Still don't believe he's a muslim?

  • shanm
  • 03-01-2015, 11:17 PM
I can hear you shammybot, turn down the volume... I am happy to 'fess up - I am a liberal. A John Stuart Mill liberal who believes as firmly in the liberal credo of open markets and individual liberty as you cling tenaciously to the tenets of nanny state bolshevism at home and pusillanimity overseas. Like the editor of the Economist who stepped down a month ago, I believe that in the end, free markets and free minds will win. So call me a liberal if you want to. Just define it properly to mean the opposite of retarded misfits like yourself. Originally Posted by lustylad
But on a more serious note, don't just automatically assume that I identify with everything the democratic party stands for. I am not dumb enough to have my rationality defined by political dogma. I have disagreed with the president on many, many issues, including the oh-so-famous health care reform. I am a huge supporter of curbing government intervention and more laissez-faire economic policies(except taxation; earning more means you pay more). I didn't support the NSA scandals, and I hate the apparent lack of transparency that the government has nowadays. I could also write down a hundred more.
But, at the same time, I believe Obama has been a far far more effective president than Bush, and has done, more or less, what was expected of him. He
1)saved the car industry
2) turned the economy around ( I mean do you even remember 2008?),
3) did well by nationalizing student loans
4)Increasing taxes on the wealthy (don't give me that disconnect bullshit, my family is well in the 1%. If the old ways were working we wouldn't have the biggest income differential in the entire developed world)
5) making our image slightly better outside our 50 states, despite the lack of support for his foreign policies, I believe he has done well. Far from optimum but still better than bush.
And I could literally go on and on. It is infuriating to the extreme when conservatives act like he is the worst thing since sliced bread. With claims like this "You still don't think he's a muslim?" it's hard not to point and laugh at the stupidity of the average republican voter. Overall, I harbor no animosity towards republicans. Since I live in Texas, it turns out more of my friends are republicans than democrats. Those same friends would laugh just as hard at a stupid ignorant forum like this one. I mean, "Obama is a muslim" fucking seriously? Do you honestly believe that?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
But on a more serious note, don't just automatically assume that I identify with everything the democratic party stands for. I am not dumb enough to have my rationality defined by political dogma. I have disagreed with the president on many, many issues, including the oh-so-famous health care reform. I am a huge supporter of curbing government intervention and more laissez-faire economic policies(except taxation; earning more means you pay more). I didn't support the NSA scandals, and I hate the apparent lack of transparency that the government has nowadays. I could also write down a hundred more.
But, at the same time, I believe Obama has been a far far more effective president than Bush, and has done, more or less, what was expected of him. He
1)saved the car industry (He did? Maybe you'd better ask Ford how they felt about having to compete with a car company being backed by the full credit of the US government. You know what? Ford survived and they did not rip off their investors like GM was forced to do under Obama's deal with the union.)
2) turned the economy around ( I mean do you even remember 2008?), (Go do some research about unemployment, people in the work force, people on food stamps, people on disability, and the annual growth of our economy before you sound stupid again)
3) did well by nationalizing student loans (really? Go ask a student who had six or seven student loans that he or she could pay off one at time to having everything collected under one loan. Now they have payments of $500 to $700 a month for the next 10 years and they can't find a decent job. It was also done against their will and if they comes the IRS and the US government to make their lives hell)
4)Increasing taxes on the wealthy (don't give me that disconnect bullshit, my family is well in the 1%. If the old ways were working we wouldn't have the biggest income differential in the entire developed world) (I notice that you celebrate the increased taxes but you don't say why it benefits the average person or the country. Mommy/Daddy issues is not the way to run a government)
5) making our image slightly better outside our 50 states, despite the lack of support for his foreign policies, I believe he has done well. Far from optimum but still better than bush. (Well, the polls say otherwise. We are less respected, less trusted, and less likely to do anything to save the world than ever before.)
And I could literally go on and on. It is infuriating to the extreme when conservatives act like he is the worst thing since sliced bread. With claims like this "You still don't think he's a muslim?" it's hard not to point and laugh at the stupidity of the average republican voter. (Research....there are many democratic voters who think he is a Muslim as well ) Overall, I harbor no animosity towards republicans. Since I live in Texas, it turns out more of my friends are republicans than democrats. Those same friends would laugh just as hard at a stupid ignorant forum like this one. I mean, "Obama is a muslim" fucking seriously? Do you honestly believe that? Originally Posted by shanm
Let me ask you this, is Barack Obama a Christian? If you say that he is, how do you know?
