NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Look, he's out on the ledge again!

Will he jump this time?
BT, you stupid mother fucker!!!! That drivel was written by the ultimate Texans website. This is like the Russian press writing about how Putin is the most honest Russian ever!!!

Rick Smith the best GM, that's as stupid as saying BigTex is the most knowledgable football mind on this site.

You never have an opinion on anything, you just spray useless comments all the time. Go back to your job as a gay fluffer so you can shut the fuck up.
pyramider's Avatar
It's a big concern. First it was bone spurs, then a sports hernia, now the knee. I think the Texans did him a disservice by not letting us know what was really going on with him early on. They were scared of the initial public blow back of drafting him. Clowney now has to overcome the physical issues and a doubting public that is questioning his drive not whether he is healthy enough.

If the injury was bad enough to take such drastic measures to try and repair then it was understandable that he couldn't play. By not letting the public know early on what the problem was it just fueled the speculation about his drive.

A healthy Clowney will be a beast. If he is healthy he will be coming into camp essentially a rookie. Provided he stays healthy we won't see what he is capable of until late 2015 or into 2016. He will be looking to stack on that payday come 2017. Originally Posted by boardman

Clowney is more likely a bust than a success. Remember, Spurrier questioned Clowney's work ethic.
boardman's Avatar
Clowney is more likely a bust than a success. Remember, Spurrier questioned Clowney's work ethic. Originally Posted by pyramider

Spurrier's comment about Clowney's work ethic was that it was "OK". If I remember correctly he was directly comparing Clowney with Marcus Lattimore who was known to spend just about all of his free time in the facility either working out or watching film. Something almost no college athlete does to that extent. Many considered it to be a shot at Clowney but was more likely Spurrier's way of praising Lattimore.

That said, with his size and athleticism I doubt Clowney has ever really had to work hard. He dominated when he wanted to in college. It was almost like it wasn't even a challenge at times the way he could blow up tackles and get in the backfield. Hell, he did that in limited action last year and showed flashes of that ability even on the NFL level.

Clowney has had to dedicate his life to rehabbing that knee. First keeping it completely immobile which likely required help doing basic life functions like taking a piss in the middle of the night. Then there was probably lonely hours on end with his leg in one of those machines that kept the knee constantly moving with the prospect always in his mind that none of this may work. How many people would have already given up?

Taking that into consideration, if he can run on the field this year and play I don't see how anyone could question the work ethic. Sure it's not lifting weights and studying opponents. It's a hundred time harder.
boardman's Avatar
BT, you stupid mother fucker!!!! That drivel was written by the ultimate Texans website. This is like the Russian press writing about how Putin is the most honest Russian ever!!!
Originally Posted by Daddio
The article was written by ultimate Texan reporting that an NFL Media guy ranked Smith that high. You may disagree with the #4 ranking(that's what lists are made for, to spur debate) but your analogy is completely erroneous and uninformed.
BT, you stupid mother fucker!!!! That drivel was written by the ultimate Texans website. This is like the Russian press writing about how Putin is the most honest Russian ever!!!

Rick Smith the best GM, that's as stupid as saying BigTex is the most knowledgable football mind on this site.

You never have an opinion on anything, you just spray useless comments all the time. Go back to your job as a gay fluffer so you can shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by Daddio
How did I know Dopey Dude Daddio would be back out on the ledge?

Cuz' if he's not hating all things connected to the Houston Texans, he has nothing left to live for. He might as well jump!

Rick Smith just happens to be Dopey Dude's most recent Houston Texan to 'hate on'.

When Rick Smith's gone, Dopey Dude will find another Houston Texan to focus on.

You can mark that down!

The article was written by ultimate Texan reporting that an NFL Media guy ranked Smith that high. You may disagree with the #4 ranking(that's what lists are made for, to spur debate) but your analogy is completely erroneous and uninformed. Originally Posted by boardman
"Completely erroneous and uninformed." That's what I call, breaking things down to the least common denominator.

Thus far, Dopey Dude has yet to master the art of adding 2+2 = 4. Perhaps it's due to the fact that he's only got one finger on each hand.

The middle one!

