NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-19-2011, 08:24 AM
Was a great day of football yesterday. I think we gave that one up bad. If anyone doubted wade and how much he does for defense you found out yesterday. Looked like we went back to last year and had a Piss poor D all day. They ran it on us threw it on us and the guys just looked lost. Wade we need you buddy.
Cmon man, Schaub would have made the difference my ass!! TJ did screw the pooch and throw a couple of picks but Shcaub would have also and taken more sacks. The D was poor and we gave up 28 points. We will not win to many games giving up 28 and losing the turnover battle 3 to zip.

Bottom line is we need Andre Johnson back on the field because our recievers suck. What the hell happened to James Casey? Is he MIA?

The only good to come from this is we will stop reading about how good we are and buckle down and get ready to play winning football again.
TheDon's Avatar
We definitely need Dre playing in order to succeed. But another thing on Wade, it seemed that in the previous two weeks he did a great job with second half adjustments, something we didn't get yesterday, and as bad as Yates looked, I think Joseph looked equally as bad getting done up by Steve Smith the way he did on a couple of plays. And I really do think we need to have a new kicker out there, if you can consistently hit from 49, that just isn't good enough. And those 3 points don't seem big, but they're momentum killers.

Also, was the roof open yesterday? I think it's better when it's closed. I think the dome feel is much better for the team.
Cmon man, Schaub would have made the difference my ass!! TJ did screw the pooch and throw a couple of picks but Shcaub would have also and taken more sacks. Originally Posted by Daddio
C'mon Dude, you need to go for the gusto! You should have said that Schaub would have done a hell of a lot worse than TJ. Why settle for just as bad when you can get a hell of a lot more mileage out of Schaub being just plain shitty! If you can't prove it either way, you might as well make Schaub as shitty as possibe. Being just as shitty as TJ just ain't gonna cut it!.

Damn Dude, we buy your books and send you to school and you still can't make a convincing argument!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 12-19-2011, 06:45 PM
Don, a lot of our defenders got "done up" yesterday pretty badly. Actually it was embarrassing. No way the Rook takes all the blame for this one. Foster fumbles. Joseph gets burnt by Smith. Missed field goal. Running backs running to the end zone almost untouched. Missed tackles. Shockey running over defenders talking shit. Defense gets fooled by some bullshit high school play on the goal line. Fucking ridiculous....

Well now we get Orlosky. If he lights us up, then I'm worried. The Kool-aid still tastes good. I need to stop listening to Trey and putting Grey Goose in it.

..getting ready to see DED's that the lights are back on....GO NINERS!!!
If schaub were still in we would be on a 3 game losing streak right now bt. No way schaub wins vs cincy. I don't think any qb could have won for us yesterday with that pathetic team performance. With our shitty recievers We did miss Wade.
If schaub were still in we would be on a 3 game losing streak right now bt. No way schaub wins vs cincy. Originally Posted by Daddio
Dude, now you're starting to get into the swing of things! I knew with a little prodding you would be able to rise to the occasion!

Hey, I've got an idea! Since we are playing the speculation game, let's make it a 6 or 7 game losing streak for Schaub, instead of just 3.

Aw what the hell, let's just wipe out the whole season and make the Schaub led Texans 0-14! Damn, I feel so much better! I believe I will have a brewsky to celebrate!

Shit fire, it's only numbers anyway!
You hit it on the head bt your argument is only numbers. Numbers don't win games football players win games. Here is a "number" for you to check on for us all, rushing yardage dopey vs tj and get back with me with your numbers!!!!

Jury is still out on TJ, but I think he gives us a better chance to win. He can actually extend the play and make a play out of nothing, your boy can't escape the rush even on his hover round!!!

Speaking of numbers, what is UH rated? That's a big number!! Why don't you give the uh AD some phone numbers of a new head coach.
You hit it on the head bt your argument is only numbers. Numbers don't win games football players win games. Here is a "number" for you to check on for us all, rushing yardage dopey vs tj and get back with me with your numbers!!!!

Jury is still out on TJ, but I think he gives us a better chance to win. He can actually extend the play and make a play out of nothing, your boy can't escape the rush even on his hover round!!!

Speaking of numbers, what is UH rated? That's a big number!! Why don't you give the uh AD some phone numbers of a new head coach. Originally Posted by Daddio
That a boy Dude Daddio. You're really on a roll now!

While you're swingin' for the fences, I also like the Stros and Rockets! Let's show them some love too!
Who's house? Daddio's House!!! Bitch.

More numbers for you Daddio 28 bt 0. Scoreboard.

Here is another gem for you, you can't spell bitch without bt!!!!!!

Bt's latest quote "if if if dopey were still playing he would have great numbers, his stats would be awesome because we fall behind so far early because my boy is not awake enough to play but then he piles up the big big numbers to almost get us a win". "almost"!!!!
Who's house? Daddio's House!!! Bitch.

More numbers for you Daddio 28 bt 0. Scoreboard.

Here is another gem for you, you can't spell bitch without bt!!!!!!

Bt's latest quote "if if if dopey were still playing he would have great numbers, his stats would be awesome because we fall behind so far early because my boy is not awake enough to play but then he piles up the big big numbers to almost get us a win". "almost"!!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
What? No Stros and Rockets love! Damn, are we going to have to send you back to school?
This is a football thread you Candy ass!!!

Stros won't be good for a long time!!! Unfortunately!!

I am glad we didn't get that French fuck Pau in that trade the commish cock blocked. Scola alone is better than that pussy!!!
This is a football thread you Candy ass!!!

Stros won't be good for a long time!!! Unfortunately!!

I am glad we didn't get that French fuck Pau in that trade the commish cock blocked. Scola alone is better than that pussy!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Actually, I am hopeful Schaub will be the Stros starter on opening day 2012! I've heard he's got a wicked slider! His foot should be healed by then!!!!!!
Come on you nutless wonder, I am waiting on the rushing yard "numbers".

Dopey season yards rushing vs Tj 2.5 games rushing??
Wandy would make a better qb than Dopey. He is more athletic!!!

I putting my drunk ass to bed!!! I expect the "numbers" reported to me in the morning or your fired bt!!! You will have to find a new job other than the president of the schaub tea baggers fan club!!!