NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Not a Texans hater at all. I hate mediocrity and I hate losing. I point out the Texans main problems. Nutless owner, terrible GM, terrible former coach who was too stupid to see how terrible Dopey was.

I am a hater of you BT, you are a retarded hemroid!!

Enough said. Drop the mic!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Awww, come on Dopey Dude Daddio! Surely you can MELTDOWN better than that.

While the last EPIC Meltdown registered a solid 10 on the Dopey Dude Daddio EPIC Meltdown Meter.

This latest MELTDOWN was less than EPIC and only registered a weak-knee 3!

Oh well, I suppose we are back to the drawing boards.
boardman's Avatar

This latest MELTDOWN was less than EPIC and only registered a weak-knee 3!

Oh well, I suppose we are back to the drawing boards. Originally Posted by bigtex
Heh! A week knee 3...
A meltdown of Kubiak proportions...How fitting.
Heh! A week knee 3...
A meltdown of Kubiak proportions...How fitting. Originally Posted by boardman
That lame excuse for a MELTDOWN was the Dopey Dude Daddio equivalent of a Red Zone pick 6.

He can and has done much better than that.

Weak-knee, very weak-knee!
Finanlly BigTex speaks of some football he actually knows about, Red Zone Pick 6's!!! He watched his ass rapists Dopey throw countless pick 6's so he has "anal intimate" knowledge of the pick 6. That is the only football knowledge BT has. BT has written the book on Gay Knowledge with his many many reviews on

What is your gay lover Dopey doing now BT? Now that he has plenty of time on his hands, I'm sure he can give you a butt rape just the way you like it!!! LIke the good ol days!!!! BT and Dopey Schaub, cornhole companions forever!!
pyramider's Avatar
Sweet mother of Tebow! The Houston Texans thread is about to get relegated to the political forum.
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
Post #6575 was yet another EPIC MELTDOWN brought to you by Eccie's reigning Cock Worshiper!

Dopey Dude Daddio brought his trusty ol' Measuring Stick along for good measure.

His motto is, don't leave home without it!
boardman's Avatar
So the Texans signed Nate Washington. Not a superstar by any means but he does have a couple of Rings. Word is he's a good locker room guy capable of providing leadership and still has downfield speed. Another journeyman signing that doesn't cost much but has potential upside and gives still more flexibility going into the draft.
jstone420's Avatar
He doesn't have a ring
boardman's Avatar
2005 & 2008 with the Steelers.
jstone420's Avatar
Yeah you right
BigLouie's Avatar
This morning on 610 they were having an interesting discussion. The host on 610 were claiming that the Texans have some reservations about Ryan Mallett. Not about his ability or his work ethic, they feel he has a little too much "Malibu's Most Wanted" attitude about him. They implied that Hoyer was the favorite to start because of that. Heard this during the morning drive time. At lunch when I was driving the mid-day host said the same thing. If all of this is true the team is screwed. Hoyer's life time stats are worse than Fritz's and while Hoyer started out ok last year but as the year went on he got worse and worse. Not a very good sign. If the Titans take Marotta as some people have started to say then the Texans have a difficult time in a division with 3 young talented QBs and they have career backups as starters. It all bares watching for sure.
if Mallet can't beat out Hoyer he sucks. I agree Mallet's decision making skills are in question mainly because of tittygate IMO. He put himself above the team and tried to play with a tit injury. He stunk it up that day. Fitzsnatchface would have probably provided enough offense to win that day even tho he was pretty shaky himself. it doesn't appear that Mallet is the sharpest knife in the drawer. Hopefully he has enough talent to beat out Hoyer.

I am still very concerned about the WR's and TE's. Nobody could get open last year and we lost our best threat in #80(although he had lost a step). We need a TE that can get open too!!!

Thinking back on things, I have to give some credit to good ol Kubes on at least having the sack to trade for Dopey. At least they made an effort to get a guy they thought could play. Like Kubes, Dopey got worse and worse as time went on and they both became so predictably shitty!! At least they once upon a time had cohones!!!

I agree, the division keeps getting tougher and tougher. I hope the Titans draft someone besides Marriotta. Can't believe they would stick with Mettenfurburger!!!! Although Marriotta vs Watt footrace could be very entertaining!! We know Watt vs Luck and Watt vs Mettenfurburger, Watt wins.
boardman's Avatar
Mallett had better beat out Hoyer. I get the upside of Hoyer's experience but he doesn't have the size or arm of Mallett.
As a matter of fact if Mallett doesn't come in and take the job they need to cut his ass to avoid the controversy.

We can still get a good WR in the draft but even if we don't we should be OK.
Yeah TE is a concern but it's hard to tell what we have. We just didn't throw to them that much. Believe it or not, having Jones at center replacing Myers and another year of experience on the interior line should make the TEs more productive. Jones and the guards can help open up the middle by being able to put a LB on his ass or tying him up with good play action. That takes time to come together for the O-line. Having a QB that can make that read helps also. Don't forget that Mallet is a son of a coach. That's one of the reasons Bellichick liked him.
Yes, Hopefully Mallet can beat out Hoyer. Hoyer is a Fritz without the Snatch Face!!!

Hopefully Mallet wins the job so the QB can actually see the TE's and determine if they are open or not? Little Fitzsnatchface couldn't see over the O Line!! Hoyer probably can't either.

None of our TE's strike fear into the opponents D. Not like Julius Thomas will. Swearinger or any other guy trying to run with Julius won't be pretty.

McClains latest mock draft had us taking Bud Dupree, and didn't have WR Green Beckham going in the first round. McNuttless would probably never draft a weed man like Beckham so no telling who we will draft at WR. Probably another Keyshwan Martin or Devier Posey!!
pyramider's Avatar
Hoyer is a career backup, and nothing more.