TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

I can never understand Trump supporters. Most of them (you) he despises and would have nothing to do with except curry their vote. He's been living in a gilded castle his entire life and understands nothing of the common American. I'm no great lover of the Dems but Trump has turned me away from the party as much as he has turned them away from the basic principles of Republicans. They're lost and the only thing left is to double down on the wanna be dictator. Such a shame our country is so divided.

On Iran, the only thing you need to know is Muhammad Mossadegh. And if you don't know who that is or why he is important, then any commentary on Iran is, frankly, childishly stupid.
See this:

Bill Kristol is heading an organization to defeat him, as is the husband of the smart assed blonde on DT's staff, forgot his name and there is a third group that is also organizing to defeat him which goes by the acronym of something like RAVAT

His latest display of stupidity should result in his defeat. However, shockingly there is still a large group of voters, at last poll I saw, 43% of voters, still support him. This group is largely high school graduate white males.
EagleEye's Avatar
I heard Tucker Carlson call them the Trailer Park vote the other night when he was ripping into Trump and especially his son-in-law.

The Never Trumpers have a lot of momentum. There are at least 2 or 3 organized groups (Project Lincoln is one). Bill Kristol, George Conway, Rick Wilson, and several other ex-Romney, W Bush, staffers. They are running lots of highly critical ads in targeted markets. Their twitter feeds are interesting.
EagleEye's Avatar
Oh and by the way:

Ruh roh, Biden is within the error margin of winning TX. What is interesting is Abbott is running way ahead of Trump, so it looks like people are happy with the Govenor's handling of the pandemic.
Being a life long Texan it sickens me that Texas is so close. This used to be a purely Democratic state, hence the term "yellow dog Democrat".

I just hope that all of the people protesting will vote and register to do so if they haven't already. The balot box is where the action is as dull and dreary as it sounds. I was wondering if there was any organization that had the attention of these protestors so I could write to them and urge them to vote.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh and by the way:

Ruh roh, Biden is within the error margin of winning TX. What is interesting is Abbott is running way ahead of Trump, so it looks like people are happy with the Govenor's handling of the pandemic. Originally Posted by EagleEye
I would never vote for Trump but I did vote for Abbott. He is a little too far right for me on some issues but I believe he had done a good enough job running Texas to earn my vote.

Trump will win Texas in 2020 but, as I predicted a long time ago, it won't be by the 9% margin he won it in 2016. Texas is getting bluer each day and once it turns blue, it will be difficult for any Republican to be elected as POTUS. NY, California, and Texas carry a ton of electoral votes, and when you add in Florida which can go either way in any election, it is possible in 2024 that the 4 most populous states will vote Democratic.

Right now Trump has a double-digit negative approval rating according to both 538 and RealClearPolitics. The approval rating was -2 to -3% 2 months ago. In some polls, Biden leads Trump by double digits at the national level, with some polls in the negative mid-teens. Clinton led Trump by 2% at this point in time in 2016. Biden either leads or is within the margin of error in every battleground state.

This is not to say that Trump will not pull out a victory in November. His negative campaigning worked in 2016 and it may work in 2020. In my opinion, many voters have come to recognize the "real" Trump over the last 40 months and have tired of his schtick. We shall find out in less than 5 months.
I would encourage everyone who can read, and I realize that leaves out a lot of T supporters, the column in today's Austin Statesman by George Will. It is a scathing indictment of T, although onerous reading.
On Iran, the only thing you need to know is Muhammad Mossadegh. And if you don't know who that is or why he is important, then any commentary on Iran is, frankly, childishly stupid. Originally Posted by badboytimmay
For the first time in my life I hear in an American forum, not specialized in international relations, someone talk about the origin of the U.S./Iran grouch.

If the owners of transnational corporations and their bought and paid for employees (the political class) understood that "Respect to other people's rights are the basis for peace" we would not be in the well deserved mess that we are right now.
"Respect to other people's rights are the basis for peace" we would not be in the well deserved mess that we are right now.

When you say "respect other people's rights" you mean in the same sense as ";protect our way of life"?
winn dixie's Avatar
george will is an elitist never trumper whose popularity is fading
winn dixie's Avatar
I would never vote for Trump but I did vote for Abbott. He is a little too far right for me on some issues but I believe he had done a good enough job running Texas to earn my vote.

Trump will win Texas in 2020 but, as I predicted a long time ago, it won't be by the 9% margin he won it in 2016. Texas is getting bluer each day and once it turns blue, it will be difficult for any Republican to be elected as POTUS. NY, California, and Texas carry a ton of electoral votes, and when you add in Florida which can go either way in any election, it is possible in 2024 that the 4 most populous states will vote Democratic.

Right now Trump has a double-digit negative approval rating according to both 538 and RealClearPolitics. The approval rating was -2 to -3% 2 months ago. In some polls, Biden leads Trump by double digits at the national level, with some polls in the negative mid-teens. Clinton led Trump by 2% at this point in time in 2016. Biden either leads or is within the margin of error in every battleground state.

This is not to say that Trump will not pull out a victory in November. His negative campaigning worked in 2016 and it may work in 2020. In my opinion, many voters have come to recognize the "real" Trump over the last 40 months and have tired of his schtick. We shall find out in less than 5 months. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
With the help of mail in ballots and illegals voting you have a point
winn dixie's Avatar
Being a life long Texan it sickens me that Texas is so close. This used to be a purely Democratic state, hence the term "yellow dog Democrat".

I just hope that all of the people protesting will vote and register to do so if they haven't already. The balot box is where the action is as dull and dreary as it sounds. I was wondering if there was any organization that had the attention of these protestors so I could write to them and urge them to vote. Originally Posted by stikiwikit
Im sure that these angels legally cannot vote due to criminal records
Winn Dixie , you know, don't you, that your type will soon extinct.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
With the help of mail in ballots and illegals voting you have a point Originally Posted by winn dixie
Please stop with that nonsense. There have been numerous studies done on illegal voting in this country and every study, including one done by a Trump team, comes to the same conclusion.

"The Brennan Center's seminal report The Truth About Voter Fraud conclusively demonstrated that most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless and that most of the few remaining allegations reveal irregularities and other forms of election misconduct. Numerous other studies, including one commissioned by the Trump administration, have reached the same conclusion."

Is there a level of voter fraud in this country? Yes, but ridiculously low, and the cases of voter fraud have been shown to not favor one party over the other.

But if Donald Trump says it is true, his minions nod their heads in agreement. No thought as to whether or not it is true.
Good news. Jobs report just got released.

May jobs report: US economy unexpectedly adds 2.5 million payrolls, unemployment rate falls to 13.3%