Trump legal going ons

Well said sparrow.
"Disagree on Biden. There has been plenty of real info coming out about what was on the laptop to make him as much of a traitor and criminal as trump if not more so.

He is on the communist China payroll."

Really? Comer and his committee have been "investigating" Biden for 3 years and have come up with nothing. They keep making fools of themselves. But I guess it sells well to that segment of the GOP that wants to impeach Biden at all costs, so that Trump's two impeachments don't look so bad. But the majority of the GOP recognizes that there is nothing there.
Presj22's Avatar
If what sparrow said was true, that Biden was not truly running the country and all these deals with China … etc etc etc, when does the Impeachment trial begin?
Trump’s two impeachments? Now that’s funny.

One was over a completely legal phone call. And the 2nd…what did Pelosi call it? A Snap Impeachment.

Wtf is a Snap Impeachment? Other than we gotta hurry up and get it done without a true investigation before he leaves office. Don’t see that anywhere in our Constitution. Impeachment is supposed to be sacred & respected, not done in a Snap.

And btw, Comer uncovered millions of dollars funneled to the Biden family thru shell companies. To Biden himself, his son, his brother and his grandchildren who were just little kiddos at the time. Ok with thousands of dollars funneled to his grandchildren from 3rd world countries that hate us? Mind justifying that to the rest of us?

There won’t be an impeachment of Biden now. He’s just a thoughtful old man that can’t remember shit anymore. Remember? Not to mention….he’s outta there. Nothing but a lame duck that’s going to do absolutely nothing until he leaves office except….stay on vacation on our tax dollars.

You fellas really should read more about the facts.

Hate is blinding.
Trump’s two impeachments? Now that’s funny.

One was over a completely legal phone call. And the 2nd…what did Pelosi call it? A Snap Impeachment.

Wtf is a Snap Impeachment? Other than we gotta hurry up and get it done without a true investigation before he leaves office. Don’t see that anywhere in our Constitution. Impeachment is supposed to be sacred & respected, not done in a Snap.

And btw, Comer uncovered millions of dollars funneled to the Biden family thru shell companies. To Biden himself, his son, his brother and his grandchildren who were just little kiddos at the time. Ok with thousands of dollars funneled to his grandchildren from 3rd world countries that hate us? Mind justifying that to the rest of us?

There won’t be an impeachment of Biden now. He’s just a thoughtful old man that can’t remember shit anymore. Remember? Not to mention….he’s outta there. Nothing but a lame duck that’s going to do absolutely nothing until he leaves office except….stay on vacation on our tax dollars.

You fellas really should read more about the facts.

Hate is blinding. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
No facts in your post, but plenty of hate and plenty of fantasy, just what Comer planned on provoking.
Okie dokie brasil

Maybe you were asleep when Pelosi had her Snap Impeachment? Or are you just misremembering? Maybe you were asleep when Comer uncovered about 2 dozen shell companies that were funneling money to the Biden family? Or maybe you’re just misremembering again?

I’m tired of posting links to facts that Libs choose to ignore and don’t have a rebuttal for. I’ve posted many that have been glossed over.

But…maybe I’m misremembering.
Okie dokie brasil

Maybe you were asleep when Pelosi had her Snap Impeachment? Or are you just misremembering? Maybe you were asleep when Comer uncovered about 2 dozen shell companies that were funneling money to the Biden family? Or maybe you’re just misremembering again?

I’m tired of posting links to facts that Libs choose to ignore and don’t have a rebuttal for. I’ve posted many that have been glossed over.

But…maybe I’m misremembering. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
What nonsense. Comer uncovered nothing. His senseless hearings have been an embarrassment to the GOP and its leadership has consistently avoided bringing an impeachment vote to the House floor, because they know they have nothing.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
What nonsense. Comer uncovered nothing. His senseless hearings have been an embarrassment to the GOP and its leadership has consistently avoided bringing an impeachment vote to the House floor, because they know they have nothing. Originally Posted by brasil
Conner stated UNFIT FOR TRIAL

topic: the one the jackass getting hit with are made up by DEM's

btw: the jackass was in DEM. And learn well from them how ta be a J...
What nonsense. Comer uncovered nothing. His senseless hearings have been an embarrassment to the GOP and its leadership has consistently avoided bringing an impeachment vote to the House floor, because they know they have nothing. Originally Posted by brasil
Of course it’s nonsense. To the Libs. It’s easier to be in denial than to face the truth. Read the facts…or just stay in denial.

Glad you’re ok with Biden’s grandchildren receiving money from 3rd world countries. Can’t imagine how you’d feel if it were Trump’s grandchildren. I’m guessing there would be a 3rd impeachment?

The GOP doesn’t want to bring an impeachment vote because our country has had enough of this bs. And of course because Biden is just a thoughtful old man that can’t remember shit. Which is also why he’s not being impeached for taking secure documents from the scif while he was a senator.

How you can ignore facts about Biden, but believe everything MSNBC says about Trump is beyond me.
- 2 impeachments
- 4 criminal indictments
- 1 criminal conviction (so far). The other 3 indictments have not come
to trial (yet), because of Trump's delay tactics.

Biden: 0

Biden is 0 because it’s his DOJ going after Trump and protecting Biden. All you mention about Trump are purely political attacks by Biden’s DOJ and/or the Dem Machine (ie. Pelosi, Schumer, etc). It’s actually pretty simple.

Oh….wait. Biden isn’t 0….he’s a 6….handicap. Which is completely false as well just like everything else about him and his corrupt family. But, Trump is the lying criminal.


Biden is 0 because it’s his DOJ going after Trump and protecting Biden. All you mention about Trump are purely political attacks by Biden’s DOJ and/or the Dem Machine (ie. Pelosi, Schumer, etc). It’s actually pretty simple.

Oh….wait. Biden isn’t 0….he’s a 6….handicap. Which is completely false as well just like everything else about him and his corrupt family. But, Trump is the lying criminal.

Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Ah, yes, always the fall back claim about a "Biden Justice Department" persecuting Trump. Good luck with that.
Ah, yes, always the fall back claim about a "Biden Justice Department" persecuting Trump. Good luck with that. Originally Posted by brasil
Actually, Trump is having very good luck fighting that. As you have seen as well I’m sure.

It’s called the U.S. Constitution.
It’s Simple: Trump Is Treated Like a Criminal Because He’s a Criminal

As The New Republic continues to ask you throughout the article to donate so they can raise “$75,000 to support our reporting on the damage Trump’s MAGA politics will bring to this country”.

In other words, give us money and we’ll continue to bash Trump for ya.