NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Kubiak is too stubborn and too unimaginative. a change in scenery will not change that. He did OK with an already well established offense in Baltimore but it still wasn't what I would call inspired.
I just know I have a shit ton more football knowledge than BT!!! Come to think of it the pimple on my ass has more football knowledge than BT. BT forever immortalized his football knowledge with his love and gay wad love for Dopey!! You cannot deny that you worthless Buttplug!!!

Broncos are fucked. They do have a decent D but Kubes mopey ass will wear thin pretty quickly in Denver. It's all about your QB and soon the broncos will be without a proven one. They have a very good receiving unit with Thomas, Thomas and sanders.
The afc west is pretty weak.
gay wad love Originally Posted by Daddio
Speaking of his "gay wad love," who was it that said the following:

When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
None other than Dopy Dude Faggio, of course!

As for Coach Kubes, he is a Htown guy, that certainly gets him a few points in my book. Beyond that I really do not have strong feelings, one way or the other. With that said, I am glad to see him return to the organization he has previously spent 20 or so years with. However, I am not convinced that he is the right man for that job. Time will tell!

I do wish him well but my allegiance is to the Texans, not the Bronco's.
Seriously BT are you fucking retarded?????? I realize the best part of you dribbled down your moma's leg after your retarded father jizzed her infected twat. Put on your straight jacket for the night so you quit typing you fucking cum bucket!!
Seriously BT are you fucking retarded?????? Originally Posted by Daddio
Nope! But it is obvious that Dopey Dude Faggio is the official JFF cock measurer wannabee. (See below)

When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
I'm sure Dopey's balls are permanently deflated as BT is not around to blow on them like he used to!! Looks as tho queer bait BT has deflated balls also since he does not do reviews on snatch. BT spends all his time on the homo eccie website. BT aka DDT(Deflated Dopey Teabaggr)!!!

BT is also known as the thread killer since he has no football knowledge.

Is Mariotta worth trading up for? I say yes but it would be costly to get the pick from TB.
fragtasticator's Avatar

Is Mariotta worth trading up for? I say yes but it would be costly to get the pick from TB. Originally Posted by Daddio
Now this is the question.

Wikipedia page is here.

Short Answer? Based on what I've seen on the guy, I'd have to say yes, definitely worth trading up for.

In the long form, it really depends on what you have to pay to get him. Flipping ones, throwing next years one and both this years and next years 2s at tampa bay to be guaranteed access to the kid, maybe more? I don't know.

He's a Heisman winner, but so was Tebow, so we know that's not a predictor of greatness.

He's 36 and 5 at Oregon, meaning he's a winner at the college level, but then, so was Ryan Leaf.

What intrigues me most is the kid's Touchdown/interception numbers:
32/6, 31/4., 42/4

I feel like these numbers show that the kid is capable of making good decisions under pressure.

A fact which is backed up by his rushing numbers: Mariotta has rushed for at least 700 yards in each season at oregon, which is pretty amazing, when you think about it - he had to decide, in the heat of the moment, to abandon the throw, and then run for it, and in doing so, was able to average about 6 yards an attempt over the course of his career.

At 6'4, he's got the height you are looking for in a prototypical quarterback, and he's from samoan and german lineage: from the point of view of stereotypes, at least, this fellow is going to be physical and mentally tough.

Finally, when you sit his career down next to someone like Winston's, the difference becomes apparent: Mariotta has none of the stench of juvenile behavior and entitledness wafting off him that Winston does.

Mariotta looks like the best prospect right now for becoming an elite level quarterback. If it's true that the Texans are 'a quarterback away' from winning the superbowl, you almost HAVE to pay whatever is being asked, although, I, personally, would hope to avoid paying as much as Washington did for RGIII.

Hell, I'd float Andre Johnson to 'em as part of a package if I thought it would help, and I would dearly like to have that man retire wearing deep steel blue.
boardman's Avatar
Nope! But it is obvious that Dopey Dude Faggio is the official JFF cock measurer wannabee. (See below) Originally Posted by bigtex
I'm sure Dopey's balls are permanently deflated as BT is not around to blow on them like he used to!! Looks as tho queer bait BT has deflated balls also since he does not do reviews on snatch. BT spends all his time on the homo eccie website. BT aka DDT(Deflated Dopey Teabaggr)!!!

BT is also known as the thread killer since he has no football knowledge.

Is Mariotta worth trading up for? I say yes but it would be costly to get the pick from TB. Originally Posted by Daddio
You two jock straps sure know how to fuck up a decent thread.

