a music thread for a break. post away.

JCM800's Avatar
Slayer Guitarist Jeff Hanneman dies of liver failure ...only 49yrs old.
....a sad fucking day in the metal world


RIP Jeff

Gotta say I won't miss Slayer if they now break up.

Their "music" is absolutely unlistenable trash. Here is a fun game - try to hum the melody of any Slayer "song".

I don't know what's worse - heavy metal or rap.
bojulay's Avatar
Listening to Pink Floyd Ummagumma this evening. Very experimental.

One of the tracks

a taste


but the version on ummagumma is the best
I'm sorry I'm on a roll

One of the all time greats


Wait for 15:27 - and think of a girl exploding in your mouth
  • 05-03-2013, 05:08 PM
How cum i can't watch any of the videos, do I have to enable java script? But, I saw an article on Yahoo stating their is a flaw in java that hacker can hack your computer and steal password and peep at you through your webcam without the led light being lit. Why are there some on here log on and yet does not have a green dot like the rest of us Chica Chaser or another moderator can answer?