  • shanm
  • 03-02-2015, 01:04 AM
Let me ask you this, is Barack Obama a Christian? If you say that he is, how do you know? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
1)saved the car industry (He did? Maybe you'd better ask Ford how they felt about having to compete with a car company being backed by the full credit of the US government. You know what? Ford survived and they did not rip off their investors like GM was forced to do under Obama's deal with the union.Ford was offered Government aid and bailouts, they refused to take it. There was never a question of a uneven playing field. Or maybe you'd want all american car manufacturers out of business so the foreign markets can take over? It would also be interesting to see ford have absolute monopoly over manufacturing employees, so they could go back to paying them $4.50 an hour. Not even considering that ford would probably not be very efficient with no domestic car company competing with it. Not even his most hardcore critics disagree that he did a decent job saving the car industry. *Cue Bill O"reilly theme song*)
2) turned the economy around ( I mean do you even remember 2008?), (Go do some research about unemployment, people in the work force, people on food stamps, people on disability, and the annual growth of our economy before you sound stupid again) I'm not going to spare more than a sentence on this.If you think we are in the same position as we were economically in 2008, I am obviously wasting my time trying to get through to you.
3) did well by nationalizing student loans (really? Go ask a student who had six or seven student loans that he or she could pay off one at time to having everything collected under one loan. Now they have payments of $500 to $700 a month for the next 10 years and they can't find a decent job. It was also done against their will and if they comes the IRS and the US government to make their lives hell)
Debatable. But I think he made the (somewhat) right decision. The U.S is the one developed country that has an enormously high price tag for education. While that is essentially the problem, the solution anyone here in the U.S is looking for is NOT to make that price go down but to make that price more affordable. Education is more and more becoming a basic necessity in the modern economy, that is why I am FOR nationalization. The minute private companies realize that the thing you want is becoming a thing you need, guess what happens? prices go up. Although a loan is still a loan, I would rather have the government handle it than a bank that could literally sue me for everything I'm worth in case I default. The real problem Obama should be focusing on is to bring tuition down, but unfortunately that is not going to happen because we can't stop private institutions from charging what they want. ALSO what must be noticed that he hasn't exactly NATIONALIZED the student loan industry. He has basically cut the middle man (bank) out of governmental student loan funding that you would otherwise receive anyway (Perkins, Stafford). you are still free to choose any private institution for funding your education.
4)Increasing taxes on the wealthy (don't give me that disconnect bullshit, my family is well in the 1%. If the old ways were working we wouldn't have the biggest income differential in the entire developed world) (I notice that you celebrate the increased taxes but you don't say why it benefits the average person or the country. Mommy/Daddy issues is not the way to run a government)Funny you mention mommy/daddy issues. I get along with my parents pretty well and My father is all for higher taxes (he votes democrat; big surprise). Guess how much in tax he paid on his OVERALL income last year? round about 25%. Isn't that just amazing? you could be working as a middle class worker, struggling to pay bills AND paying 35% tax on your income, while my dad and others like him, who makes millions, would pay 25%? Ahhh aren't capital gains tax rates just the best? wasn't there a story of Romney paying 14% while his secretary paid like 35%. You can argue trickle-down economics with me all day long, but considering the increasing disparity between the poor and the rich, I would say that it hasn't really worked out for us. In fact, if you look closer at the 2007 crisis, it is exactly what caused our economy to collapse: The millionaires betting on housing stocks while those buying the mortgages couldn't even afford to pay half of them back.
5) making our image slightly better outside our 50 states, despite the lack of support for his foreign policies, I believe he has done well. Far from optimum but still better than bush. (Well, the polls say otherwise. We are less respected, less trusted, and less likely to do anything to save the world than ever before.Hmm I seem to remember mentioning "outside our 50 states." We already know that Obama won't get any support from over half the country no matter what he does. " =0&abt=0002&abg=0
Heres a recent poll (JULY 2014) that shows that the majority of countries have more faith in Obama than they had in Bush. Notice the overwhelming difference especially among developed countries.
Im sure there are also polls that present the contrary. From my personal experience (I lived in Turkey in a study abroad program for two semesters), foreigners seem to like Obama a lot more than Bush. He's relatable, He's good at talking and he's not white (which helps no doubt). People outside might not be chanting "long live America" but they hate us less than before, and I'm surprised I wasn't met with foreginers assuming I'm a "Dumbass 'Merican" without even meeting me. He must be doing something right.

