The Mueller report

I B Hankering's Avatar
What fucking part of obstruction do you not understand Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Barr and Rosenstein ruled that there was no obstruction. What part of that ruling do you not understand? Even Comey admitted that he told Trump that Trump wasn't under investigation. So, what the fuck do you think was obstructed?

And as Lama noted above, "He's not guilty of being a horse thief...he's only guilty of trying not to be hung for it."
  • oeb11
  • 06-19-2019, 11:12 AM
IBH - the DPSY's cannot let go of their narrative.-Russian collusion and obstruction

Fine - Let them Impeach Trump - we will see how that works for them
Impeachment has become a religious mantra for the DPST's and their lock-step doctrine.

They need to invent an excuse other than "Trump Breathes"!!!

That might be a bit embarrasing even to them and CNN and other LSMs to bring to the Senate for Trial.
No One can change their minds - so don't let them get your blood pressure up over it.

Rather, let them get all bent out of shape about their specious positions, and let them have the heart attacks and strokes pursuant to .....
Jaxson66's Avatar

Barr and Rosenstein ruled that there was no obstruction. What part of that ruling do you not understand? Even Comey admitted that he told Trump that Trump wasn't under investigation. So, what the fuck do you think was obstructed?

And as Lama noted above, "He's not guilty of being a horse thief...he's only guilty of trying not to be hung for it."
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Barr is involved in a cover up and Comey informed Mango Mussolini that he was not a subject of the investigation of the trump campaign and Russian connections. The obstruction investigation began the day he fired Comey for not “ letting Flynn go “.

The Fucking truth was obstructed! Mueller documents incidents of witnesses destroying evidence, refusing to cooperate , and perjury.

BTW pressure was being applied to Manafort by moving him to Rikers
Island but Barr interfered in his transfer. Manafort destroyed evidence and is keeping his mouth shut. He doesn’t have much more time to sit on what he knows, he might cut himself another plea deal. Then what...another batch of Hillary’s emails will surface or the Benghazi smoking gun will be pulled from Nunes ass. It could be Pelosi wants to slow walk the inquiry’s all the way to the election just for payback.
bambino's Avatar
Barr is involved in a cover up and Comey informed Mango Mussolini that he was not a subject of the investigation of the trump campaign and Russian connections. The obstruction investigation began the day he fired Comey for not “ letting Flynn go “.

The Fucking truth was obstructed! Mueller documents incidents of witnesses destroying evidence, refusing to cooperate , and perjury.

BTW pressure was being applied to Manafort by moving him to Rikers
Island but Barr interfered in his transfer. Manafort destroyed evidence and is keeping his mouth shut. He doesn’t have much more time to sit on what he knows, he might cut himself another plea deal. Then what...another batch of Hillary’s emails will surface or the Benghazi smoking gun will be pulled from Nunes ass. It could be Pelosi wants to slow walk the inquiry’s all the way to the election just for payback. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The Benghazi smoking guns were pulled out of 4 dead Americans asses.
  • oeb11
  • 06-19-2019, 11:45 AM
j666- "It could be Pelosi wants to slow walk the inquiry’s all the way to the election just for payback."
One thiing j666 got right - DPST's are trying to prolong the false narrative until the election.
They do not dare try to put charges in front of a public Senate Trial
all the Schiff/Nadler hand waving of "Evidence" is McCarthyite tactics.

Does j666 know any history of the discredited Senator from Wisconsin??? Doubt it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Barr is involved in a cover up and Comey informed Mango Mussolini that he was not a subject of the investigation of the trump campaign and Russian connections. The obstruction investigation began the day he fired Comey for not “ letting Flynn go “.

The Fucking truth was obstructed! Mueller documents incidents of witnesses destroying evidence, refusing to cooperate , and perjury.

BTW pressure was being applied to Manafort by moving him to Rikers
Island but Barr interfered in his transfer. Manafort destroyed evidence and is keeping his mouth shut. He doesn’t have much more time to sit on what he knows, he might cut himself another plea deal. Then what...another batch of Hillary’s emails will surface or the Benghazi smoking gun will be pulled from Nunes ass. It could be Pelosi wants to slow walk the inquiry’s all the way to the election just for payback.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Barr is covering up nothing. Trump fired Comey because Comey was a duplicitous, J Edgar wanna be SOB who was letting rumors run rampant in the lame-stream media while refusing to make public what he told Trump face-to-face: "Trump was not under investigation".

Manafort was convicted of a white collar crime. That the vengeful dim-retard SOBs want to uncharacteristically send him to Rikers is the real miscarriage of justice here.
lustylad's Avatar
What fucking part of obstruction do you not understand Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Barr and Rosenstein ruled that there was no obstruction. What part of that ruling do you not understand? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Jaxboy clearly doesn't understand the law on obstruction. His own post (#644) mentioned the need to prove "corrupt intent". That went out the window when Mueller found no collusion/conspiracy. It became obvious Trump's intent WASN'T corrupt since there was no underlying crime for him to cover up. His intent was to fight back against being unfairly accused.

Jaxboy is irate because he thinks dimotards should be free to sling their mud and lies and false narratives at Republicans - without being subjected to any pushback!!

The nerve of that guy Donald Trump!!

The obstruction investigation began the day he fired Comey for not “ letting Flynn go “. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You might want to check the actual facts on that.

The White House released three letters concerning Comey’s dismissal. The basic rationale was that Comey’s public handling of the Clinton email investigation during the election was inappropriate and eroded public trust in the FBI.

