Clesed Thread Repository

lilylivered's Avatar
Yea I got the 8-12 infraction too. I was quite happy about it
rooster's Avatar
There wuz a threAd...sumthin about "Calling all submissives..." that got completely 86'd. Gone.

Now....Wakey and them other shills will tell ya that "nothing is ever deleted"...and that is technically true. Technically. But they "move" it to a non-public area only accessible to staff, so none of us simple folk can see it no more and get harmed by it.

The OP posted nothing about a provider being involved, no names whatsoever, there were no fees mentioned, no mention of sexual activities. It could have arguably been a post for a M&G. Doesn't matter. Wakey wuz involved, I remember that much. Hard to say what else happened, since I can't access it any more. But I do recall some friendly exchange of well wishes between me and PM.

These new rules, guidelines, whatever ya wanna call 'em are getting pretty ridiculous. Whim is more in play than ever.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Link please
errr wait ahhhhh never mind
cowboy8055's Avatar
To Loki, what is the reason for closing some of the welcome threads. I haven't seen a rule actually permitting such a thing.

Snowbunny says hi!

New girl here!!!!

Smoking hot, bubble butt, mixed bombshell visitin Albany 4/4-4/7

Another New Guy

Damn... I might get carpal tunnel from all the copying and pasting if I stay in the Welcome Wagon much longer.... I'll go look elsewhere.
To Loki, what is the reason for closing some of the welcome threads. I haven't seen a rule actually permitting such a thing. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Shhhh.... it's not a rule. And no one can provide a link to one either....
But it sure seems like a fuckin crusade.... and... for literally... no fuckin reason unless we are supposed to be a little less welcoming for some reason.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
have another. It may help

Welp... at least one mod is checking for infractions outside of welcome.

Nobody took credit and there appear to be no violations.
I'm gonna guess WOS
WOWU or WOLP....
Wakeup's Avatar
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Nice job of second guessing by some of these shut-ins.

My compliments to the chef(s)!
Annual After Tally Ho Golf Private Party - Aug 13th

Took 5 days to clese it.... and when they did, they left the outing in it...
How does THAT happen???
Buffalo Brill: any info?

and ISO

both incorrectly I might add.