Both numbers look suspect to me. PP is obviously trying to minimize its abortion activity, and the 3% number is clearly bogus. But it's important not to inflate the number either. Rep. Lummins said 86% of PP's non-taxpayer revenue is from performing abortions. That's too high. Do the math. Their total revenues are $1.2 billion, of which taxpayers fund around $500 million. They perform roughly 350,000 abortions a year. Assuming they charge $500 each, then revenues from abortions would be $175 million and repesent 25% of non-taxpayer revenues and 15% of PP's total revenues.heres some more math:
I'm against taxpayer funding for PP but let's have some honest accounting here. Where did the 86% number come from?
. Originally Posted by lustylad
your number of 1.2 billion in "revenues" isn't quite right, that might well be its budget but it isn't its revenue from services
it includes the taxpayer funding as you state, but it also includes gifts and grants and investment income
for example:
over $1.6 million was granted to PP by the Ford Foundation in 2011 and they have donated each year since at least 2007
Wikipedia says that grants and donations to PP were about $190 million in FYE 6-30-2011.
what gifts were in the 1.2 billion number i don't know