•President Donald Trump: Trump wrote that Comey was “not able to effectively lead the Bureau.”

•Attorney General Jeff Sessions: In a letter addressed to the president, Sessions recommended Comey’s termination, indicating that “a fresh start is needed at the leadership of the FBI.” Sessions based his reasoning on Comey’s decision to comment publicly on the investigation into Clinton’s email use.

•Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein: Rosenstein’s memo, addressed to Sessions, detailed his rationale for termination, focusing primarily on Comey’s decisions to hold a press conference in July and to send two letters to Congress in October and November 2016 concerning Clinton’s email use. Rosenstein concluded, “The way the Director handled the conclusion of the email investigation was wrong. As a result, the FBI is unlikely to regain public and congressional trust until it has a Director who understands the gravity of the mistakes and pledges never to repeat them. Having refused to admit his errors, the Director cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions.”
Jaxboy clearly doesn't understand the law on obstruction. His own post (#644) mentioned the need to prove "corrupt intent". That went out the window when Mueller found no collusion/conspiracy. It became obvious Trump's intent WASN'T corrupt since there was no underlying crime for him to cover up. His intent was to fight back against being unfairly accused.

Jaxboy is irate because he thinks dimotards should be free to sling their mud and lies and false narratives at Republicans - without being subjected to any pushback!!

The nerve of that guy Donald Trump!!

Originally Posted by lustylad
He dosn't understand Law period and neither do a bunch of these other liberals jackasses. It's beyond pathetic now.
lustylad's Avatar
Rosenstein’s memo, addressed to Sessions, detailed his rationale for termination, focusing primarily on Comey’s decisions to hold a press conference in July and to send two letters to Congress in October and November 2016 concerning Clinton’s email use. Originally Posted by eccielover

The dimotards hated Comey for reopening the hildebeest email investigation 11 days before the 2016 election. Many dims, including hildabitch herself, blamed their defeat on this action by Comey.

And yet, when Comey is fired - and the official DOJ memo cites as the reason for his dismissal the very conduct the dimotards had complained about - the dimotards are upset and rush to the defense of the same dipshit they accused of costing them the election!!

How stupid and irrational can they possibly be??
bambino's Avatar
The dimotards hated Comey for reopening the hildebeest email investigation 11 days before the 2016 election. Many dims, including hildabitch herself, blamed their defeat on this action by Comey.

And yet, when Comey is fired - and the official DOJ memo cites as the reason for his dismissal the very conduct the dimotards had complained about - the dimotards are upset and rush to the defense of the same dipshit they accused of costing them the election!!

How stupid and irrational can they possibly be?? Originally Posted by lustylad
They can be incredible hypocrites.
  • oeb11
  • 06-19-2019, 02:39 PM
Including - 2016 DPST's nominated one of the most unlikeable and untrustworthy Persons in the US
How much did Comey have to do with swaying the election to Trump- very little IMHO
Hillary got beat on her own persona and platform, and the reaction of middle America to being labelled "Deplorables".

Hypocritical DPST's are just looking for a scapegoat for their own failure
One of the characteristics of DPST- complete denial of any personal sense of responsibility for their own self or actions

For confirmation - please see j666 posts above.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Hope Hicks testimony will be available in 48 hrs in transcript form so the informed voters can read for themselves the many times trump’s lawyers claimed “Absolute Immunity” and refused to let that sweet thing testify. From the day that fat lying bastard took office till the day she jumped ship, now she’s on her way to court. She must be doing well to afford all those attorneys fees.

The Fake news president claims absolute immunity for his crimes..Pathetic
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hope Hicks testimony will be available in 48 hrs in transcript form so the informed voters can read for themselves the many times trump’s lawyers claimed “Absolute Immunity” and refused to let that sweet thing testify. From the day that fat lying bastard took office till the day she jumped ship, now she’s on her way to court. She must be doing well to afford all those attorneys fees.

The Fake news president claims absolute immunity for his crimes..Pathetic Originally Posted by Jaxson66
you claim crimes. you should read what "Absolute Immunity" means.

Absolute immunity

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to navigation Jump to search Absolute immunity is a form of legal immunity for government officials that confers total immunity from criminal prosecution and lawsuits so long as they are acting within the scope of their duties.[1] Absolute immunity contrasts with qualified immunity, which only applies if specified conditions are met.

In common law jurisdictions, absolute civil immunity applies in the following circumstances:
  • lawmakers engaged in the legislative process;[2]
  • judges acting in their judicial capacity;[3]
  • government prosecutors while making charging decisions (although prosecutors are only entitled to qualified immunity if they are acting outside of their function as a prosecutor);[4]
  • witnesses while testifying in court (although the witness may be prosecuted for perjury if the testimony is deliberately false);[5]
  • lawyers in certain circumstances related to fraud[6]

Hicks did not answer any questions related to her time in the White House on advice of her DOJ appointed lawyer. So no perjury applies. Executive privilege should be enough to cover Hicks. That Trump is applying Absolute Immunity does not by default confirm a crime. He could have claimed executive privilege on all witnesses Mueller wanted to interview. McGahn probably could have claimed attorney-client privilege on his own. But none of that happened. Trump allowed them all to speak with Mueller. He's taking a hard tack because the Democrats can't accept the fact that Mueller DECLINED TO INDICT. this so-called road map is nothing more than the "best" an establishment (Republican) bum known for corrupt legal tactics could do after two years .. with the cooperation of the White House.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
you claim crimes. you should read what "Absolute Immunity" means.

Absolute immunity

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid