Dallas Police Officer goes home to the wrong apartment, kills man inside !!

Chung Tran's Avatar
anyone remember this item from last November, my thread about a shooting/killing at Dallas Cabaret South?


click on the link and read the short report.. the "One injured" who is named in the article, is our own Joshua Brown, who was murdered last Friday after testifying for the Prosecution in the Guyger Trial. shot 4 times after getting out of his car, looks like a Professional "hit", an assassination.. no suspects or motive at this time.

the NAACP wants an outside Law Enforcement agency to investigate, they are concerned DPD may be involved in this assassination. Joshua Brown was allegedly going to be the Star witness for Botham Jean's family, in a lawsuit against the City.
Maybe Joshua Brown still had a conflict with the dudes that injured him outside the titty bar in November 2018 and they finished him off last week. They would be the most likely suspects
CG2014's Avatar
well fuck, CG2014... since you tossed Yolanda Saldivar into the mix, I have to toss my hat into the ring! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You know she is 59 years old now?

the NAACP wants an outside Law Enforcement agency to investigate, they are concerned DPD may be involved in this assassination. Joshua Brown was allegedly going to be the Star witness for Botham Jean's family, in a lawsuit against the City. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I don't think his death is related to this.

I think it's coincidental at best.

The NAACP needs to put down their tin foil hats and stop seeing conspiracies against the Black man everywhere.
Did the jury know that Brown was injured in a titty bar and as a result of the conflict someone was shot dead? I’m surprised his credibility as a witness was not brought into question because of this and as he appeared in a cheesy green t-shirt.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Did the jury know that Brown was injured in a titty bar and as a result of the conflict someone was shot dead? I’m surprised his credibility as a witness was not brought into question because of this and as he appeared in a cheesy green t-shirt. Originally Posted by FunMonday
How is being in a topless club relevant to the case?
I did not say Brown going to a topless bar was relevant to the Guyger case. I said Brown’s involvement in a conflict that resulted in a man’s death coupled with wearing a stupid t-shirt in court could easily make the jury question his credibility as a witness. It seems like they would have dressed him as a clean cut black guy but I guess they were keeping it real.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-08-2019, 01:43 PM
That cop doesn't know for certain that it wasn't related to the case
And the ROS....
https://dfw.cbslocal.com/video/41842...browns-murder/ Originally Posted by alaine
So the authorities questioned a shit ton of residents at the apartment but at no point in time did they discover or suspect the key witness might have a credibility problem? Hey I know let’s find the local drug dealer (according to police) and put him on the stand. Surely he will have the details we can feel good about. According to police Three guys drive all the way from Louisiana to buy his drugs but no one in his own complex knows what he does? Yes I’m using a good amount of conjecture and yes the prosecution got a murder conviction with Brown as a key witness but it just goes to show how sloppy and weird this entire case is.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-08-2019, 02:12 PM
I'm thinking the drug buyers planned and said, we're shooting that rat no matter what! This guy obviously makes these kind of deals all the time, why does he get shot now?

This is just another police tactic to steer the media to make them look good, people that don't know any better will believe it, these kind of cases like anything else in life, causes a chain reaction of events
Chung Tran's Avatar
the weirdness quotient remains high!

why would 3 guys drive from Alexandria, La, to Dallas to score? what did Joshua Brown have that could not have been obtained from closer sources? why did the initial Police report of the killing differ so substantially from the current account?

OTOH, remember Lee Merritt had said a Tweet was sent, then deleted, that said "now we know where to find you".. these 3 guys may have been stiffed in the past, they probably drove that far for the purpose of murder, not scoring. these same guys may have been the shooters at Dallas Cabaret South last November.. Brown may have stiffed them before that.
Three guys don’t typically drive that far to buy that. I’m guessing they were the ones involved in the November titty bar shooting. I’m guessing Botham Jean got his pot from Brown and while Brown talked to the cops and the prosecutors the topic of drugs came up and he acted sketchy. If Brown could testify those three dudes were the titty bar shooters maybe they got rid of their witness and BLM is probably right. They got rid of a rat

If for a fact authorities knew that Brown was involved in a titty bar / drug related conflict that resulted in a shooting death in November 2018 did they release this information as discovery with a witness? If so did authorities have any obligation to question his credibility? Wouldn’t there be a risk of him not telling the truth as he tried to avoid his involvement in dealing drugs ?
Chung Tran's Avatar
If for a fact authorities knew that Brown was involved in a titty bar / drug related conflict that resulted in a shooting death in November 2018 did they release this information as discovery with a witness? If so did authorities have any obligation to question his credibility? Wouldn’t there be a risk of him not telling the truth as he tried to avoid his involvement in dealing drugs ? Originally Posted by FunMonday
that's what I'm wondering.. I heard earlier today that it looked like Guyer would not appeal, but that was before the arrest this afternoon. if I'm Amber's legal team, I'm heading to Appeals Court after this!
TheWanderer's Avatar
That's what I was thinking, very strange that a guy like him (the self-employed entrepreneurial type) is willing to testify at all. Normally, those guys like to stay below the radar and when he appeared in court, he popped right up on the Louisiana screen.
The hit team in LA headed west, knowing he would be around here somewhere.
The Dallas police was pretty pissed about some of those allegations that they were involved.
There’s no way authorities didn’t know Brown was involved in the conflict in November 2018. He was injured during the shooting. I find it hard to believe they didn't suspect him of dealing drugs when they questioned him before adding him as a key witness. Even if Guyger appeals she will be in prison for years before the process begins

It’s entirely possible that Guyger did not give the command to show his hands but I would believe her before I would believe Brown because he wanted to avoid his drug deals