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Mere glimmers in some horny guys' eye...
jbravo_123's Avatar
Dammit, where were all these nerdy hot chicks in 1976?? Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
Mere glimmers in some horny guys' eye... Originally Posted by Glynette
You mean all the hot video game chicks these days?

Back then, they looked like this:

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Well, Eren finally got to join the Recon Corps, but had to get the shit beat out of him to get there....

Levi doesn't like to get dirty.

I made the mistake of picking up a copy of Battlestar Galactica 1980 from a used video was as bad as i remembered it, shit right up there with the Star Wars Christmas Special. For those who don't remember BSG 1980 they arrived on earth and there was no Starbuck or Apollo in it. The flying motorcycles were ok
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Someone mentioned the Oculus (not in this thread) & I said i would post the link to get the word out. Here it is.

Click on image

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 07-14-2013, 01:08 PM
Lets hope it's better then the first go at it.

BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
Mere glimmers in some horny guys' eye... Originally Posted by Glynette
Oh so true. And that hurts
Well, Eren finally got to join the Recon Corps, but had to get the shit beat out of him to get there....

Levi doesn't like to get dirty.
\ Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
I am pretty excited about them getting out into the world with the survey corps. Kind of hope Mikasa splits off from Eren...
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Without Nintendo's Famicom there would be no NES. And without the NES, chances are, the video game industry as we know it would never have existed. It's hard to appreciate history while you're living it, but thirty years ago today on July 15, 1983, Nintendo's Japan-only Family Computer debuted and set off a domino effect that would make video games a global, billion-dollar industry and rank Nintendo as synonymous with gaming itself. Rather than look back with the rosy tint we have for the NES' early days, Ars Technica's gone the informed route to celebrate the system's anniversary. From a condensed account of the console's origins (i.e., failed Atari distribution deal, revised prototypes, soft US launch in 1985) to a walkthrough of the silicon circuitry and hardware add-ons (like the Famicom Disk System and Modem) that only saw the light of day in Japan, the retrospective covers all the bases of gaming's golden era. There's a whole lot more Nintendo trivia packed into the retrospective (did you know the original Famicom's controllers had built-in mics?), so be sure to check it out and pour one out for that famous grey box.
Wakeup's Avatar
I talked to Herb Jefferson about BSG 1980 when he was autographing my poster at Galacticon. He said they always hoped it was going to get better, but it never did. They were all glad when it ended.
I think the main problem with BSG1980 was the fact that there was no Apollo or Starbuck, I think that if they had just had Starbuck back it would have worked but it was like when they tried to replace Tom Wopat and John Schneider on the Dukes of just doesn't work.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I think BSG1980 is actually up on Netflix right now. I'm pretty afraid...
jbravo_123's Avatar

Attack on Titan: Caught up on the anime. Things are in a lull now that the first big battle is over. The Survey Corps, of course, all seem like real badasses.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Finished Book 4 last night and started on Book 5. The series has a very Harry Potteresque feel, but Percy isn't quite the Marty Sue that HP is and while he's a major player in the events in the books, many things don't revolve around him. A good quick read.

Game of Thrones (Season 3): We're working our way through it now and catching up on our tv watching of current shows (recently, we've been clearing through our NetFlix queue). Podrick is awesome, that's all I have to say.
Cholula's Avatar
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Finished Book 4 last night and started on Book 5. The series has a very Harry Potteresque feel, but Percy isn't quite the Marty Sue that HP is and while he's a major player in the events in the books, many things don't revolve around him. A good quick read. Originally Posted by jbravo_123
I found the whole series to be embarrassingly good... I have always been a fan of mythology so I enjoyed some of the tie-ins. If you are enjoying this series might I recommend you continue to Riordan's next series which continues right after this story line... "The Heros of Olympus", the 4th book will be released this fall.

He also has a complete series revolving Egyptian mythology and I recall hearing something that he plans to start one using Norse but I am not sure how either are/will be.

Never heard that term "Mary Sue", had to look it up. I felt the movie version of Percy Jackson was more Mary sure than the books are written. I am hoping the 2nd movie is better will be better than the first one was...
jbravo_123's Avatar
I found the whole series to be embarrassingly good... I have always been a fan of mythology so I enjoyed some of the tie-ins. If you are enjoying this series might I recommend you continue to Riordan's next series which continues right after this story line... "The Heros of Olympus", the 4th book will be released this fall.

He also has a complete series revolving Egyptian mythology and I recall hearing something that he plans to start one using Norse but I am not sure how either are/will be.

Never heard that term "Mary Sue", had to look it up. I felt the movie version of Percy Jackson was more Mary sure than the books are written. I am hoping the 2nd movie is better will be better than the first one was... Originally Posted by Cholula
Thanks for the info! Both the sequel series and the Kane Chronicles (the Egyptian themed one) sound good and I'll give them a try. Finished Book 5 today and I'll move onto those after I finish the Demigod Files.