See this is the problem. NO MATTER WHAT, he will never win with you guys. I'm sure this post will be met with disgust coupled with a 1000 page report from some of you with "facts" stating the opposite of what I just said, but the sad fact of the matter is that you will never be convinced. No matter what he does. If he started shitting yellow cake tomorrow you guys would not believe it even after you ate it.
Let me ask you this, is Barack Obama a Christian? If you say that he is, how do you know? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Let me ask you this, is Barack Obama a Muslim? If you say that he is, how do you know?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets put this all together that way we can save a few pixels.

Tampon, I asked the question first. You have to prove to me that Obama is a christian.

As for the polling, there is nothing in my response that says anything about domestic polling. You assumed and you know what that means.

What you misremembered is that it was Warren Buffet who paid a lower rate than his secretary. Of course, Buffet and Romney both have different revenue streams which are taxed at lower rates thanks to Congress.

Do you really think that socializing education is going to make it better as opposed to more available? Lets play with some numbers; Harvard (for example) has openings for 40,000 students every semester and every semester 60,000 people apply. Most of them are eliminated because they just don't have the money to pay for the tuition. You can hate it but that is the current system. Now you want to do what? Allow all 60,000 people into a school with only room for 40,000? The education will decline because the classrooms will be too crowded. So what would you do then. Take another school, call it Harvard, and put all 60,000 students in it. If you think that is a good, workable idea then why not make all schools part of the Harvard system. That way everyone can matriculate at Harvard. It just won't work.
Now I will make this suggestion, set aside 20 to 30 percent of the seats for people who have the intellect but not the money to go to Harvard (or Princeton, Yale, or KU)

What do you mean that Ford did not have to compete unfairly? Ford had to worry about the bottom line and GM could lose money and let the government make up the difference.
I B Hankering's Avatar
(Pacific War)

1 JULY 1946

[I]t is the Survey's opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.
However ... and here's the real hitch:

Operation Downfall was the overall Allied plan for the invasion of Japan near the end of World War II. The operation was cancelled when Japan surrendered after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the Soviet Union's declaration of war against Japan. Operation Downfall had two parts: Operation Olympic and Operation Coronet. Set to begin in October 1945, Operation Olympic was intended to capture the southern third of the southernmost main Japanese island, Kyūshū, with the recently captured island of Okinawa to be used as a staging area. (Operation Downfall)

Recommended reading list for shamman and the "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.
  • Allen, Thomas B. and Norman Polmar. Code Name Downfall: The Secret Plan to Invade Japan—and Why Truman Dropped the Bomb. New York: Simon and Shuster. 1995. Pp. 352.
  • Lee, Bruce. Marching Orders: The Untold Story of World War II. New York: Crown Publishers, Incorporated, 1995. pp. xiv, 608.
  • Rhodes, Richard. The Making of the Atomic Bomb. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986. pp. 886.
  • Toland, John. The Rising Sun: The Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire, 1936-1945. New York: Random House. 1970. pp. xxxvi, 1181.

RE: the OP -- Odumbo is not a Christian. In fact, Odumbo is obviously repulsed by the notion of a Christian God. He makes that apparent every time he fails to accurately quote the actual text of either the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Meanwhile, Odumbo has made his affinity for Islam well known. He readily, and quite out of context, attempts to trivialize the excesses of ISIS in the 21st century by reaching back a thousand years for comparable acts committed by Christians in the 11th century. Per Odumbo's remarks, when Muslims are attacked it's immediately deemed a "hate crime", but when Christians or Jews are attacked by Muslims, the crimes are deemed "random" and "arbitrary" in nature. Odumbo's bias is obvious to all but the most Kool Aid blinded.

BTW, regarding the nature and purpose of the Crusades (and, btw, this author was recommended by another forum member).