What are you willing to give up for Mariotta? A couple first round picks? This year's first round pick + AF? The whole draft? JJ Watt?
First you have to take a look at Tampa Bay and what their needs are if you're going to make a deal at all.
Their top needs are OL, pass rusher and QB. Who do we have that we are willing to give up that fill those needs? We're not giving up Duane Brown or JJ so those are off the table. Maybe Whitney Mercilus but I don't know that he brings enough value. We damn sure don't have a QB worth trading to get a #1 pick for.

I predicted this before we ever even signed Mallet. When the rumors that Mallet might come to Houston first started I said that my worse case scenario was that Fitz would get hurt late, Mallet would come in and have a couple decent games leading us all to believe he was the next Tom Brady and we wouldn't be looking for another QB. I was wrong about Fitz getting hurt. He got benched instead. Mallet looked really good in his first game. He had an injury in his second and played like it. We have no clue what we really have in Mallet but we will be going into next season with Mallet as our presumed starter, Savage as backup and likely a career third stringer running the scout team.(Case?)

If anyone makes a deal to move up it will be Philly. They are already talking about strategy to do that with maybe more than one move to get from #20 to #1. Mariotta will be a plug and play QB for Chip Kelly. He won't anywhere else.

Winston is a wildcard. He ran more of a pro style offense at FS. Big guy, fast, can make all the throws. I bet his athletic measurables will be off the charts at the combine. Problem is his intangibles. He's all over the place. He's a winner on the field but appears to be a real tool off the field. Are the Texans willing to take a chance on someone like that. History says no.

The rest, Hundley, Petty etc. are projects not immediate starters. We have a project. Don't need another one.

Don't start talking about Peyton Manning either. He and Kubiak will find a way to coexist. They'll have a hell of an offense too as long as Manning stays healthy.

The upside?
We have the best defensive player in the league. AF should have another good year or two left. The O-line started to gel late. BoB took a 2-14 team to 9-7 without a QB and was playing for a playoff spot the last week. Gotta give him credit as a head coach. He wasn't afraid to make a change at O line coach to get better. Hopefully he'll get an OC to work with Mallet
BT wears thongs not jock straps, he is like Brooks Reid, no sacks!!!

Tampa needs a lot, and QB is a big need for them. Unfortunately with Rick Smith's year after year of shitty drafting we have no depth to give up to trade up. If we could pawn off Reid or Mercilus or the Clown that would be good. Maybe even pawn off Cush to eliminate salary. Trading up would be very difficult. Based on what I remember Rick Smith asking for last year's #1, which was ridiculously high, and by the way he should have taken anything close to what was asked to trade out of the Clown pick. How that fucker is still our GM is a mystery to me. He must have pictures of McNuttless cornholing Bob Allen or something.
BigLouie's Avatar
TB is NOT going to trade away the first pick. Last year they had no offense starting with no QB so explain why they would trade away the chance to get a franchise QB when they desperately need one.

Also I see that those cheaters in New England are at it again. Caught deflating the ball so Brady could perform better in bad weather.
TB needs a lot of things not just a QB, they could do exactly what we should have done last year and trade the overall #1 pick for multiple picks. That way maybe lightning would strike and one of Sorry ass Rick Smith's picks would have worked out!! I remember Rick Smith asking for the moon for the Clown pick, if he got any offers anywhere remotely near what he was asking he should have taken it.

Debatable if the draft hype for Mariotta is as strong as it was for the once in a lifetime Clown specimen. Probably not, as QB's are not locks to pan out. TB's QB situation is horrible but still not as dire as our Texans. Our potential starter Mallet is not even under contract. Rick fucks it up again. NOT SURPRISING!!
jstone420's Avatar
Tampa Bay is not dumb like the texans so kill that trade shit
It was already just pie in the sky with our worthless GM at the helm. Although he will trade up and reach for someone who has had 3 knee operations already. Book it.

Is Marriota worth it? Or is he worth the overall #1 pick? I say he is worthy of the overall #1 pick but not worth trading the farm for him. We have a BUNCH of needs, QB is a huge one.
BigLouie's Avatar
Last year Rick and BoB did not think any of the QBs were worth an early pick. Bridgewater and Carr proved them wrong. Bortles got a shitty deal because the Jags had nothing for him to work with. How would you like to trade our first two picks last year with Oakland's first two picks last year?
boardman's Avatar
TB is NOT going to trade away the first pick. Last year they had no offense starting with no QB so explain why they would trade away the chance to get a franchise QB when they desperately need one.

Also I see that those cheaters in New England are at it again. Caught deflating the ball so Brady could perform better in bad weather. Originally Posted by BigLouie
So, are you saying Mariotta is a franchise QB?

Who were your picks as franchise QBs coming out of the draft this time last year?
I'm pretty sure Bridgewater and Bortles weren't. But then again, I'm not sure they are franchise players.
Do I need to post their stats....AGAIN?