NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

I putting my drunk ass to bed!!! I expect the "numbers" reported to me in the morning or your fired bt!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
I will concede that TJ has more rushing yards per game started if you will concede that Schaub has a higher percentage of rushing touchdowns per game started, a higher percentage of touchdown passes per game started, a lower percentage of sacks per game started, a higher avg qb rating per game started, a higher percentage of yards per pass attempt, a higher percentage of pass completions for number of passes attempted, a higher average of passing yards per game started, a higher touchdown to interception percentage, fewer fumbles per game, and a higher winning percentage per games started.

That should be sufficient for us to engage in a worthwhile discussion!

Now, can I keep my job?
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  • Satin
  • 12-20-2011, 03:25 AM
OMFG, this shit is priceless....I haven't laughed this hard in a while. "candy ass" ..."nutless wonder"? Daddio, stop it.. "Dude Daddio"? BT, you're killing me..

So are we gonna even talk about "The Mannings" at all? Guess not...
Round 2 coming up....
OMFG, this shit is priceless....I haven't laughed this hard in a while. "candy ass" ..."nutless wonder"? Daddio, stop it.. "Dude Daddio"? BT, you're killing me..

So are we gonna even talk about "The Mannings" at all? Guess not...
Round 2 coming up.... Originally Posted by Satin
I kinda enjoyed it myself! It was fun watching the Dude paint himself into a corner then try to figure out a way to somehow slip out gracefully! He was screaming to anyone who would listen that his ding-a-ling was bigger than mine. But when he pulled it out it was only 1'2" long. At the end of the night, Dude took comfort in knowing that his ding-a-ling had more rushing yards than mine!

No matter how hard you try, you can't make this shit up! Absolutely priceless!

Hell, Dude Daddio is Larry, Curly and Moe all rolled into one!
Bt or schaub or dopey or dopey's cunt ass lil brother whoever you are, someday you may acquire some football knowledge(if you listen to me and satin enough)and be able to see that we just might be better off with the young stallion instead of the one foot wonder, until then just choke on dopey's nut sack!! Dopey would not take us to the playoffs he has proven that over and over each year. You can even see how kubs is excited about the young guy instead of hiding behind his dennys menu and knowing the dopester was about to fuck up another game. Hey numbers man what's the score on how many games dopey has fucked up compared to tj??? 20 to 1? Oh wait, tj didn't totally fuck that game up, foster, the defense, rackets, Reggie herring, then tj pitched in some but dope would have beat foster to the punch and screwed the pooch even earlier. We all saw it time and time again, week after week. At least with TJ we stand a fighting chance.
Fucking Eli Manning, the best part of that retarded little pussy dripped down his mommas leg after archie busted a nut in her 9 months before Eli was born. Had to vent cause he costs me my fantasy football playoff game this weekend.

Bt what do you know about peytons neck surgery? I am sure you have had the same surgery as many cocks as you have swallowed over the years. What are those numbers??

Keep in mind you Pansy ass, I am just fucking with you!!! But schaub still sucks or is it you still suck??? be sure to grease the wheels on your hover round!!!
Fucking Eli Manning, the best part of that retarded little pussy dripped down his mommas leg after archie busted a nut in her 9 months before Eli was born. Had to vent cause he costs me my fantasy football playoff game this weekend.

Bt what do you know about peytons neck surgery? I am sure you have had the same surgery as many cocks as you have swallowed over the years. What are those numbers??

Keep in mind you Pansy ass, I am just fucking with you!!! But schaub still sucks or is it you still suck??? be sure to grease the wheels on your hover round!!!
Sorry about the double post. Usually I have to wait for bt to immortalize my quotes in his weak ass comebacks to see them twice.
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  • Satin
  • 12-20-2011, 03:25 PM
Damn Daddio, I think me and you need to hit a strip club to take out some aggression on some You coming strong bro..

When I said the Mannings, I was actually referring to the Colts. Without Peyton, there is no team right ?

I'm waiting to get everyone's take on the game Thursday. When I can finally pull you 2 boys apart, let's all sit down, have a beer and talk football....
Bt or schaub or dopey or dopey's cunt ass lil brother whoever you are Originally Posted by Daddio
Geez Dude, do you have attention deficit disorder? Satin outed me several weeks ago. I will once again take it from the top, his sis is my gf!
(Yet another example: We buy Dude's books and send him to school and he's still dumber than a box of rocks!)

I'm waiting to get everyone's take on the game Thursday. Originally Posted by Satin
Houston 17 Indy 13

I'm still concerned about our offense. There are too many injuries, especially on the offensive side of the ball. I understand that injuries are part of the game but it continues to take its toll. Fortunately, Indy is no longer an elite team and we should be able to overcome the injuries and win a narrow victory (I hope)! Our D should hold Orlovsky in check which should go a long way towards securing a hard fought victory!

I hope Dre will be able to return against Tennessee the following week. He needs reps prior to the playoffs!

I'm waiting to get everyone's take on the game Thursday. When I can finally pull you 2 boys apart, let's all sit down, have a beer and talk football.... Originally Posted by Satin
I think Dude Daddio is a hoot. Especially when his/her panties are in a wad!
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Dre is out again. We need receivers. :/
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Dre is out again. We need receivers. :/ Originally Posted by Blackbuddy05
We'll be good for Indy. Their strength is still Mathis and Freeney. I don't see us passing too much in the game. Steady dose of Foster and Tate is what I'm expecting.
Oh ok bt I got it now, you like to be called sis and you are schaubs girlfriend.

Living in Austin I expected you to be outed as Mack Browns big necked gay lover!!!

Yes satin I do need to unleash a load or three on some poor lil stripper!!! This is a stressful time of year then having to listen to the schaubaholic spout meaningless numbers over and over. I pity the lil stripper I meat next, she better have a long neck like peyton and bt because I will test the bounds of her 3 hole golf course!!!

As for the game I agree this will be a game for pride with Indy. They will show up to play hard. We better bring it in the offensive line as even that part of our game tends to be lacking on several occasions. And kubs will try to pound the rock to avoid mathis and freeney. Even orlovsky will be out for pride. Tough game but we should prevail 23 - 17.

And Tj will rush for more yards than schaub again.
And Tj will rush for more yards than schaub again. Originally Posted by Daddio
Hell, Johnny U, Dan Marino or Peyton Manning could have rushed for more yards than my gf's brother!

They were all slow as Christmas. But they could each throw a football and drive defenses crazy!

Just sayin'
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  • Satin
  • 12-21-2011, 09:09 AM
That's more like least you boys back to talking football
Could be a tough game Thursday night. No Andre, OD is banged up, Dreissen is even banged up. Jacoby is usually no help, Walter likes to disappear, where the fuck is Casey?

Our D better show up bigtime. I have a feeling we may need it. I haven't watched Indy at all this season thank goodness, are they still horrible against the run? Where's my stat n snatch? C'mon man!!