NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

boardman's Avatar
regarding Swearinger. Fuck head could absolutely not wrap up. Trying to knock down guys who are bigger and tougher than you won't work in the NFL. Besides, he had no closing speed. Originally Posted by spear88
Definitely a huge fault trying to go all Polamalu on too many guys asses. Looks like the whole me first attitude was the reason for it.

Didn't take long for him to find a home though. He'll be starting at SS in Tampa.
Anybody like the rule change moving the PATs out to the 15 yard line? I think it's kinda stupid. Only a few extra points will be missed. The NFL put rules in place to keep the O-line from getting creamed on punts and PATs, this just undoes part of it.

Bigger issue: I won't have the extra 3 minutes to go to the bathroom or grab a beer.

I do like the defense can score on a botched XP now. Gives JJ another way to put points on the board.
TMZ may soon be reporting on a mysterious late-night visitor to NFL boss Goodell's home......resembles Gisele Bundchen, and soon afterwards, a lot of speculation about why Tom Brady's suspension has been dropped!
fragtasticator's Avatar
Definitely a huge fault trying to go all Polamalu on too many guys asses. Looks like the whole me first attitude was the reason for it.

Didn't take long for him to find a home though. He'll be starting at SS in Tampa. Originally Posted by boardman
Swearinger says he was surprised he was cut and kept saying he was looking forward to the opportunity to 'start over'.

NOBODY was willing to give up anything for the guy; the Texans apparently were shopping him since before the draft.

Clearly he pissed off the staff in Houston and word had gotten arond that Swearinger had a very high opinion of himself, and his abilities, opinions that weren't backed up by his play on the field.

His 'Swagg' and ego definitely took a hit on this one; maybe it'll be the wakeup call he needs to become more coachable, and therefore more successful.

Of course, that might be expecting too much from a guy who stole his own pickup truck.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 05-27-2015, 09:00 AM
It looks like the Texans will be on Hard Knocks after all. To be honest, I'm pretty surprised. Surprised both that BOB and McNair would allow this - AND surprised that HBO actually wants them.

The Texans are a well run, drama free franchise and don't have the controversy, knuckleheads and drama that HBO normally looks for. It'll be interesting to see what story lines they try to develop. I'm sure it will feature a steady diet of Justin James Watt, BabyMaker and possibly the "QB competition/controversy" that will occur. I wonder how long it'll be before BOB gets annoyed with the cameras and goes off. I'm sure they will tell the players not to say or do anything stupid.

Will the public watch or have much interest? That will be the question. I'll tune in for sure.
BigLouie's Avatar
I'll watch but I am guessing BoB hates this with a passion
I'll watch. That is a great show. The Clowns rehab will be a story line for sure too.

JJ will be featured a lot. Deservedly so.

It will be good tv with BOB and his tough minded attitude. It would have sucked with pussy boy Kubes and his ah jee whilickers line of BS.
BigLouie's Avatar
Just saw a report that JJ Watt is in Paris with girlfriend.
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 05-28-2015, 11:20 AM
Poor Justin. Dude can't even take a dump w/o cameras recording it.

I think you're right Daddio. It's only a matter of time before the Clown gives us some much needed entertainment. I just get the feeling the dude has a dark side we don't know about. Vince Winford might also give us some great sound bites.

It's too bad we don't have Swearinger anymore. That would have been a automatic non-stop train wreck no one could avoid.
Oh man, that's right, Swearinger would have been epic on Hard Knocks!!! McNuttless would have the big one after they aired Jungle boi swag or whatever the fuck his twitter handle on HBO!!!

That might have been another reason they punted ol DJSwag to the curb, can't have him representin the HTown class act McNuttless mandates. LOL.

BOB will give us some good Rex Ryan type coachisms on the show!!! Can't wait. Looking forward to seeing some of the other coaching personalities. I like Cox and Tice on the show last year with The Falcons. They were funny as hell at times.
Wakeup's Avatar
The Texans are a well run, drama free franchise and don't have the controversy, knuckleheads and drama that HBO normally looks for.

Will the public watch or have much interest? That will be the question. I'll tune in for sure. Originally Posted by Satin
You're not thinking this through. This has nothing to do with the fans. It has everything to do with the image of the NFL. After Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, Jonathan Dwyer, Deflategate, and, of course, Aaron Hernandez, this is just what the NFL wants. No drama, golden boy Watt, soft spoken, mediocre Texans that no one really loves or hates.

No doubt they were tagged from the get go...
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 05-28-2015, 11:03 PM
Actually I did think it through. Although it's true the NFL is looking for some positive things to repair its image, there is one thing that HBO cares about the most - RATINGS. Everything I read about the show focused on "ratings/viewership", which is what puts money in their pockets. The HBO announcement mentions the show last year with the Falcons averaged 3.6 viewers per episode, which HBO was very happy about.

"No other sports reality series can match the critical acclaim, awards and AUDIENCE NUMBERS posted by the Hard Knocks franchise."

This is the 10th year of the 5 episode show. If viewers feel the Texans are boring and don't watch, HBO won't be thrilled. The NFL could get its wish of portraying a positive franchise and that could be a win. Furthermore, early reports talked about Cleveland and Tampa Bay being the early favorites.

Hopefully it will go well for all parties. This 10 year anniversary show will be carefully watched and scrutinized. August 11th can't get here soon enough...
Wakeup's Avatar
Um...HBO doesn't pick the team alone...if at all. NFL Films is the contract signer...guess who has the real say there. If no one volunteers, then the NFL forces one team to do it...HBO can say jack shit about that.

If the contract guarantees some minimum viewership ratings, and the can't meet it with the Texans, then the NFL will have no problem ponying up the penalty fee and chalking it up to marketing.

JJ will pull the ratings though...everyone wins with the humdrum Texans on the show...
^^^ even more so now that it is being widely publicized that he doesn't really want to be part of the show. Ppl love some controversy.
pyramider's Avatar
Even an attention whores like Rex Ryan and Jerry Jones do not want Hard Knocks.