elway always liked the way Kubes blew him, hire him to see if he could still gobble like the good old days!! Broncos are fucked!! This means Peyton is retiring I suspect. I don't think Peyton would let the idiot Kubes coach him. Originally Posted by Daddio
LMAO!!!! I was surprised that Kubes got named head coach as well!

I think Peyton is on his way out. They're gonna be clashing like hell! He could be a quarterback coach for some team in the future.
He could be a quarterback coach for some team in the future. Originally Posted by kerwil62
For all practical purposes, Peyton has been an Offensive Coordinator for the better part of the past decade.

And a damn good one, at that!
boardman's Avatar
Kubiak has never had a Peyton Manning type player.
Kubiak's offense uses stretch zone running plays and bootlegs off of that which are very effective if the running plays are working properly. The keys are a cohesive O-line, not necessarly big or athletic but able to play as a unit, a one cut and go running back with good patience and vision(think about all of the great RBs that played in that system at Denver as well as AF) and a somewhat mobile QB.

Manning relies on time to read offenses and find weaknesses to exploit but he is still mobile enough to run a bootleg. Manning has been really good against the teams he should beat but those that have the athletes or a scheme he can't figure out cause him problems.

Now, if those two can find a way to co-exist and blend their offenses somehow it will be dangerous.

What are the chances Kubes brings in Kyle Shanahan? That would be the ideal situation. Kubiak trusted KS with the offense here in Houston and he did a great job with it. Those were Shaub's good years. Letting KS and Peyton build a new offense with the best of both systems would be fun to watch.

If it doesn't work Kubiak will probably only have to deal with it for one year. My guess is that was Elway's selling point.
jstone420's Avatar
Good glad his ass left the Ravens he calls bullshit plays at the wrong time
What are the chances Kubes brings in Kyle Shanahan? That would be the ideal situation. Kubiak trusted KS with the offense here in Houston and he did a great job with it. Those were Shaub's good years. Letting KS and Peyton build a new offense with the best of both systems would be fun to watch. Originally Posted by boardman
It is my understanding that Kyle Shanahan is going to the Falcons but he would have been an excellent OC for Kubes in Denver. Truth be known, I would not mind having Kyle back as the Texan's OC.