Shayla's Prices Are About to Skyrocket

Outdoorsman's Avatar
I keep seeing this thread when I look in here so today I decide to read some of it. WTF? I was curious as to what could possibly be goin on in here. I did not read whole thread naturally, no time for that, but did read last two pages and just looks like some men cyber flirting with Shayla.

Nothing wrong with that, not at all. Just kinda has me baffled to the length of time, but you guys enjoy.

I think Shayla is a beautiful woman, but she is just too far away for me, sorry Shayla. Lots of beautiful women on this site, but no threads dedicated to them and for so long... I must be missing something? I mean no harm at all to Shayla at all, I enjoy your posts and if we are ver in same vicinity maybe I can spend some time with you, but not really likely. I have no plans on going to the West nor the North, no offense meant, like I said I tihnk you are a beautiful lady and I enjoy your posts. Enjoy the attention and this thread, I was confused when I looked in here and honestly I am still ocnfused but my ATF would say for me that is normal... go figure.
Still Looking's Avatar
Charles started it!
canuckvic's Avatar
Charles started it! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Yah, he did too
canuckvic's Avatar
I keep seeing this thread when I look in here so today I decide to read some of it. WTF? I was curious as to what could possibly be goin on in here. I did not read whole thread naturally, no time for that, but did read last two pages and just looks like some men cyber flirting with Shayla.

Nothing wrong with that, not at all. Just kinda has me baffled to the length of time, but you guys enjoy.

I think Shayla is a beautiful woman, but she is just too far away for me, sorry Shayla. Lots of beautiful women on this site, but no threads dedicated to them and for so long... I must be missing something? I mean no harm at all to Shayla at all, I enjoy your posts and if we are ver in same vicinity maybe I can spend some time with you, but not really likely. I have no plans on going to the West nor the North, no offense meant, like I said I tihnk you are a beautiful lady and I enjoy your posts. Enjoy the attention and this thread, I was confused when I looked in here and honestly I am still ocnfused but my ATF would say for me that is normal... go figure. Originally Posted by Outdoorsman
Seeing is believing and lucky me I'm a believer!!!
This thread got off course about a month ago.
I have forgot who the fuck Shayla is.
Still Looking's Avatar
This thread got off course about a month ago.
I have forgot who the fuck Shayla is. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Here you go!

Well, shit, she lives in Canada.
That might as well be on Mars.
These guys are thincking too hard(steam is profuse...from their receeding forehead). If you have a "double-forehead", well're double fucked.

Thinck with the DICK, and you WILL surely get it! Got IT?

Me, I made sure to "grandfather" myself in. Yess, I took that liberty (point of this thread...and mighty clever of chuckie. Thancks Charlie).

Did YOU?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Charles started it! Originally Posted by Still Looking
charles in charge!!!
canuckvic's Avatar
It's a sad day guys , it appears Shayla has left the hobby. I can only speculate it is to concentrate on her personal life full time.
I can only hope it's temporary but she has disabled her account on the Canada review board.
Still Looking's Avatar
It's a sad day guys , it appears Shayla has left the hobby. I can only speculate it is to concentrate on her personal life full time.
I can only hope it's temporary but she has disabled her account on the Canada review board. Originally Posted by canuckvic
I'm willing to bet there is a lot more to this story!

Her profile is disappearing as we speak.
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What's left may disappear soon...SL that is a man riding off into the sunset.

Shayla is a Lady. Couldn't get a picture of a cowgirl???

Anyways, Canuckvic has the scoop. He may be holding back for his own benefit. Time will tell!
Still Looking's Avatar
Her profile is disappearing as we speak.
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What's left may disappear soon...SL that is a man riding off into the sunset.

Shayla is a Lady. Couldn't get a picture of a cowgirl???

Anyways, Canuckvic has the scoop. He may be holding back for his own benefit. Time will tell! Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Yes it is Mijo....I wonder who he is riding off to meet? LOL

This ones for you Mijo:

This ones for Shay Shay:
ben dover's Avatar
If she is quitting and moving on then I wish her the best. Never had a chance to meet with her but wish I could have. She kept a positive attitude but i'm sure she is probably tired of the constant references to her and wishes just to go about her life as she sees fit without being under a microscope. I know it is all in fun but.......BD
Still Looking's Avatar
If she is quitting and moving on then I wish her the best. Never had a chance to meet with her but wish I could have. She kept a positive attitude but i'm sure she is probably tired of the constant references to her and wishes just to go about her life as she sees fit without being under a microscope. I know it is all in fun but.......BD Originally Posted by ben dover
That was one of the nice things about Shayla, she would mix it up with anyone and was all about having fun. Not an ounce of the holier than thou attitude! When was the last time a provider called herself a FAG? We don't need to worry about Shayla... she'll be just fine!