Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

lustylad's Avatar
I'm saying Trump started the Biden "investigation" via Guiliani, last March. the phone call, the "by the way, can you do something for us"? part, did not originate at that time. Trump wants us to think it did, because Guiliani's doings are the worst of this whole matter.

"investigation" in quotes, because it is about obtaining dirt, not a REAL legal-type investigation. that part is Horseshit. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Keep grasping at straws, chungy. All you're doing is distracting from the bottom line - Biden is corrupt, the MSM was covering it up, trumpy spotlighted it, and now the dim-retards are stupidly claiming we should be outraged at the guy who exposed the corruption instead of the corruption itself!

Biden's dirt is real, chungy.
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2019, 02:35 PM
LL- Your summation above is correct, IMHO.
You will not get the DPST's to admit that - it puts them in the position of agreeing Biden is corrupt - which he is on tape admitting - and their front runner nominee is toast.

They cannot do that.

Got to Deny, resist, obstruct.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Keep grasping at straws, chungy. All you're doing is distracting from the bottom line - Biden is corrupt, the MSM was covering it up, trumpy spotlighted it, and now the dim-retards are stupidly claiming we should be outraged at the guy who exposed the corruption instead of the corruption itself!

Biden's dirt is real, chungy. Originally Posted by lustylad

If the fat lying bastard was concerned about eliminating family corruption he could start with his family. Ivanka has been receiving perks from China since she received her position in the White House and Jared has received loans from the Kingdom to save his 666 property in Manhattan. Perks that are public so who knows what else those crooks are up to.

Talk about corrupt nepotism, the fat lying bastard gave family security clearances to his rat pack to classified information, others had to pass investigations, but not his sewer rats.

That dirts real Krusty.
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2019, 03:01 PM
J666 - please forward your accusations to Schiff and Pelosi.

If there were clear evidence of criminal behavior by trump or family - don't you think (oops- my bad - you don't - you just follow the DPST party line) that open, formal investigations would have been undertaken by now?
All that is out there is MCarthyite evidence in Schiff's hand - and non-disclosure.

Considering the hatred for Trump by the DPST's - if there was evidence of crime and corruption - it would have progressed to open hearing and a House vote for impeachment.

If the DPST's come up with real crime - let's see the evidence and have a trial.

All that is released so far - Trump won in 2016 and he continues to breathe. yet that is all the House needs to vote to Impeach. When they do - it may well come back to burn the DPST's bigly.

J666- please publish here your proof of Trump crimes.

Enquiring minds would like to know.

Such a shame to waste a life with such hatred.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar

Catherine Croft, a Ukraine specialist who was an aide to former special envoy Kurt Volker, is expected to testify Wednesday that she was part of a July meeting with the White House Office of Management and Budget in which an official said the hold on military aid to Ukraine came “at the direction of the president,” according to her opening statement.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Lemme see if I'm following the bouncing ball here:

Some day soon, someone who tangentially worked for someone who worked for someone might come forward to recount how some other random person, who likely worked for someone, said that they thought the GEPOTUS was holding up funds, presumably told to them by someone, that he is allowed hold up. What is that, like 16 degrees of separation?!?

After you read that three times, you should not be surprised to see why nobody considers you as an entity capable of any rational thought capacity. Yet, the worst part is that you were given that snippet from yet another fake news peddler and you read it and believed it - hook, line and sinker, without even digesting it.
Hotrod511's Avatar

Such a shame to waste a life with such hatred. Originally Posted by oeb11
He's a dim-retard who lives in Texas he has no life
lustylad's Avatar
If the fat lying bastard was concerned about eliminating family corruption he could start with his family. Ivanka has been receiving perks from China since she received her position in the White House and Jared has received loans from the Kingdom to save his 666 property in Manhattan. Perks that are public so who knows what else those crooks are up to. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Perks from China? A set of ivory chopsticks? Free mandarin lessons for her children? Tell us more!

Loans from the Kingdom? Is that the Upper Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, or the Lower Kingdom? Or are you referring to Brookfield Asset Management?

According to the liberal New York Times, the Kushners aren't doing too well with Jared working in the White House. I don't know what your definition of corruption is, but I always figured it means using your office to increase your wealth, not diminish it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He's a dim-retard who lives in Texas he has no life Originally Posted by Hotrod511

can we deport him to Kalifornica?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Perks from China? A set of ivory chopsticks? Free mandarin lessons for her children? Tell us more!

Loans from the Kingdom? Is that the Upper Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom, or the Lower Kingdom? Or are you referring to Brookfield Asset Management?

According to the liberal New York Times, the Kushners aren't doing too well with Jared working in the White House. I don't know what your definition of corruption is, but I always figured it means using your office to increase your wealth, not diminish it. Originally Posted by lustylad

the Kingdom of Brookfield. i hear it's a lovely place to vacation.

matchingmole's Avatar
J666 - please forward your accusations to Schiff and Pelosi.

If there were clear evidence of criminal behavior by trump or family - don't you think (oops- my bad - you don't - you just follow the DPST party line) that open, formal investigations would have been undertaken by now?
All that is out there is MCarthyite evidence in Schiff's hand - and non-disclosure.

Considering the hatred for Trump by the DPST's - if there was evidence of crime and corruption - it would have progressed to open hearing and a House vote for impeachment.

If the DPST's come up with real crime - let's see the evidence and have a trial.

All that is released so far - Trump won in 2016 and he continues to breathe. yet that is all the House needs to vote to Impeach. When they do - it may well come back to burn the DPST's bigly.

J666- please publish here your proof of Trump crimes.

Enquiring minds would like to know.

Such a shame to waste a life with such hatred. Originally Posted by oeb11
Trump makes loud noises when he breathes
Jaxson66's Avatar
He's a dim-retard who lives in Texas he has no life Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Well, aren’t you clever. At least that’s your personal opinion for a change and you’re not carrying a piss bucket for others.

Grab yourself a few atta boys from the Cult45 coffer
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2019, 04:43 PM
Trump makes loud noises when he breathes Originally Posted by matchingmole

Perfectly adequate excuse to vote for Impeachment of Trump according to the DPST's!!!!!
  • oeb11
  • 10-30-2019, 04:46 PM
Well, aren’t you clever. At least that’s your personal opinion for a change and you’re not carrying a piss bucket for others.

Grab yourself a few atta boys from the Cult45 coffer Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Gonna post your "evidence" J666????
Enquiring minds want to know.

Or just taking a McCarthyite lesson from Schiff on Hatred???
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump makes loud noises when he breathes Originally Posted by matchingmole

you make loud noises when you post.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Gonna post your "evidence" J666????
Enquiring minds want to know.

Or just taking a McCarthyite lesson from Schiff on Hatred??? Originally Posted by oeb11

You truly don’t realize how fucking stupid your request is, do you?

The intelligence committee will be posting their evidence for you to read, but I doubt the National Enquirer will publish the facts.

I suggest you upgrade your reading material.