Dopey Dude may be dumb as a box of rocks. But he is entertaining!
BigLouie's Avatar
The article was written by ultimate Texan reporting that an NFL Media guy ranked Smith that high. You may disagree with the #4 ranking(that's what lists are made for, to spur debate) but your analogy is completely erroneous and uninformed. Originally Posted by boardman
That article proves you can prove just about anything with the right stat. I can't remember if Ted Johnson or Lance Z talked at length of how between 2008 and 2013 only the first round picks remain on the team. Someone on here pointed out that one lower round pick during that time period was still on the team, still not a good record. Both agree though that this draft record is what is killing the team. As a result it has no depth and constantly has cap problems. To avoid cap problems and to be able to pay your stars a team needs lower round players to start and play cheap through their first contract. The Texans don't have that. Instead they have to go after high price free agents to makeup for their draft mistakes which leads to them having to cut players a year or two before they want to for cap reasons.

How are the Texans three third round picks from the last two years working for you?
BigLouie's Avatar

Nix may very well be a bust. No coach that has made it to the NFL is going to say that about a player that is essentially a rookie. It does no one any good. Not Nix, not BoB and certainly not Rick Smith who he would be throwing under the bus knowing he's already walking on eggshells.

BoB put a shot across Nix's bow to motivate him. If he's healthy and doesn't respond then BoB should cut him and move on. He's got to give him that chance first. Originally Posted by boardman
The biggest issue I have with the Louis Nix pick is that they traded up for someone with a lot of red flags before the draft but would not trade up to get JimmyG before New England could. And this was after they were so high on JimmyG before the draft. JimmyG was so good in camp that he made our starting QB expendable.

If you look at the 2014 draft Oakland's first two picks are what the Texans should have taken with their first too picks. The Texans would have a lot brighter future if they had.
boardman's Avatar
That article proves you can prove just about anything with the right stat. I can't remember if Ted Johnson or Lance Z talked at length of how between 2008 and 2013 only the first round picks remain on the team. Someone on here pointed out that one lower round pick during that time period was still on the team, still not a good record. Both agree though that this draft record is what is killing the team. As a result it has no depth and constantly has cap problems. To avoid cap problems and to be able to pay your stars a team needs lower round players to start and play cheap through their first contract. The Texans don't have that. Instead they have to go after high price free agents to makeup for their draft mistakes which leads to them having to cut players a year or two before they want to for cap reasons.

How are the Texans three third round picks from the last two years working for you? Originally Posted by BigLouie
As usual , you missed my point. I'm wasn'tt defending Smith. I was pointing out that Daddio was shooting the messenger rather than giving legitimate reasons why the guy who rated Smith so high in the first place was wrong. There are plenty but his rage doesn't allow him to put together a counter argument beyond calling someone a Stupid Mother Fucker. It's quite entertaining actually although it does get old when it's the same old thing.

Up to this point, Smith has been a bust as a GM and a miserable failure on draft day. Despite all the talk of the Texans having a "first class organization" he hasn't been able to attract or retain top free agents. He and Kubiak came to the team at the same time and they were friends. Probably not the best combination for either of them as I think there was too much good ole boy back slapping going on and McNair seemed to be okay with it as well as the player that were getting back slapped.

On the other hand he does deserve some credit for what he's gotten done this off season. We've held on to key FA's and actually managed to pull some good ones in all while freeing up cap space not just this year but for the next couple. So what changed? Smith is on his own and BoB isn'g going to protect him. Sure he still has to work with him but my guess is it is strictly a business relationship of you do your job and I'll do mine. BoB is the reason we're pulling and keeping the guys they have this year. I think BoB also knows if that turns out to be successful for him Smith will get much of the credit. Hopefully Smith will learn a grow from this. If not he can move on.

Just for the record I have been saying all along that Smith should have gone out with Kubiak because it hamstrings Smith now and BoB in a year or two if Smith keeps doing the same thing. This off season tells me Smith might be on the right track.
If you look at the 2014 draft Oakland's first two picks are what the Texans should have taken with their first too picks. The Texans would have a lot brighter future if they had. Originally Posted by BigLouie
BL, the easiest job in the world is to be an "after the fact" NFL GM. The job doesn't pay much but you rarely, if ever miss on a personnel decision. Do you?

I have never tried to make the claim that Rick Smith is one of the best NFL GM's. Neither do I make the claim that he is one of the worst. The bottom line, he and every other GM makes the best decision they can at the time and when the decision is a hit (JJ Watt), people rarely give him credit. When it is a miss, it is easy for the nay sayers to pile on.

And pile on they do! Time after time, after time, after time! Do you get my drift?

I agreed with you a year ago about KMack. If I am not mistaken, you and I were the only two in this forum to make that claim. However, I do not recall you saying that we should take Derek Carr with our 2nd selection until sometime after the fact. Is this yet another example of hindsight being 20/20? Perhaps!

I personally felt the difference between KMack and Clowney was minimal. One was more of a (pass rushing) defensive end and the other a prototypical (pass rushing) outside linebacker. I personally felt they needed another linebacker as opposed to another DE. Thus I felt they should take KMack over Clowney. As far as I was concerned it was 6 of one and (almost) a half dozen of the other.

Hindsight being 20/20, that's what they should have done but I am not going to try to make the case (after the fact) that Rick made a mistake by choosing Clowney.

Rick made the best decision that he could at the time. How was he supposed to know that in his first NFL game that Clowney would blow out a knee? I will answer that for you. There is no way he could have known because none of us have a crystal ball. Had Smith known then what we know now, I feel quite certain he would have gone in a different direction. Like the rest of us, Smith had no way of knowing with any degree of certainty. And neither did you or I!

It could have just as easily been KMack that would have blown out a knee in his first game (as a Houston Texan) and not Clowney. What would you have said then, Rick should have gone with Clowney?

I can't criticize Smith for making a selection (Clowney) that most of the "so called" experts thought he should make at the time. Of course, that was prior your 20/20 hindsight becoming a factor.

Get over it, I have!
but his rage doesn't allow him to put together a counter argument beyond calling someone a Stupid Mother Fucker. Originally Posted by boardman
That's just Dopey Dude Daddio being, well.......Dopey Dude Daddio.

He's never shown that he's smart enough to be anything else.

It's quite entertaining actually although it does get old when it's the same old thing. Originally Posted by boardman
You're correct, we have to take into consideration the entertainment factor. DDD is always good for a laugh!
I know BT is a stupid mother fucker
I know BT had an abnormal love for his butt buddy QB -Dopey, he was his white knight and favorite corn hold companion until the cross eyed end.
I know BT never has an opinion on football, lack of knowledge is the reason.
I know the bullshit article was posted by ultimate Texans. UT inferred RickSmith was a good GM. The list only mentioned the bullshit stat that he has drafted 9 pro bowlers.
I know Rick smith is an asshat and should have been fired years ago.
I know BT is the Michael Sam of this board as he never post reviews of snatch, he must be on ecciegay board.

These are all facts.
I know BT is a stupid mother fucker
I know BT had an abnormal love for his butt buddy QB -Dopey, he was his white knight and favorite corn hold companion until the cross eyed end.
I know BT never has an opinion on football, lack of knowledge is the reason.
I know the bullshit article was posted by ultimate Texans. UT inferred RickSmith was a good GM. The list only mentioned the bullshit stat that he has drafted 9 pro bowlers.
I know Rick smith is an asshat and should have been fired years ago.
I know BT is the Michael Sam of this board as he never post reviews of snatch, he must be on ecciegay board.

These are all facts. Originally Posted by Daddio

"I know" the latest Dopey Dude Daddio (The Texans #1 Hater) Meltdown was absolutely EPIC!

Even by Dopey Dude Daddio standards, this particular Meltdown was EPIC!

Not a Texans hater at all. I hate mediocrity and I hate losing. I point out the Texans main problems. Nutless owner, terrible GM, terrible former coach who was too stupid to see how terrible Dopey was.

I am a hater of you BT, you are a retarded hemroid!!

Enough said. Drop the mic!!
Not a Texans hater at all. I hate mediocrity and I hate losing. I point out the Texans main problems. Nutless owner, terrible GM, terrible former coach who was too stupid to see how terrible Dopey was.

I am a hater of you BT, you are a retarded hemroid!

Enough said. Drop the mic!!