"FOR two centuries of the thousand-year strife between Islam and Christianity, the cross-bearers carried the war into Asia. They fortified themselves beyond the sea, making the valley of the Jordan the front line of Christendom... Counter-attacks launched from Europe failed to recover this ground, and in the next centuries the Moslem attack swept on over the Mediterranean and into eastern Europe. The crusaders sacrificed themselves in taking and holding that front line. While they were on the Jordan, the rest of Europe except in Spain, where the crusaders also appeared before long was safe from Moslem aggression. And after the crusaders were wiped out, the experience gained in their wars, the new weapons and lessons learned in strategy and in fortification, and especially the new fleets built up during the crusades, aided in the preservation of Europe when Christendom was placed on the defensive."

(pp. 465-66, The Crusades: The Flame of Islam, 1930, by Harold Lamb).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
RE: the OP -- Odumbo is not a Christian. In fact, Odumbo is obviously repulsed by the notion of a Christian God. He makes that apparent every time he fails to accurately quote the actual text of either the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I think a lot of us are totally repulsed by your abject stupidity.

Now I never went to bible thumping school, but if they taught you how to quote the declaration of idle dependence or the fuckng constitution, then you must be a Christian Science Fictionist.

Based on your failure to accurately support most everything you post in order to reach your idiotic conclusions, I question your background, too.

You're a wretchedly pathetic little hatemonger and NO Christian.

Tell them I said that at your next Westboro prayer meetin', ya jagoff.

Of course, I expect you to repeat your response at least four times to make it true...
I B Hankering's Avatar
I think a lot of us are totally repulsed by your abject stupidity.

Now I never went to bible thumping school, but if they taught you how to quote the declaration of idle dependence or the fuckng constitution, then you must be a Christian Science Fictionist.

Based on your failure to accurately support most everything you post in order to reach your idiotic conclusions, I question your background, too.

You're a wretchedly pathetic little hatemonger and NO Christian.

Tell them I said that at your next Westboro prayer meetin', ya jagoff.

Of course, I expect you to repeat your response at least four times to make it true...
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
There's more than "four" evidentiary examples of Odumbo's obstinate refusal to reference "God" as written in the text, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
There's more than "four" evidentiary examples of Odumbo's obstinate refusal to reference "God" as written in the text, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How does that make POTUS a Muslim?

"Four" a change, you're deflecting. When did "God" become part of the pledge of alliegiance, you dimwitted fool?

What makes you think the God referenced by the fouding fucking massas is the "Christian" God. Is there a difference between one supreme being and another?

You are so ignorant it hurts.
I B Hankering's Avatar
"Four" a change, you're deflecting. When did "God" become part of the pledge of alliegiance, you dimwitted fool? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Before Odumbo was born, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, just as the state of Hawaii -- the state where Odumbo was purportedly born, raised and educated -- was admitted before Odumbo was born as the 50th and LAST state to join the union, NOT the 58th state as Odumbo stupidly claimed, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

BTW, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, the Declaration of Independence, which Odumbo so frequently misquotes, was also written before your anti-Christian, **constitutional** lawyer was born.
  • shanm
  • 03-02-2015, 11:52 AM
Lets put this all together that way we can save a few pixels.

Tampon, I asked the question first. You have to prove to me that Obama is a christian.

As for the polling, there is nothing in my response that says anything about domestic polling. You assumed and you know what that means.

What you misremembered is that it was Warren Buffet who paid a lower rate than his secretary. Of course, Buffet and Romney both have different revenue streams which are taxed at lower rates thanks to Congress.

Do you really think that socializing education is going to make it better as opposed to more available? Lets play with some numbers; Harvard (for example) has openings for 40,000 students every semester and every semester 60,000 people apply. Most of them are eliminated because they just don't have the money to pay for the tuition. You can hate it but that is the current system. Now you want to do what? Allow all 60,000 people into a school with only room for 40,000? The education will decline because the classrooms will be too crowded. So what would you do then. Take another school, call it Harvard, and put all 60,000 students in it. If you think that is a good, workable idea then why not make all schools part of the Harvard system. That way everyone can matriculate at Harvard. It just won't work.
Now I will make this suggestion, set aside 20 to 30 percent of the seats for people who have the intellect but not the money to go to Harvard (or Princeton, Yale, or KU)

What do you mean that Ford did not have to compete unfairly? Ford had to worry about the bottom line and GM could lose money and let the government make up the difference. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What do you mean that Ford did not have to compete unfairly? Ford had to worry about the bottom line and GM could lose money and let the government make up the difference
You obviously have no idea how it works do you? Its almost laughable you said that. NOTHING in this entire world is free. Chrysler sold an equity stake to the government and the govt. provided them with a LOAN. A loan is something that you eventually have to pay back, which is exactly why ford refused to take it. Chrysler is permanently under the government's thumb from now on. Besides, and this is more important, cars are a consumer market. Meaning, aid or no aid, being backed by the government will not help you sell more cars. Ford used the fact that they did not take government aid and advertised it in every single commercial they made. If the govt. had not saved the car industry, you would be here crying about the loss of American manufacturing jobs and the loss of an entire domestic industry.

As for the polling, there is nothing in my response that says anything about domestic polling. You assumed and you know what that means.
Either I'm going blind or you are ridiculously slimy. Read your question again. You seem to mention polling. I provide with you a poll that shows that our country is more respected outside the U.S. The only polls that say that our country is losing respect are those that consider the opinions of Americans, ergo: domestic polls

What you misremembered is that it was Warren Buffet who paid a lower rate than his secretary. Of course, Buffet and Romney both have different revenue streams which are taxed at lower rates thanks to Congress.

Does it fucking matter? Romney also paid 15% tax rate during the year of his presidential campaign run. If that's the overall message you got from what I said then, no offence, you are extremely stupid. It's not "thanks to congress" its thanks to Bush who implemented tax cuts and especially implemented the capitals gains tax rates that the republicans are fighting to not have removed currently

Do you really think that socializing education is going to make it better as opposed to more available?

All your "play with numbers" is obviously bullshit that you pulled out of your ass. First of all, I already stated that you can't force private institutions to charge what they want, so Harvard goes right out the window. You won't go to Harvard because you won't get in. Tuition is barely a factor in attending an ivy league. I'm talking about state schools and community colleges. Obama has done wonderfully with community colleges but he needs to do the same with state colleges. Cut tuition and increase state funding. Keep class quota's, hire more professors. You know how they're going to fund education? by increasing taxes. That right there is something called "bridging the gap", not like Romney who wanted 20% tax rates for everyone but still wanted to increase military spending. If you need a model example of what I'm talking about, look at germany. They socialized education, and its working out wonderfully for them. Students are debt free, motivated and some of the smartest in the world. Increasing teacher salaries encourages more talented people to join that field. They WANT people to come over there and study, and then join their workforce. They see the advantage of having a talented workforce over one that is pressured and riddled with debt.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Before Odumbo was born, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, just as the state of Hawaii -- the state where Odumbo was purportedly born, raised and educated -- was admitted before Odumbo was born as the 50th and LAST state to join the union, NOT the 58th state as Odumbo stupidly claimed, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

BTW, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, the Declaration of Independence, which Odumbo so frequently misquotes, was also written before your anti-Christian, **constitutional** lawyer was born.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Again, what's your point?

Are you saying that the bill of rights to the fucking constitution does not guarantee freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Separation of church and state?

Where is the body of law that demands Americans be loyal to Christianity? Wouldn't that be the same body of law that prevents it?

Holy shit. What's next, if you disagree with your church (Westboro Baptist) then you're a Muslim?

I'm sure glad Obama isn't a Catholic!

What a fucking idiot!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Again, what's your point?

Are you saying that the bill of rights to the fucking constitution does not guarantee freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Separation of church and state?

Where is the body of law that demands Americans be loyal to Christianity? Wouldn't that be the same body of law that prevents it?

Holy shit. What's next, if you disagree with your church (Westboro Baptist) then you're a Muslim?

I'm sure glad Obama isn't a Catholic!

What a fucking idiot!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
An agent of the government repeatedly and publicly censoring the text of a public document is Orwellian, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM, unless you want to attribute your **constitutional scholar's** repeated lapses to his poor reading skills, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
lustylad's Avatar
When did "God" become part of the pledge of alliegiance, you dimwitted fool? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

1954. Been there ever since, you godless pinko. Or did you mutter "under allah" when you learned to recite it?

  • shanm
  • 03-02-2015, 02:36 PM
1954. Been there ever since, you godless pinko. Or did you mumble "under allah" when you learned to recite it?

Originally Posted by lustylad
Figures you'd be the only shithead to take it literally.